
1. The First Encounter

"What are you specialised at? You think you are specialist? I am the one who is specialist, you change your username, I am going to keep that".

I didn't got what she meant. Was that a compliment or did she just trolled my username?

"I am specialised at handling dumbs like you and someone as dumb as you can't get my superior username, it belongs to me only".

That's how our conversation started in the group chat by roasting each other. Her profile pic was kinda cute, cheerful and depicting a friendly person. I have been using this anonymous app since two years and it's the first time a conversation started without a "hi" or any hellos.

"No, I am not dumb, you are dumb. I am so smart. Prove me if i am wrong. Aren't you a specialist? "

Even though she sounded dumb, I accepted the challenge.

"Okay then, I'll tell you a situation, and at the end you've to answer my question and if you can answer that I'll admit you are smart, otherwise you a dum dum"

"You will see how smart I am, tell me the situation quickly, I don't listen to idiots by the way, but since you want to test my brain, I am in."

And here goes her tongue again trying to roast me hard.

"Here's the situation. 3 dumb people fighting about who's the dumbest in the world and decided to meet a friend who'll judge and finds the dumbest person on the earth. The friend organised a challenge. The three dumbs will be hit by something on their back while their eyes are closed. The person who identifies the object with which he's been hit, will win the challenge and will be titled with the dumbest person on this planet. Did you understood everything till now?" I asked.

"Yeah I've understood, you continue".

"So, one of the dumb was hit by a stool at the back, but he wasn't able to identify the object and he failed. The other dumb was hit by book and he also failed to answer. The remaining dumb was hit by a..ummm... something that is fluffy and cute ...umm.."

I pretended that i forgot the word. And that's how she felt into the trap and answered quickly.

"A stuffed toy". She texted.

"see! you are the dumbest person on this planet, you know what you are hit with." And i started laughing in real while texting this to her.

"No no no, that's cheating, that's cheating, you trapped me with your words. I don't consider this test. You play dirty, you baddie".

Even though she lost the challenge, she's still fighting cutely.

"I don't have anything to prove now you dumbo, I've proved why my username is specialist and how dumb you are."

And saying this, I closed the app. It was night 1 'O clock. And I kept my phone aside and closed my eyes smiling, thinking about her reaction.

It's been long I enjoyed talking to someone. Someone who acts cute. And hoping that I'll get a text soon from her.

it's 8 a.m morning now, and the first thing I did, like majority of humans, was checking my phone. I don't have someone to text me good morning. Having a smal friend circle, I am not that interactive in real life. I won't call myself introvert, I am quite a confident guy. When necessary I know how to answer someone on his face. But I'll be silent most of the times. Being bored of reality, I seek fun on that app, with my identity hidden, I can be any personality whatever I want to be. Sometimes cool, sometimes rude, sometimes flirty and no one's gonna know who I am.

So many laughing emojis and funny comments popped up as soon as I opened my phone. Many members had read the group conversation that I had last night. The first thought that came to my mind was about her, hoping she don't get mad or feel sad.

Even though I don't know her besides her username "Bliss", I just don't wanted to be her sad. I thought of texting in the group about not to tease her but as I was getting late for college, I just hurried and left my home.

And the thought about her didn't left my mind in the college.

The first chapter very well says how the first encounter happened. Hope my readers enjoy

Specialist_writescreators' thoughts