
All New Sunspot (Marvel)

Anime & Comics
Ongoing · 1.4M Views
  • 23 Chs
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  • NO.200+

What is All New Sunspot (Marvel)

Read ‘All New Sunspot (Marvel)’ Online for Free, written by the author ArifuretaForever, This book is a Anime & Comics Fanfic, covering ACTION Fanfiction, ROMANCE Fan Fiction, ADVENTURE Fanfiction Net, and the synopsis is: A man from our world, who is a comic book fan, goes to sleep one night and then suddenly wakes up as one of his favorite...


A man from our world, who is a comic book fan, goes to sleep one night and then suddenly wakes up as one of his favorite and, in his opinion, most underrated characters in all of Marvel. Now follow his journey as he makes a new life for himself in a world filled with superheroes, aliens, magic, etc. MC/Elizabeth Braddock (Psylocke)/Daisy Johson (Quake)

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Am from reading the story and it's not half as bad as I was expecting but now we come to your poor as 💩 schedule.


ótima história com personagens bem simpáticos e um enredo muito bom 🤩


so far the story is going great. i felt that there were fillers here and there, but I hope that'll be reduced in future chapters. keep it up.


I like the powers of sunspost......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


Great novel so far though wish the mc had more than 2 characters in his harem


Excellent novel I like it very much Mc personality is great i also like the author previous work definitely recommend


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