
All Heaven and Worlds Store

All Heaven and Worlds Store "You want Ultimate Fire? sure, I have Fire Stone here." "What? you want to be a Human? Here I have 7th Rank Body Transformation Pill." "What about you? So you want to have Ice Element Ability? You're lucky, I have new product here, Hie Hie no Mi eating it will can make you a Freezing Human." "You want to buy a Spirit Bone? Let me check if I have some, got it, it look dusty but this one is a Treasure, Supreme Bone from a Supreme Being," "A Blood? I have some, Azure Dragon, Fire Phoenix, Black Dragon, Dark Phoenix, Asura, Immortal Sovereign, Royal Abyssal Bloodline, pick one." "Pet? i don't sell live one but I have a gadget here for you to easily get one, here buy Pokeball, to catch your favorite pet." "You want life? Mister come~ come! lets talk about it, how much can you pay for life extension pill?" Knock~ Knock "Who?" "We are from Divine Realm Council, it seems you are illegal trespass inside of our domain so you need to leave please." "And if not?" "........... If not... Its nothing." What can they do, the can't even break the small shop of him, the only thing they can do is to watch him rip off all fate of all people in the planet. All Heaven and Worlds Store where anything is possible to buy, from Life, Pill, Weapon, and even Protection, you onyl need to pay the corresponding price for you to get anything. Note: Douluo is not mine, and so Cover not mine I will make cover later

LittleApple · Anime & Comics
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250 Chs

Ning Rongrong

Looking at Zhuqing, Xin asked," Do you have anything you want to say to me Xiao Qing?"

"Brother Xin, i know that man just now."

"Dai Mubai?" Xiao Wu.


Zhu Zhuqing said slowly: "I have made a marriage contract with him before i got assassinated and i did not expect to see him out with other women here."

"Are you sure?" Xiao Wu asked.

"Yes, only the Royal Family of Star Luo Empire can awaken the White Tiger Martial Spirit just like my Family Hell Civet Spirit so I can't be wrong about that man."

"Are you angry?"

Zhuqign shook her head," No, I don't know him at all, and besides I'm already dead a couple of years ago so they don't know me at all."

Xiao Wu immediately sympathized with Zhu Zhuqing, and said angrily: "Don't worry about such a man, listen to me, you must not marry such a scum."

"I won't," Zhuqing hurriedly said, slightly peeking at Xin's expression.

"Brother Xin is more handsome than him so why did I marry that scammer? And besides, maybe my marriage contract is already nullified."

"Well let's go."


"To where big customers meet"


"To Shrek Academy"

Next morning~

The three officially went to Shrek Academy to find a big customer, of course to experience the human world too.

After coming out of the city, the three of them walked all the way to the south, but as they walked even further the place became more and more desolate, as if they had come to a farm, with large farmlands on both sides of the road.

"What's going on, how do I feel, we seem to be getting more and more remote?" Xiao Wu wondered.

"What's the matter?"

"I'm tired?"

Xin's eyebrow curled up," Tired? Are you kidding me? Even if we run for the whole day, I'm pretty sure you will not get tired at all."

"I said i'm tired," Xiao Wu said, jumping on Xin's back, "I'm ordering you as you Cute Little Sister, I want you to carry me!"

Xin grabbed Xiao Wu's long legs with both hands, and said helplessly: "You girl, just tell me if you want me to carry you, no need to act cute okay?"

"Brother XIn is the best." Xiao Wu cheerfully said, ``Look at Zhuqing full of provocation.

Of course, Zhuqing feels envious, but she can't do that. She and Xin have a different identity, she is just a clerk while Xin is his boss so she can't act willfully even if Xin doesn't really care.

Course, sometimes, she lets herself indulge in Sin but she has strong self restraint.

As the three of them walked, Xiao Wu poked her head out and asked, "Brother Xin, ​​is this Shrek Academy really good, can we really sell something in this poor remote area?"

