
2. The Friendship Begins

As soon as I arrived my home, just kept my bag somewhere and laid on the bed. I was still thinking about her. My mind was saying not think about her, she's just a random online person. Yet I opened the group chat in the app. It wasn't that active that time. I started reading the above chats. There wasn't any texts from her. Nor in the group, neither at my personal texts. I thought she's pissed off and doesn't wanna talk to anyone. And I just went offline.

After dinner, I opened the app again. I turned on the screening and started playing songs there.

People will come, lurk, and go. Few will stay for some time, listen songs and then will go again. It's quite similar to my life. There aren't many people for me, they come and go, few will stay sometimes, few will stay longer and I call them friends.

It was about an hour I started screening, I was about to end the songs and then she came.

"It's a nice song, you've got a good music taste."

"Yeah, I listen mostly lyrical one's, but most of people here don't like that." And our conversation started again.

"Why to be concerned about people's choice, if you like these songs, then they are good."

"Thank you dumbi", and I replied her kind words in this way.

"eee... don't call me that. I may have fallen into your trap, but i am not less than Einstein in real life. For the fact, I was Einstein in my previous life." And here she goes again.

"You can't even be his subordinate you dumbi. But I can allow you to be my subordinate, you should be grateful to me." And I also joined her illogical conversation. The background songs didn't stopped during our chats.

I didn't tried to ask any personal details, I may look like a guy hitting on a girl.

She can be anyone, of any age, anywhere. Even knowing this, I kinda got attracted to her.

"So, don't you wanna sleep?" she asked out of nowhere.

"Are you bored of chatting?"

"Nah, the songs are really good, I want to keep listening for some more time." And she gave me the reason.

"You play games? Like PUBG or Call of Duty?"

"I've PUBG installed in my phone, but I don't play that much. I am not a pro, and nor does I have anyone to play with."

"I also play PUBG. I am not that good either and not many friends to play with too, but I play alone. If you have free time after 4 pm, we can play together." I asked her.

" let's play then. What about 10 at night?".

And I didn't took any time to agree.

We shared our player ID's. Then I closed the screening. After a "goodnight" our conversation ended and we both got offline.

It was 2 a.m already, and i don't wanted to keepy phone away. I opened PUBG and searched her using the ID she shared.

It was a different username there. It was "Cindy" and I was pretty sure it isn't her real name. After a friend request, I closed the game and then went to sleep. I had never been this fascinated about playing this game I've been playing from years.

The day at college is as usual. Boring lectures, uninteresting topics, same teaching methods. Just reading the PowerPoint on the projector screen. Only thing that I was looking at was the clock. Waiting for the time to be 10 pm.

Good things take times to happen but doesn't take time to end. Just like the conversation last night ended too soon.

I was thinking about things on what we can have a conversation at night. I was also worried. What if she can't talk at night during the game. I wanted to hear her voice. Game was just an excuse. I wasn't expecting to hear her today, yet hoping that I can talk with her in the game. And the clock ticked, time passed and sun fallen into the horizon.