

In the quaint town of Andal, where the days unfurl like the petals of a lotus at dawn, there lived a man named Subham. His desires were simple, his dreams modest, as he sought nothing more than the gentle hum of life's simple pleasures. Subham's heart was a tranquil lake, undisturbed by the ripples of ambition that stirred the world beyond the horizon. Yet, unbeknownst to him, the threads of his fate were spun from a different cloth, woven by his own hands in a tapestry grander than the skies above. For in the quiet recesses of his unassuming life lay the seeds of a destiny so vast, it stretched beyond the boundaries of his imagination. It was a path that would lead him through the labyrinth of time and chance, to a legacy that would echo through the ages. This is the story of Subham, the man who yearned for peace but was destined for greatness. A tale of the silent forces that shape our ends, whispering to us through the veils of the unknown, guiding us towards a future written in the stars, yet penned by our own hand.

Dragon_Legend_7475 · Fantasy
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82 Chs

chapter 80:The Delhi Food Festival Adventure

The late December air was crisp, with a light frost coating the windows of Vidur's mansion. Everyone was gathered in the living room, enjoying the warmth of the fireplace, when Subham burst into the room, eyes gleaming with excitement.

"Guys, guess what!" he exclaimed, waving a flyer in the air. "There's a food festival being held in Delhi! We have to go!"

Vidur looked up from his book, raising an eyebrow. "A food festival, you say?"

"Yes, Master Vidur!" Subham nodded enthusiastically. "It's supposed to be amazing! There will be foods from all over the world, and I heard there's going to be a massive eating competition!"

Ananya, sitting quietly in the corner, glanced up, her interest piqued by Subham's enthusiasm. Saheli, sitting next to her, smiled. "That does sound fun," she admitted.

"I don't know," Ankan said, sounding hesitant. "We have a lot of training to do, and there's the whole issue with—"

"Pleeeease, Ankan!" Subham interrupted, clasping his hands together and giving Ankan his best puppy-dog eyes. "We've been training so hard! We deserve a break. Just one day! Think of all the delicious food!"

Ankan sighed, glancing at the others. Saheli was already nodding in agreement, and even Ananya looked curious.

Vidur chuckled softly. "A day off wouldn't hurt. And it would be good for all of you to relax and enjoy yourselves."

"Yay!" Subham shouted, jumping up and down. "Thank you, Master Vidur! Thank you, everyone! You won't regret it, I promise!"


The group arrived in Delhi to find the city bustling with activity. The food festival was in full swing, with colorful stalls lining the streets, each offering a tantalizing array of dishes. The air was filled with the mouth-watering aroma of spices, grilled meats, and sweet confections.

Subham's eyes widened as he took in the sight. "This is heaven," he whispered, already making a beeline for the first stall.

"Slow down, Subham!" Saheli laughed, trying to keep up with him. "You'll eat everything before we even get a chance to look around!"

Ananya, typically reserved, couldn't help but smile at Subham's enthusiasm. "He does look like a kid in a candy store."

Ankan nodded, grinning. "Or a glutton at a food festival."

They wandered through the festival, sampling foods from all over the world. There were spicy tacos, delicate sushi rolls, rich curries, and decadent desserts. Subham was in his element, moving from stall to stall with the enthusiasm of a child in a candy store.

"Guys, you have to try this!" Subham called out, holding up a skewer of grilled meat. "It's amazing!"

Saheli took a bite and her eyes widened. "Wow, this is incredible!"

Ankan tried a piece as well and nodded in agreement. "Okay, Subham, you were right. This was a good idea."

Subham beamed with pride. "See? I told you!"

At one point, they reached a stall selling massive roasted chicken legs. Subham's eyes lit up. "Watch this," he said, grabbing one of the chicken legs. He took a deep breath and then, to everyone's amazement, swallowed a huge chunk of the chicken in one go.

Ankan burst out laughing. "Subham, you really are a bottomless pit!"

Saheli giggled. "I don't think I've ever seen anyone eat like you, Subham."

Even Ananya, who usually remained composed, couldn't help but smile. "Impressive," she said quietly, her eyes twinkling with amusement.

Subham grinned, his cheeks stuffed with food. "I told you this would be fun!"