"It's okay, but it's just a bit poor."

As they walk, they notice a girl sitting on the farm fence while holding her feet.

Xiao Wu hurriedly jumped away from Xin and ran towards the girl.

"What the matter, Sister?"

The girl said," My feet is full of blisters, i'm applying some medicine to cure it,"

When she looks at the feet of the girl, she sees that it is actually swollen.

"Let me help you."

"Grandma, i have carrot juice~" Xiao Wu curly chanted, even the girl forgot the pain coming from her feet.

"Your Auxiliary Food System?"

"Yes and no."


"Take it, drink the juice and the pain will fly away."

The girl slightly smiles hearing her childish words but still, she gladly takes it and drinks in one gulp.

"Pretty sweet~ i did not expect carrot can make it a juice"

Xiao Wu proudly said," That's right, carrots are the best, not only it's delicious, they're also superfoods."

The girl wore her shoes again and stood up. She politely said," Hello, My name is Ning Rongrong. I am also going to Shrek Academy to study. Maybe we will be classmates in the future."

"I'm Xiao Wu." Then she pointed to Xin and Zhuqing.

"That tall girl is Xiao Qing, while the handsome boy is my Brother, Brother Xin."

Ning Rongrong slightly dazed seeing Xin's appearance , she is like the girl in the city who is mesmerized by Xin's uniqueness.

Ning Rongrong has extremely fair delicate skin, her figure unusually harmonious, her entire being looking to give people a kind of earthy feeling. Rong Rong has long flowing, pink hair and also has a pair of beautifully delicate light amethyst colored eyes.

She gave off the impression of a highly educated noble young lady. Her gentle and beautiful smiling expression can affect everyone in her surroundings.

'Lucky, another big fish,'

"Hello I'm Xin Fei, a merchant."

"A merchant? I thought you're a student?" Nig Rongrong was confused.

"Well, I can't, I'm too old to be a student."

"But you look like 15 years old to me, by the way how old are you?"

"We….. I don't know."

"You don't know?"

"Brother Xin already forget his own age and even some important thing like birthday, birthplace and even his parents, the only thing he know is his name,"


As they travel, Ning Rongrong learns that the three of them come to the same place, they come to experience the buzzing city outside of their own home and of course to sell some goods.

As for the good, Nig Rongrong did not even bother to ask.

As they walked, they finally found the place.

The village was surrounded by a fence, and there was a long line at the entrance of the village.

A group of teenagers and girls lined up, most of them accompanied by their parents. At the front of the line, there was an old man who appeared to be in his sixties who was testing these teenagers and girls.

As they walk closer, they start to attract everyone, their domineering appearance immediately attracted everyone's attention,

In just an instant, bursts of cold air sounded, whether it was the teenage girls who participated in the assessment or the parents who accompanied them, they were all shocked by the appearance of Xin and the others.

The visual impact of a few stunning girls and the handsome Xin standing together was beyond the reach of ordinary people.

With a bang, the teacher in front of the assessment patted the table vigorously and shouted: "Do you still want to be assessed? Those who don't want to be assessed can leave."

The people in the front hurriedly turned around, but couldn't help but occasionally take a peek at Xin's group.

Xin looked around and did not see any potential target, but still having Ning Ronong is pretty good enough for his first day.

The speed of the assessment is very fast. The 60-year-old assessment teacher only tested two aspects, age and soul power.

The requirement to join is pretty simple but at the same time it's hard.

The age cannot be more than thirteen years old, and the spirit power must reach level 21 or higher. Those who can meet this condition are already considered geniuses.

Among the young girls in the queue, many have met this requirement, and some are unqualified. With a fluke mentality, try to see if they can be admired.

Soon it was Xin's turn.

When he was about to step forward, Ning Rongrong standing behind suddenly said, "Brother Xin, ​​can I come first?"

"Yes." Xin stepped out and let her go first.

"Thank you, Brother." Ning Rongrong sweetly said/