

Hazel a 23 years old lady, was forced into pretending to be her twin sister, Harriet,who was one of the contestants for the concubine selection ceremony,organized by the Alpha’s mother for her son. Being selected as the Alpha’s concubine marked the beginning of her woes and troubles. Carrying his child,she was sent away from the pack by her mother and sister who wanted to keep their dirty secrets hidden Few months later, after she arrived to her aunt’s pack , Hazel gives birth to her son, who she named Axel. A calamity struck Shadow pack and the only solution was for the blood roaming outside the pack be brought back home. Plotting and scheming,Harriet’s mother abducts Hazel’s son and gives to Harriet who claims him as her son, and peace was restored to the pack. But long will Harriet’s joy last? Only time will tell how this web of lies and deceit will be untangled.

solo_Ohwofasa · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter six: THE TRIAL

Hazel's POV.

 The massive gates swung open before me, I took a deep breathe and stepped forward, into the forest.

 The gates slammed shut behind me and a dark figure raced past me, it was fast and I could not figure out who or what it was.

 Taking a deep breath, I stepped forward. The forest loomed before me, a dense and foreboding mass of trees and shadow.

 Clutching the hem of my dress, I knew I had to go on, it was the only path available to me. Taking a deep breath I steeled myself, mumbling words of prayers, I stepped into the forest.

 The air felt cooler and damper as I walked deeper in, the trees grew closer together and blocking out the sunlight, casting the forest floor in deep shadow.

I turned around, it felt as if something or someone was watching me.

"Almighty please save me, please save me" I mumbled repeatedly as I dragged my feet on the forest floor.

Another figure raced past me, this time I saw something, like a tail or so. 

Taking a deep breath, I continued my walking. My heart pounded against my chest but I chose to stop thinking about the figure.



A dark figure was racing through the trees, making the branches rustle and twigs snap. It ran so fast, it was almost a blur, I tried to figure out what it was but I only caught a glimpse of its tail, it was long and bushy.

"What the fuck is that! It is definitely not the normal wolf I am used to seeing. I got to get the hell out of here". 

 I broke into a run, my feet flying over the fallen leaves and branches. Searching for signs of the mysterious figure , I realized I was not the only one running.

 Another dark figure was after me, this one was even bigger than the last, it red eyes glowed in the dark forest.

 I could feel the dark figure getting closer. I heard the sound of heavy breathing, I knew it was right behind me.

"Curse you Harriet! Curse you mother! Curse you father" I cried out in bitterness.

Suddenly the figure leaped onto the path in front of me, blocking my way.

"Darm this is one huge wolf" I mumbled.

It was huge, towering over me, it let out a low growl, exposing it's fangs. 

I froze, unable to move, I accepted my fate.

"Is this really the end? Die in the hands of a mysterious wolf whose face I was unable to see due to the darkness. 

 The figure stepped closer, it reached out a hand, his hand was covered in thick , dark fur.

"Stay away! Stay away from me!" I screamed at the figure,hoping it would listen to me and back the fuck off. 

 "Where are you running to?" The figure asked,its voice deep and rumbling 

"How is that your business you freak!" I snarled at him, for some reasons I felt I had to act tough.

"But I am everywhere , your little legs can not help you, but I can" The figure said, walking closer.

"Fuck off jerk!" I barked at him.

"Language, we do not want your unborn child to use curse words" The figure said, letting out a hearty laughter that echoed through out the forest.

"How do you know about my child" I asked taking a step back.

"I have to know what I am to eat for dinner ?" The figure said, taking two steps forward.

"I will make this easy for you, you submit willingly and I will make your death easy and less painful" the figure said , letting out a low growl.

"Stay away from me and my child you freak!"

The figure's eyes flashed with anger and it lunges and towards me, aiming for my neck. But I was no longer frozen. I turned and ran as fast as I could, my feet pounding on the dirt path, I could feel the thorns in my feet but that was the least of my worries right now.

Looking back over my shoulder, I saw it's red eyes, it was gaining on me. It reached out its hand,its clawed fingers inches away from me. I knew I had to do something or mother and Harriet's dream will become a reality.

As I ran, I heard the sound of water getting louder and louder. I turned and saw a path leading to a river.

Increasing my speed I went down that path, soon I saw the river, its dark waters roaring and churning.

 I scanned the area for a bridge, but it was too far away.

Looking over my shoulder, a claw flashed across my face.

I knew I had no choice, taking a deep breath, I leaped into the water, plunging beneath the surface.

I sank deep into the dark water, I could feel the current pulling away, carrying me further and further away from the forest and the dark figure.

I struggled to keep my head over the water ,but I was growing tired. Millions of thoughts ran laps around my mind. Struggling to keep my head above water one last time, I only swallowed more water.

My lungs were burning and I got scared of taking another breath, opening my mouth to breath, I swallowed more water. I flailed my arms and legs but it felt as if I swimming through mud. The current was too strong and I felt myself sinking further and further down. 

Trying one last time, I only sank deeper and the darkness closed in on me.

 Just as I felt I could not stay afloat any longer, I felt a powerful force grab me. I was pulled to the surface and I gasped for air.

 Opening one eye, I saw I was being held by a figure.

Slowly I closed my eyes, but something was not right.

 Opening my eyes for a clearer view, I screamed in fear as I saw who my savior was.