They continued to explore the festival, enjoying the vibrant atmosphere and each other's company. There was a stall with fresh fruit juices, where Saheli tried a mango lassi that she declared was the best she'd ever had. Ankan found a stand selling exotic chocolates and bought a box for everyone to share.

As they walked, they came across a stage where an eating competition was taking place. Subham's eyes lit up with excitement. "Guys, I have to enter!"

Vidur chuckled. "Go ahead, Subham. Show them what you've got."

Subham signed up for the competition, his determination evident. The contest began, and he started devouring plates of food at an astonishing speed. However, a big, rotund man with an enormous appetite quickly emerged as a fierce competitor. The man was eating with the same gluttonous fervor as Subham, if not more.

The crowd watched in awe as the two battled it out, plate after plate. It seemed like Subham was losing ground as the big man continued to devour food at an incredible pace.

"Subham, don't give up!" Saheli shouted, her voice filled with encouragement.

Ankan and Ananya joined in, cheering for their friend. Subham's face was a picture of concentration as he powered through plate after plate, but it was clear the big man was ahead.

Suddenly, something clicked within Subham. His Devourer Physique began to activate, and a surge of energy coursed through him. His eating speed increased dramatically, surpassing even the big man's gluttonous pace. In what seemed like a blink of an eye, Subham finished his food, leaving the big man stunned, still working on his remaining plates.

The crowd erupted in cheers as Subham stood up, victorious, holding the trophy high above his head. "We did it!" he exclaimed, his face flushed with triumph.

The group celebrated Subham's victory, enjoying the rest of the festival and the festive atmosphere. They tried various dishes and laughed over shared memories and jokes.

"Remember the time Subham tried to make ramen and ended up burning half the kitchen?" Saheli said, giggling.

"Hey, in my defense, I was experimenting with new flavors!" Subham replied, pouting.

Ananya, who was typically quiet, joined in. "And ended up creating a new dish called 'Smoke Explosion Ramen.'"

Everyone burst into laughter, including Ananya, who smiled more openly than they had seen before.

After celebrating Subham's victory, they noticed a sign for a food cooking contest being held the next day. Subham's eyes lit up with excitement once more.

"Guys, we should totally enter this cooking contest!" he exclaimed.

Saheli looked at him skeptically. "You can cook?"

Subham grinned sheepishly. "Yeah, I learned a bit while staying alone. It's a long story, but I picked up some skills."

Ananya nodded thoughtfully. "I think it sounds like fun."

Just then, a group of reporters surrounded a stunningly beautiful woman nearby. She exuded an air of arrogance and confidence, basking in the attention.

"The cooking competition tomorrow? It's nothing," she declared with a smug smile. "I've won countless contests before. This will be no different."

The reporters, noticing Subham and Ananya, turned their attention to them. "Are you Subham and Ananya?" one reporter asked eagerly.

Subham nodded, smiling. "Yes, that's us."

"We heard you're participating in the cooking competition tomorrow. How do you feel about it?" another reporter asked, holding a microphone up to Subham.

Subham beamed with excitement. "I think it's going to be a lot of fun. I look forward to the challenge and showing everyone what I can do."

The reporters turned to Ananya. "Ananya, how do you feel about entering the competition?"

Ananya shrugged slightly, her expression neutral. "It's an interesting opportunity," she said softly, not offering much more.

The reporters pressed on with more questions, but Ananya remained mostly silent, answering only with brief, polite responses. Subham, on the other hand, chatted animatedly, sharing his excitement about the competition and the festival.

The next day, Subham and Ananya signed up for the cooking contest, eager to put their skills to the test. The group decided to stay in Delhi to enjoy the festival while it lasted.

As they walked back to their hotel that evening, Subham couldn't contain his excitement. "I can't wait to show you guys what I can do. This is going to be awesome!"

Saheli smiled, her eyes shining with amusement. "We're looking forward to it, Subham. Just try not to burn anything down, okay?"

Ananya chuckled softly. "I have faith in you, Subham. You'll do great."

The night passed with dreams of culinary triumphs, and as dawn broke, they knew it was time for Subham and Ananya to prove their mettle in the cooking competition.