

Hazel a 23 years old lady, was forced into pretending to be her twin sister, Harriet,who was one of the contestants for the concubine selection ceremony,organized by the Alpha’s mother for her son. Being selected as the Alpha’s concubine marked the beginning of her woes and troubles. Carrying his child,she was sent away from the pack by her mother and sister who wanted to keep their dirty secrets hidden Few months later, after she arrived to her aunt’s pack , Hazel gives birth to her son, who she named Axel. A calamity struck Shadow pack and the only solution was for the blood roaming outside the pack be brought back home. Plotting and scheming,Harriet’s mother abducts Hazel’s son and gives to Harriet who claims him as her son, and peace was restored to the pack. But long will Harriet’s joy last? Only time will tell how this web of lies and deceit will be untangled.

solo_Ohwofasa · Fantasy
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13 Chs


 Harriet's POV.

I paced back and forth, biting my nails , my heart pounding in my chest. Looking at Mum who sat nearby, I saw her face was pale and drawn.

 "Why are you quiet? What is on your mind? Are you feeling bad you sent that slut away?" I asked as I stopped pacing and faced her.

"I am her mother for fucks sake Harriet, yes you are my favorite and the one I love the most but I also care about her safety! . Who knows how or where she is right now." Mother asked her voice quavering. 

 "You better keep your emotions in check! Cause if you ruin anything for me I swear I will not forgive you mother" I yelled at her.

" I am sorry Harriet dear" mother apologized.

"Do not apologize to me, just keep your dumb emotions aside and do not say or do anything that will let the cat out of the bag. The Alpha is very smart and he will definitely sense something, so act natural" I warned my mother.

 Just then there was a knock at the door, my heart leapt into my throat. "Oh no! Could it be the Alpha? Did he notice something was wrong? Did he feel she was not Hazel?.

"Who is it?" I called out, my voice a bit shaky. 

"It's me , Saber, the pack's sentry and I am just doing my rounds making sure all is safe and well" came my reply from the other side of the door.

I left out a breath I did not know I was holding and sighed in relief. Thank goodness it was just Dax and not the Alpha. 

 Still I could not help but still feel uneasy. What if Dax had heard something? What if the Alpha sent him to eavesdrop and report all that we said and did to him.

 Taking a few steps forward, I tried my best to appear unbothered and opened the door, "Greetings Saber, what brings you here this evening?" I asked with a smile.

 "Like I said, I am just making sure all is fine and all is safe" Saber said with a friendly nod.

"As you can see everything is in order" I said with a stiff smile.

"Yes everything is in order but I did notice that you and your mother have been acting strange throughout the bonding ceremony, is everything okay?" Saber asked.

 My heart began to race again, he sounds like he knows something, but he could have been sent here by the alpha, I have to choose my words carefully.

 I took a deep breathe, trying to gather my thoughts,trying my best to act natural.

 "It's just , I had a very busy day with the bonding ceremony , the rituals and all" I said, choosing my words carefully.

 Saber frowned, he was not convinced.

"Are you sure it's just that? You seem so tensed and anxious, what is really happening here?" He asked, peeking inside the room.

 I gulped, Saber was one of the smartest wolves in the pack, and now he is suspecting me, this is not good .

 "It's nothing important, really Saber, believe me" I tried to play it off.


 "If you say so, well I will leave you two alone and if you need anything , I am one call away, always ready to help" Saber said, an unconvinced look on his face.

 As Saber turned to leave, I let out a breath of relief.

As soon as I say down, the maid's voice ran out from the hallway.

"Your majesty, The King requests your presence in his chamber" her voice echoing through the halls.

 My heart skipped a beat, The King? What did he want from me? Did Saber tell him anything? What if Saber told him I was acting suspicious ?

"Mother I have to go, you go home and keep your mouth shut" .

 With that I hurried out of the room,my mind racing with a thousand questions. What would happen now? Is the King suspecting me? Did he happen to find out about Hazel by any chance? What if the doctor told him about the pregnancy? Will he kick me out of the pack? Am I doomed?.

As I made my way to the Alpha's chambers, my footsteps echoing on the palace floors, I could feel my heady pounding in my chest. 

This is the first time I have been summoned to the Alpha's chamber. Does he want to have sex with me?

What if he finds out I am not Hazel? That bitch has bigger breasts than I do.

 I took a deep breath and pushed the door open, the alpha's chamber was cast and imposing, with a high vaulted ceiling and a king sized bed in the middle of the room.

 Seated on the bed, was the Alpha himself, who looked up as I entered. This man was the definition of handsome, but his expression was unreadable.

"You summoned me ,my Alpha?" I asked, my vibe barely above a whisper.

 I tried to keep my composure,but I could not help but feel a shiver of fear run through me.

 The Alpha's gaze on me was intense, like he was reading me.

"Yes , I did" Alpha Kain said at last.

"Do you know why I summoned you here ?" Alpha Kain asked.

I hesitated, unsure of how to answer. What should I say? If I say yes and he asks me to give my reasons for that answer I am doomed, and if I do not answer him he might get mad at me.

 The silence in the room was deafening, each passing second was more suffocating than the last.

The Alpha's gaze made me scared.

 I tried to read his expression or get any emotion from him, but his eyes were cold and unreadable.

 I knew he was a ticking bomb, one wrong move would be the end of me.

 "Why were you at the hospital Harriet?"