
Alpha Of Silverback

A Cromwell Rogue sequel! After witnessing her sister's murder by the hands of Alpha Camren, Josephine Cromwell is on the lam. She's off to pack Silverback where Alpha Artyom has murderous intentions awaiting. What can happen next? Book 1 A Cromwell Rogue Book 2 Alpha of Silverback Coming August 2023.

JaySkylar · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter Seven

Ethan's POV:

I was discharched from the hospital and sent home on doctor's strict orders to rest. But my mind was too busy for resting. I wanted to go for a run but I didn't want to go alone. The only person I could think of was asking Camren to join me. I took the elevator up to his floor to give me a speedy access. There wasn't any fresh scents going to his room which meant he had no vistors and it was the time of day I would expect him in. I didn't knock when I reached his apartment, since I always knew he sensed me when I was coming for him. It was an unspoken gift he had as alpha.

Cam's day room had not changed since I last saw it. Vixen was asleep on the blue couch and didn't even flinch his ears when I walked through to look for Camren. The apartment was not open floor plan as it was not within interest of any werewolf. Much less Camren, who liked the finest of things. I took the hall past his lavish kitchen and went past the closed doors for spare rooms I knew he used as offices. My insticts pulled me to his bedroom.

I reached for the door only to find him swing it open.

"What? What happned?" He asked as he examined my face for any bad news.

What was he expecting me to say?

Was I supposed to be bearing bad news?

"Just wanted to ask if you wanted to take a run with me," I told him calmly. His face relaxed rather fast as he waved me away from his path.

"Aren't you supposed to be resting?"

Camren was already dressed to be heading out. Where was he going to in such a rush and why was he trying to run me back downstairs? I raised an eyebrow as I blocked any way for him to get around me.

"What about you? Where's the rush?"

"You should stay here."

"There is something happening," I muttered as I started to take off down the hall. "Where are we going and what's happening?" I asked as I concluded I was going too.

"I'm taking a run out toward the boarders. There is reports of a predicted disturbance. It's coming near Artyom's territory."

"Artyom?" I growled out. He should have told me already. I have a score to settle. "Let me take this one. It's peronal."

"Not in your condition you were told to stay home and rest. Charlotte told me herself."

"Yeah well... I'm not letting you go alone."

His lips curled into a smile as he followed behind me. It was a silent win for me. He wouldn't argue anymore because he probably wanted some company. Camren eventually stepped past me as we made it out into the back yard in the gardens. There was a clear path made that lead into the forest. It was well-kept and all we had to do was follow the path I previously took since it lead in the same direction we were headed.

"Are you sure about coming?" He asked me as he yanked a shirt off over his head. He was getting ready to shift as we were walking toward the woods.

"Yeah man," I grumbled as I yanked my clothes off and toss them aside. I'll come back for them later.


We reached the boarders where a few of our pack mates were already gathered. The two on border patrol were recognized immediately since they ran the area regularly. It was Samuel and Lola. They were in their late fourties and both graying from age. I decided to let Camren take the reign on this as I went past them to examine the area.

"What's the problem?" Camren asked in quite a bit of annoyance. He hardly ever delt with this himself. Usually it was my job. I caught the faint scent of rotting flesh and headed back over to Camren when I knew something wasn't right. I gave him a wary look.

"They left us a present," I muttered before the other wolves could talk.

"It's the same wolves we sent after them last night," Samuel told us as he began to lead us to where the scent grew stronger at. Behind some bushes were Westley and his sibilings, the best trackers in our pack. They were mauled to death. It looked like even after they transformed their attacks left no mercy. The wounds were shallow and stealthily placed to make them suffer longer.

"My goddess," I whispered as I backed away from the corpses with digust. Its worse... I'll be the one to tell their family. "Alpha Camren they're monsters."

"Take them to the morgue. Ethan you'll have to contact their family."

"Yes, sir."

A howl came from the otherside of the borders which alerted us another wolf was close by that was not one of our pack members. Camren growled loud as a thunderous territorial howl broke from his lungs and sent a chill down my spine. What the hell is that about? He took off running further down the border where I picked up on the scent of even more blood. This wasn't a familiar scent it wasn't from our pack which meant only a few things I could think of... I just hoped it wasn't his precious mate brought back here as a fuck you gift to Camren for his refusal to want any peace between our two packs.

"Ethan!" He yelled for me and I followed after him knowing he was asking me to come. The rest of the pack members followed us without hesitation.

Not too far away we found where the scent was coming from. A man was wrapped up in deer hide and stuffed in the hallowed out trunk of a dead tree that was protecting him from the cold. This was one of our pack's trail markers where we usually hid clothes for durring spring time.

"You little shit," Camren growled as he seemed to recognize the barely alive man. He had several heavy wounds and one major on his chest from a bullet. Was I supposed to recognize this man? Who was he? "That's Casimir," Camren growled as if reading my thoughts. He transformed into his human form and look around. Casimir?! Isn't that... What is he doing here? What happened to him? Camren went over to the tree and smacked Cas several times until he woke up. "Where is she?" Camren growled so low into his ear it sent a shiver down my spine. "Where is my mate?"

I watched as Cas struggled to breath out something so light only Camren was able to hear. He shoved him into the tree and began to choke him as his anger took over. I leaned inward to try to approach him but stopped myself.

"Alpha, he's the only one that knows where she is," I whispered. I figured... she couldn't be dead... Not that I care if he kills Casimir... I'm always rooting for my cousin to win. But, this would hurt his chances at finding her or being in her good graces when he sees her.

"DAMN IT," Camren yelled as he let him go and stormed back toward me. He paused as he reached my side and leaned down to my ear. "Save the prick..." His fists balled up in anger as he looked toward Artyom's territory. I could feel the silent laughter that came from there. "Artyom sent me a very unpleassant gift," he whispered as I picked up on what he meant. He gave us Casimir so we would be the bad guys. He's getting back at Camren.

What is he planning?

I stepped toward Cas as his last statement was more of a command for me. I would personally see that Cas at least makes it through until Camren no longer needed him. I leaned in toward Cas' wounds to sniff them. I transformed into my human form and went to pull Cas over my shoulder to carry him.

"What did you say?" I asked softly as his ear passed my mouth. I wanted to know the dark secret he shared with my alpha. I lifted him up without hesitating and realized he really wasn't that heavy. I felt blood gush out from his wound and realized moving him probably won't be a good idea. I rushed him back to a laying position.

"Cam!" I yelled as I realized his body was growing cold.

I felt for his pulse as anxiety ran through my veins. His lifeless eyes were staring back at me as I realized he wasn't... here anymore. He was with the moon goddess now. I couldn't find a pulse so I reached up and shut his eyes. I glanced around to find Camren glaring us down with disappointment in his eyes.

"What did he say to you?"

"He has her now."