

Hazel a 23 years old lady, was forced into pretending to be her twin sister, Harriet,who was one of the contestants for the concubine selection ceremony,organized by the Alpha’s mother for her son. Being selected as the Alpha’s concubine marked the beginning of her woes and troubles. Carrying his child,she was sent away from the pack by her mother and sister who wanted to keep their dirty secrets hidden Few months later, after she arrived to her aunt’s pack , Hazel gives birth to her son, who she named Axel. A calamity struck Shadow pack and the only solution was for the blood roaming outside the pack be brought back home. Plotting and scheming,Harriet’s mother abducts Hazel’s son and gives to Harriet who claims him as her son, and peace was restored to the pack. But long will Harriet’s joy last? Only time will tell how this web of lies and deceit will be untangled.

solo_Ohwofasa · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter five: THE MOVING AWAY

 "Mum please, do not send me away , how will I survive alone? Please mum.I will keep the baby a secret please do not send me away Mum" I pleaded with mum, tears running down my cheeks.

 "You will be sent away Hazel,you are lucky Mum is sending you to starlight pack, I would have loved to send you to hell,so you and that filthy bastard in your womb will be wiped away from the surface of the earth" .Harriet spat those harsh words on my face.

 "Please father, do something I can not survive outside the pack, I will be killed father, please father" I begged desperately, hoping my dad would save me and my unborn child's life.

 "Then die! Die Hazel, you are nothing but a burden on us! We fed you! We clothed you! And did everything for you, and how did you repay us! By being a slut! A cheap disgusting whore ! I know you did this on purpose, you slept with my man!" Harriet was not holding back with her words, soon a slap landed on my left cheek.

 I felt a sting on my left cheek, rubbing my palm on my cheek, I was in a state of shock, my own sister slapped me.

 "You slapped me" the tears in my eyes fell to my cheeks as I spoke.

 "You can not stay here, your presence is a bad omen and a threat to the Luna of the pack. We have worked so hard to get here, and a piece of shit like you should not be given the chance to ruin our hard work. You are leaving this pack, and if you make it past the wild wolves who lurk in the dark parts of the forest , you should go to my sisters place, and remember Hazel, you must never reveal who the father of your baby is". Hearing those words from the mouth of the woman who birthed me, I felt like someone spilled venom on my wounds.

 "Your mother and sister are right Hazel, you have to leave the pack, you love your sister a lot right? You can do this little for her, you claim you love all of us a lot right? This is the time you prove this to us, leave Hazel, leave and never return. Do this for your family." 

 Looking at my Father, I knew he has always loved Harriet more than he loved me, but asking me to leave, leave and never return, was something I never imagined he would say .

"What if I die father, what will happen to the family when I die?" 

I need to know, was I just an object they would use and discard when they felt I was no longer needed.

"Then die! Die Hazel, your death will bring immense joy to the family, you have never been useful your whole life you were a burden on us, the one time! The one time you had the chance to step up and do something for the family, you had to fuck it up!" Hazel screamed at me.

 "I am not useful! I am in this position all because of you three! You three made me do this against my will! You used me and now you want to get rid of me!" I screamed at them, now I no longer gave a fuck if these people were my family or not.

They have to answer my questions.

 "Did we make you fuck the Alpha? Answer me you little whore, did we make me fuck the Alpha?" Harriet barked at me ,feeling a sting on my right cheek as soon as she closed her mouth.

 Hugging her dear daughter, Harriet, my mother looked me in the eye, "You are now a threat to your sister's happiness, I would hate to be a threat to your life Hazel, that is why I am asking you nicely, leave and never return."

 Kissing her beloved daughter's forehead, mum held her hand and left with her.

 "Your mother and sister left to get ready for her bonding ceremony with the alpha, and when we get back, we do not want to see your face" my father said as he left.

 Sitting on the hospital bed, I realized that to them, I was nothing but an object. An object they used to achieve their goals, and now that they no longer needed me, I was to be discarded. 

 My feelings, safety and opinions meant nothing to them. I tried to hold back the tears threatening to rush down my cheeks.

 I saw Harriet on the television screen, smiling and holding hands with the Alpha. At the cost of my happiness and safety, she had everything she ever wanted, I was left to the cruel hands of fate, whatever happens to me, I am sure would not matter to them.

 Hands on my tummy,I knew I could not risk the life of my unborn child, I had to leave, as my father had said, to never return. I rose slowly to my feet, with my face hidden behind my hair, I bowed my head as I left the hospital. 

 I could not risk drawing attention to myself for my twin was with the Alpha, I could only imagine the havoc my mum would wreck if she got the news that I was spotted leaving the hospital.


 As my feet carried me towards the huge gate that led to the outside world,the sound of singing and drumming filled the air,drifting through the palace windows, reaching my ear, a drop of tear fell from eyes. 

 I could hear the celebrations for my sister's bonding ceremony with the alpha , I should be there with the Alpha, but as fate would have it, I was heading to the forest.

 The massive gates swung open before me, I took a deep breathe and stepped forward, into the forest.

 The gates slammed shut behind me and a dark figure raced past me, it was fast and I could not figure out who or what it was.

 But I got the message, I was not alone out here.