
All Heaven and Worlds Store

All Heaven and Worlds Store "You want Ultimate Fire? sure, I have Fire Stone here." "What? you want to be a Human? Here I have 7th Rank Body Transformation Pill." "What about you? So you want to have Ice Element Ability? You're lucky, I have new product here, Hie Hie no Mi eating it will can make you a Freezing Human." "You want to buy a Spirit Bone? Let me check if I have some, got it, it look dusty but this one is a Treasure, Supreme Bone from a Supreme Being," "A Blood? I have some, Azure Dragon, Fire Phoenix, Black Dragon, Dark Phoenix, Asura, Immortal Sovereign, Royal Abyssal Bloodline, pick one." "Pet? i don't sell live one but I have a gadget here for you to easily get one, here buy Pokeball, to catch your favorite pet." "You want life? Mister come~ come! lets talk about it, how much can you pay for life extension pill?" Knock~ Knock "Who?" "We are from Divine Realm Council, it seems you are illegal trespass inside of our domain so you need to leave please." "And if not?" "........... If not... Its nothing." What can they do, the can't even break the small shop of him, the only thing they can do is to watch him rip off all fate of all people in the planet. All Heaven and Worlds Store where anything is possible to buy, from Life, Pill, Weapon, and even Protection, you onyl need to pay the corresponding price for you to get anything. Note: Douluo is not mine, and so Cover not mine I will make cover later

LittleApple · Anime & Comics
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250 Chs

Zao Wou-ki

"Thank you." Ning Rongrong said.

The old man said, "Put out your hand."

Ning Rongrong stretched out his hand and made the old man squeeze a few times to check her bone age.

"You are of the right age. Can you release your martial spirit and spirit ring?"

Ning Rongrong spread out his palms, in her hands, colorful rays of light poured out and finally condensed into a pagoda exuding colorful rays.

Two yellow spirit rings rose from her feet and hovered around her body. At this moment, her temperament changed drastically, sacred and noble, and precious.

The corners of her mouth curled up slightly, and she glanced back, only to find that Xin, Zhuqing, and Xiao Wu were indifferent.

It seems they don't know her at all and they are telling the truth that they come from a remote place.

Ning Rongrong was happy that they don't know her origin, she is pretty sure that they can be her friends while staying at this school.

Ning Rongrong come from Powerful Clan making children around her taking distance, although she comes from prestige clan, she is still a child wanting to find true friends that will not alienate her because of her status

Here, status is not everything, if you hide deeply you can eventually find true friends that will play with you without bothering about each other's status.

But what she doesn't know, Xin already teaches Xiao Wu and Zhuqing about basic things in the Douluo Continent, including the name of Super Clan and Organization.

"So she is the Princess of Treasure Glazed Tile Clan." Xiao Wu asked.

"That's right.... are you scared?" Xin asked.

"No," Xiao Wu shook her head," You are here, I know that you can easily fight anyone even Title Douluo so why need to be scared?"

"And besides, we come out to experience the Human world not to find trouble."

Zhuqing nodded.

When Ning Rongrong released his martial spirit, the teacher's expression became suspicious and asked, "Little girl, does your family know you're here?"

"My present here does not concern them, I can enter as long as I meet the requirements."

"What's the matter?" Ning Rongrong nonchalantly said.

"Nothing." The old man said, but his expression was not very calm. He knew what kind of trouble would come to their school.

"Then did I pass?"

"Passed," The old man said.

"Thank you." Ning Rongrong showed a polite appearance and stood aside.

She wanted to see what kind of martial spirits Xin and the other girls were.

"What about you?" The oldman looked at Xin and asked, "Looking at your age, doesn't it look like a person under thirteen years old?"

"Indeed, I am not." Xin nodded, "I'm not here to take the entrance examination either."

"Then don't waste time!"

"Wait a minute, I am not attending the entrance examination, but I am here to apply for a tutor." Xin said.

That's right, one of Xin's quests is to become a tutor in Shrek.


Novice task: Become a Shrek Tutor

Mission reward: 100Sp

Failure: Unable to sleep for one whole week

Note: Why take your time to find customers if you can find them in one place?


The quest just pops out when they meet Ning Rongrong just now, having absurd punishment made Xin helpless.

"What?" The Oldman said in surprise.

Hearing this, Ning Rongrong and the others were also shocked.

They did not expect Xin to apply as Tutor in this remote place.

The Oldman said contemptuously: "Then don't waste time."

"To become a mentor of our Shrek Academy, you must first be above the Spirit King and defeat an academy mentor, That's right."

"I want to remind you that the lowest in our academy is the Spirit Emperor. In other words, if you're not a Spirit Emperor wanting to become a mentor of Shrek Academy, it is simply a dream."

Xin stretched his hand towards the Oldman and said," See for yourself."

The old man squeeze a few times to check,"

"What! Your body is like Spirit Saint! No! Wait, it's not Spirit Saint, it's even higher!" The Oldman was shocked when checking Xin's muscles.

It is so hard, harder than their most powerful Defense Spirit Master, he doesn't need to ask this boy Martial Spirit because he knows that his boy is higher than their own Dean but still he asks for it to check what kind of System is this Youngman.

"Can you release your martial spirit and spirit ring?"

Xin nodded and released his martial spirit and spirit ring.

From behind a gigantic orange color Spirit Ring appears, The Oldman can vaguely see strange pictures of the mountain, waves, flying birds, the sun, the moon, and the stars.

Not only that, he felt restricted, he can feel that this strange Martial Spirit is restricting his own Martial Spirit.

"What about your Soul Ring?

Slowly, the Martial Spirit starts to change in color, the pictures of mountains, waves, flying birds, the sun, the moon, and the stars start to light in different colors.

Then the restriction becomes even stronger, the Oldman who is Spirit Emperor feels that his Spirit Rank decreases to Spirit Ancestor and still continues to go lower.

"Stop! Stop! No need to show it!! Hurry, hide it!"

Xin hides his Martial Spirit and turns around, his lips twitch seeing all the people fainted while the girls are panting heavily.

"Your Martial Spirit is really terrible," Xiao Wu can't help but to complain, even though Zhuqing and he have already seen Xin's Martial Spirit, the restriction is still there, but as time goes by, that restriction is starting to get milder.

"W-What kind of Martial Spirit is that" Ning Ronrogn also felt the restriction, her Martial Spirit almost burst if not for the Treasure she is currently carrying.

She never feels this kind of pressure at all, not even in Title Douluo in her clan.

She can't describe the feelings, she feels restricted from martial spirit and spirit rings.

"So I only need to fight one instructor?"

"Yes, let me call someone to fight you."

"No need, let me take this kid."

Everyone followed the sound and saw a middle-aged man with a strong build and a bronzed skin, pulling out his ears and walking slowly.

This middle-aged man, wearing animal skin armor, was extremely rough, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, and his skin was as tough as a city wall.

There was a playful smile on his face, as if he was asking for a beating.

"Did I get it wrong just now, someone wants to challenge us? I heard it right, right?"

"Vice President Zhao!" At this moment, The Oldman walked to Zao Wou-ki's ear, looked at Xin's direction, and whispered a few words toward him!

Zhao Wuji is very tall and overly muscular.


The oldman nodded.

"You, do you want to be our academy tutor?" Zao Wou-ki frowned. He has completely lost the arrogance he had just now.

"I heard that if you want to become your Shrek Academy's mentor, you need to defeat a mentor."

"That's right."

"Good, come with me, you just need to fight me, you don't need to win, just show what you got."


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