
chapter 5 and 6 who am i ? and wishes

God: you must be wondering why u are here

alex: ya how did you know

God: i am a god for a reason for goodness !!!😁

alex: anyway can you tell me why u brought me here ?

God: okay. so ... you want the long version or the short ?

alex: ......the short one.

God: In short terms i messed up and forgotten about you in the other world.

alex: ....so are you telling me that all i been through was your mistake !!!!!!🤬

God: ya in simple terms , you were supposed to be the scion of all magic .As you have saved the world countless times in your previous lifes. But i was too lazy and forgotten about.

alex: MY FUCKING GOD . How could you do this. Do you know what i have suffered.

God: really sorry about it. maybe i can make it up to you ???

alex: hmmmmmmn how about NO!!!

God: how about i give you something and a free rebirth ???😅

alex: Plus 6 wishes !!! (angry)

God: fine ! Just because i had a fun time watching your past lifes. I will grant you a free wish that you could ask for anything.

alex: what if i ask to be the real god as your replacement ?

God: ......

alex: Nah! I'm just joking with you.

God: ....Okay . come lets hear your wishes.

alex: hmmmm. i want anime system for my free wish.

God: i can't really give you that but i can give you a anime shop , inventory , stats menu , quest , a free system voice , the ability of gamer basically and afew other small function but not the full system.If you want the fulk system and functions its up to you to develop it.

alex: plus free points okay !!

God: i won't give you points but i will increase your loot for the begainer pack .

alex: fine !!!! And for my 6 wishes , firstly i want infinite system points

God: ....no cause if you are to op in the begaining there is nothing for me to write about.

alex: what the fuck man !!! fuck that i want the power of multiplications as a skill that will forever stick with me .(yall might find it stupid bit wait. i have though about this before. The ability is like the boosted gear from dxd and the dividing gear but just better )

God: WOW🤨i have never though someone will ask for that.But the skill you got to grow it yourself .

alex: sure. i didn't expect too much.For my second wish , i want the ability to create my new body.

God: i guess thats fine.

alex: For my third wish , i want the zenkai ability from dragon ball (basically the the saiyan bloodline ability but he dont have a chance to turn to a monkey)

God: okay no problem.

alex: I want the ability to travel to other anime world.

God: i can do that but you will have to restart your training and everythung from the begaining. But you will still have your ability and stuff /skills from other worlds.

alex: thats fine. For my fifth and sixith , i want my own personal spiritual veins , body and soul to be able to absorb all forms if energy and bloodline and take it for itself.

god: Damn ! that wish is the toughest wish out of all your wishes. but fine since u are using two wishes . And i will add more loot to your begainer pack ok ?

alex: sure as long as you see fit.

god: You make me sound like the bad guy here. i will also let you chose the world u want to be transported to first okay . Haizzz its so hard to deal with younger nowaday but its not like you are a young soul. By the way alex i forgot to tell you that your soul been float around the voud for afew trillion years already so u are not exactly young. Hahhahaha. Bye alex may i see you again after u go to your first world.

alex: FUCK YOU #$%&@$&%@# GOD

-------alex been transported to another space --------