
Alpha x Alpha

What happens when a dominant Alpha Wolf is paired to an equally dominant Alpha Wolf by some twisted form of fate? Well, only Hell breaks loose! Will Blake and Aries break the boundaries and let their pride down to admit their love for each other before one them reap their throats out? Most likely not.

TracerArt · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
61 Chs

Red: Searing Anguish

Blake blinked as he heard the chattering of birds amongst the trees. He felt like he dozed off for a long time as rubs his eyes with right hand.

His eyes adjusted to the oddly warm light that caught his gaze. He slowly turned his head to look around.

He was on a field of tall almost golden, yellow grass. The scent of the fresh wind drifted through the air as if caressing him for another slumber.

Blake let out a yawn and leaned back slightly against the soft grass. Feeling the sleepnessness evelope his mind.

He was about to close his eyes when something caught his eyes waddling on his periferal view.

He blinked and the figure vanished followed by a soft giggle.

He sat up straight and turned. But there was nothing t be seen but endless sea of grass.

The occassional breeze blew pass him and it causes his eyes to droop once again.

He yawned as he stretched his arms and decided that he was just hearing things.

But as soon as he lies down, the sound of giggling came back. Blake was sure it was coming from a toddler.

He stood up and looked over the sea of grass for the owner of that voice. His feet started to move as he strode the tall blades of grass, moving them aside as he searched.

The voice vanished again but appeared not soon after at a different direction.

Blake stopped and his chest heaved as he breathed. His eyes darted to every direction the voice or rather the gigging sound seem to appear and disappear from no specific direction.

He then felt something oddly warm grab his leg. And as he looked down, he saw a toddler not older than 2 holding into his leg.

At this time, Blake noticed that he was naked in front of an infant.

As he felt panic about how indecent he was, the babe nuzzled into his leg like a pup.

Blake decided to reach down and pull the kid from his leg.

The toddler giggled as Blake pulled him up and when he looked into the kid's eyes he was suprised to see the big, beautiful green and red orbs of his eyes.

The kid stopped giggling for a moment as he stares into Blake. The toddler craned his head to the side before blinking.

It started giggling again and reached out its tiny hands towards Blake.

"Da...da...da-da...Da..." The toddler started to spout words out of his small lips.

Blake wasn't sure what to do at this moment. He hasn't held a kid in his life before and he was unsure what to do at this time.

"What are you doing here kid?" Blake asked but the toddler just continued to squirm on his hands. "Where are you're parents? Where a-"

At this moment Blake noticed something odd. He wasn't sure but he felt that he wasn't somewhere different.

He tried to remember why was he here but his head just hurt.

It was then that the kid moved so much that it caused his hold on the toddler to loosen and with that broke Blake's reprieve and quickly held the kid to his chest. Which earned a happy jibberish talk from the kid while hilding unto his neck.

Blake sighed in relief.

He turned around once again and noticed the field of grass seems to go on forever from every end.

Chill ran down his spine as he soon felt a cold breeze brush against his bare skin. He tried to think of a reason on what's going on but every conclusion ends the same.

He shook his head violently as ge tried to brush off the idea.

"I'm dead am I?" He asked to no one.

And yet the warm hands of the toddler against him felt alive. He turned to look at the kid nuzzling its button nose against Blake's neck.

He traced the adorable wolf print jammies the kid was wearing and chuckled for a moment that he found it cute.

It reminded him of something.

It reminded Blake of his mate.

"Aries." Blake's lips mouthed out of instinct making the toddler blink from its nap.

It sleepily turned to look around with heavy eyes. The young one let out a sleepy yawn as he blinked sleepily at Blake.

"Pa...pa..." The kid called before looking up at me with his mesmerizing eyes before placing his warm hands over my cheeks.

It was oddly warm and comforting. Blake didn't know this feeling and yet it felt so familial.

"Da..daa...dada...da-da..." The toddler talked in his own language as he smiled at Blake.

Blake felt a sense of warmth welling inside him. He wasn't sure what it was but it made him calm.

He looked at the toddler in his arms giggling while reaching out towards him. Blake brought the kid closer into a hug and nuzzled against his shoulder as he smell like milk and Aries. He blinked and pulled out to look at the toddler confused.

He was sure that the kid has Aries' scent.

Blake started to well up as tears started to pour down his cheeks. He didn't understand why but he felt something warm in his heart.

"Damn kid." Blake spoke as he brought the giggling kid towards him in an oddly nurturing embrace. "You made me cry. Glad Aries isn't here to see me weep like a bitch." He chuckled nervously as the toddler mouthed his baby gibberish while slapping Blake's back playfully.

But where was he. Blake noticed the field he was at and didn't remember any field he had went to. The atmosphere felt like a dreamy, stoic air drifting around giving out out like a dreamy vibe.

Blake reach out to his side with his free hand and flashes of a wound interrupted his thoughts as the stinging felt quite real for a brief moment.

He remembered he fell.

"Dada...da..." The toddler might felt Blake standing frozen that he reached out to slap his small palms over Blake's cheek.

Blake blinked as he felt the warm hands hitting him that he looked at the kid in his arm with sad dread.

"I'm dead am I?" He asked the kid and the toddler blinked at him confused.

The kid started to reach reach out the opposite way that Blake had to quickly held the toddler from falling and yet the boy squirmed in his hold as if he wanted Blake to let him down.

Blake didn't know how but he seem how he knew but he lets the toddler to the ground as the kid stood for a moment, Blake's hand not far off, as the boy started to wobble and eventually fall on his butt. Blake expected the kid to start crying but he didn't.

The kid instead started by looking around and started pushing himself up, all along Blake looking at the toddler worriedly than his current situation. But with a couple of tries the kid, stood up, wobbled for a moment, then started to stride forward with his little feet.

Blake looked at the kid and felt kind of proud and slowly stood up and started to follow the kid.

The breeze slowly shifted as each step they took. Blake looked at the kid with every intent to keep him safe. Even the toddler shifts every so often but Blake oddly found it a little bit cute. He pondered this emotion for awhile they are walking.

Blake stopped as he noticed the kid had disappeared. Panic enveloped his chest as he started to look around, searching for the kid like a parent who lost his child.

"Kid! Where are you?!" Blake yelled as he swiped fistful of blades of grass left and right. "Kid!"

Blake turned frantically over each corner of the field. He felt distress as the heavy thumping in his chest. He just knew this kid for a few minutes but he felt an intense connection with the toddler.

As Blake turned once again, as his eyes were welcomed by a different place. Not quite different, actually, it was in his high school. The place was unmistakable his high school!

The halls were crowded with the students and faculty and Blake quickly looked over himself and found that he was wearing clothes. He gave a sigh of relief before someone bumped into him.

He was grabbed the person's shoulder and pushed to turn to speak to him but what caught Blake's eyes shook his soul.

The person has darkened, blank faces.

Blake lets go and backs off slowly. The person looked blankly at him shortly before turning to walk back. Blake's hand shook as if he was in a nightmare.

Voices started to echo in his ear. A ringing that sung his ears that made Blake growl as he tried covering them up with his hands.

"What the fuck!?" He cussed as he backs off and knocking someone behind him down the floor. Blake turned to look and found someone badly beaten sprawled on the floor. He looked placid for a moment before recognizing the person lying helpless on the ground.

Then the ringing started again.

It started as quiet murmurs then slowly accelerated into loud and clear voices.


"Dumb Jock."

"Stupid Alpha."




Curses drifted unto Blake's ears that it physically flooded his head with pain. His eyes shook and the pang of words stung but Blake wasn't quite surprised at the comments over him and yet he felt empty.

His eyes were fixed over the mauled person on the floor. That repulsed him to his stomach that he felt like throwing up.

Suddenly grabbed him by the arm and turned Blake to find himself pinning a woman over the wall, his hand groping the woman's breast roughly as he felt himself pressing against the person in front of him.

He found his cock deep against the woman, fucking like a mad beast. He tried to pull out but he just fucked the woman with no abandon. A sense of repulsion enveloped Blake, he use to like this and yet even the tight insides of the female before him envelope his huge rod like no other, Blake didn't found it quite arousing this very moment. His eyes shot wide as he saw the weeping eyes of the woman. Eyes dead as gasped escaped her lips as his hand s started to grip her waste roughly, sinking his nails deeper into her skin, drawing blood.

And in an instant, Blake knew what came after, as he felt the sensation of release envelope his body. Blake lets go of the woman's unresponsive body looking like a dead body as her hands fell over the side.

With a thud the girl fell over the floor as Blake backs off looking down at his craft. Blood flooding the woman's parts mixed with his cum. Lying there as if dead, the woman's eyes were lifeless and Blake for the first time felt repulsed at what he has done.

"What the fuck?!" Blake spat as he held his mouth.

Then he felt a shadow fell over his side and he turned to look over and saw Aries looking at him. A sense of relief enveloped him as he found a familiar face in this hell hole, his mate. But suddenly, an arm enveloped him and he turned to look down to see Jessica looking back at him lovingly.

He remembered this!

He then turned to look at Aries trying to clear this situation when he felt his lips spat the word that felt bitter and heavy over his tongue.


Blake couldn't believe he said that that. It was unpleasant but what was more disturbing is when he saw Aries' being dragged out of his father's office with a dead look over his eyes.

Eyes of pain that he caused. Like that of those people, that woman.

Jessica stoops over and his body involuntarily leaned to plant a wet kiss over her lips. It felt different from what he was accustomed at. It was so different from Aries' lips.

Blake blinked and saw flashes of people he met in his life being beaten, abused or downright heart broken by him.

He fell to his knees and Blake unconsciously cried.

"I'm a monster...." He states.

"You are." A voice answered back but Blake didn't turned to look at the figure behind him. He silently agreed to the voice.

"I guess I deserved this..." Blake coldly chuckled as he enveloped himself in an embraced, feeling nothing but coldness.

"You do." The voice answered back.

A moment of silence enveloped that current black void where the two persons stood.

"You lived a destructive life, Blake. Where ever you thread pain and suffering follows." The voice continued. "You deserve this and more. All the lives you ruined won't compensate with this, Blake."

Blake chuckled again as he looked over his hands filled with blood, he was feeling stings of his current injuries started to manifest. The warm and iron tasting blood falling his lips over his chin. Drops falling down over his bloodied palms.

Blake closed his eyes and sadly smiled.

He knew it was right. He was in denial all this time but Blake accepted it now, he was a monster and he was receiving his just reward.

Blake's only regret was leaving Aries once again. At a time he, finally, fell madly, deeply in love with his mate. It took him this long to finally admit it. He loved him. He loved a man, the man he rejected countless times. The only person, Blake finally understood that he was only stopping himself from seeing what he needed.

"Can I make a request?" Blake spoke as the figure stood behind him. He felt selfish from making this request amidst his faults and yet he smirked at his confidence.

It remained silent. Blake chuckled.

"I'm going to make one anyways." He said cockily with a grin. " If all its worth, let Aries forget about me. He does not need to suffer because of me. He had already shed enough tears for a lost cause."

The figure reached out as black, feathered wings spread so wide it encompass twice the length of its height. Midway it stopped when Blake closed his eyes.

"I love you, Aye..." Blake smiled genuinely. "Until we meet again..."

The figure remained quiet for a moment as its wings slowly closing in Blake. The figure gently placed its hand over Blake's shoulder, a cold calmness enveloped Blake causing him to fall in a deep slumber.

"Until we meet again.... mate." He muttered with a sad smile before an arm caught him as he fell.

The figure was taken aback as the man gently placed Blake on the flat surface. The man stood up and glared daggers at the figure with his reddish-green eyes.

With a clenched fist, the man walked in a stride towards the figure and instantly the man's fists lands on the figure's jaw squarely, pushing it back.

It looked at the fuming man with confusion amidst its blank, darkened face.

He raised his hand and points at the figure as he pulled Blake up, draping the Alpha over his shoulder. His eyes bored fear into the figure's soul.

"Don't you fucking dare do this again!" He threatens and the figure backs up with hands raised over its chest.

As the flips a finger, both him and Blake vanished.

I felt a cold compress pressed against my skin, a groan escaped my lips as a excruciating pain jolted through my body from back side.

I felt someone approached and I gathered all the strength to open my eyes.

"Fu-fuck..." I groaned as the person leaned over. I can't clearly see the person above me but I felt a warm hand hold mine.

"Damn, Dad. You scared me." The person sighed in relief as he pressed something cold over my lips. "Drink this, Dad."

I pursed my lips as my guard went up. I didn't know who this guys is and I'm not sure what happened to me or where I am.

"Oh come on, Dad! Don't be a pussy." The guy groaned, he seem to be about my age from his tone. "This will make you heal faster. Papa's going to kill me that I took some from the Infirmary."

I don't know what this guy's been rambling about but I get quite irritated that I started to move but that was a huge mistake. A quick jolt of pain envelope my whole body making me yelp in pain.

"Fuck Dad! See what I told you!" The guy scolded me. He pressed the container back on my lips. "If I wanted to kill you, it would take all of Papa's wrath to take you down. So don't be a quivering pussy and take your medicine."

This guy's sure has a foul mouth, Blake thought, but he felt like his own mother was scolding him. What was he going to do anyways.

Blake weakly opened his lips as the guy assisted in pouring the liquid into his mouth. The quick bitter as the liquid touched Blake's lips made him regurgitate the contents with a cough.

"Fucking hell! What the fuck was that?" I cussed spitting the remaining contents from my mouth.

"Fuck Dad! What do you expect for medicine to taste like?! Be a man and drink it. So you can get those wounds faster." The guys scolds me as he pressed the container against my mouth again.

I reluctantly drank the bitter liquid with disdain.

Fuck! It tastes like hell!

"You should know. You've been there." The guy spoke and it took me a back.

I know I didn't said that aloud.

"You didn't." The guy replied back with a grin as he started to pack up.

"So you read people's minds for fun." I smirked as he grinned back at me.

"Sometimes but you know you said that exact thing to Papa." The guy chuckled.

"You talk like you know me." Blake states as he sits up slowly. Noticing a slight change in his strength as well as the environment they are at.

They are situated a top a clearing facing towards the mansion that he and Frank was at.

Blake shot up causing him to wince, grabbing his side with a seeth.

"Fuck, Frank!" Blake groaned.

The guy approached him and pats his back. Blake looked at him with pained concern.

"Its alright Dad... Uncle Frank is still alive..." He stated though the concern is still visible in the guys eyes. "... You just need to.." He paused. "... Papa, will need you... soon."

I stared at him.

"Who are you?" I asked but I felt I knew already.

The guy smiled and hugged me. It surprised me but nonetheless I embraced him back. It felt familiar. It felt comforting.

We pull apart and the guy looked over the direction of the mansion.

"You already know." He states and stands. "Be strong Dad, Papa needs you."

I clenched my fists and knew something is about to happen. Aries, I'm coming.