
All Heaven and Worlds Store

All Heaven and Worlds Store "You want Ultimate Fire? sure, I have Fire Stone here." "What? you want to be a Human? Here I have 7th Rank Body Transformation Pill." "What about you? So you want to have Ice Element Ability? You're lucky, I have new product here, Hie Hie no Mi eating it will can make you a Freezing Human." "You want to buy a Spirit Bone? Let me check if I have some, got it, it look dusty but this one is a Treasure, Supreme Bone from a Supreme Being," "A Blood? I have some, Azure Dragon, Fire Phoenix, Black Dragon, Dark Phoenix, Asura, Immortal Sovereign, Royal Abyssal Bloodline, pick one." "Pet? i don't sell live one but I have a gadget here for you to easily get one, here buy Pokeball, to catch your favorite pet." "You want life? Mister come~ come! lets talk about it, how much can you pay for life extension pill?" Knock~ Knock "Who?" "We are from Divine Realm Council, it seems you are illegal trespass inside of our domain so you need to leave please." "And if not?" "........... If not... Its nothing." What can they do, the can't even break the small shop of him, the only thing they can do is to watch him rip off all fate of all people in the planet. All Heaven and Worlds Store where anything is possible to buy, from Life, Pill, Weapon, and even Protection, you onyl need to pay the corresponding price for you to get anything. Note: Douluo is not mine, and so Cover not mine I will make cover later

LittleApple · Anime & Comics
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250 Chs

Miserable Bone Douluo

"How?" The three of them were shocked to see that she could jump from this kind of gravity.

Even Ning Fengzhi can't stand from this kind of gravity, he can only walk because of the help of Bone Douluo has the Power of Space.

Bone Douluo reverses the gravity to normal around Ning Fengzhi so that he can walk towards his daughter.

"How did you do that? How can you jump from 20x gravity?!"

Ning Rongrong jumped down and proudly said," I can easily jump from here because of my 2nd Martial Spirit."

"You have a second Martial Spirit!!"

"Yes." Ning Rongrong summons his shield showing off to them.

"Martial Spirit Tool: Maiden's Heart Protector"


"Except for Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda, we don't know any who have Shield Tool Spirit, even your mother is not a Tool Spirit."

Bone Douluo carefully look at the shield and said," It's a Pure Defense Type Martial Tools, it even stronger than my own Defence,"


"Of course, I can see this small ornament-looking shield is more durable and tougher than my own Bones."

"By the way, we still don't know how Rongrong awakes a Shield Martial Tool, i can't remember any part of the Clan having Shield Type Martial Tool or even hear this kind of Tool Spirit."

"It's rarer than Bow Type Tool Spirit in the past, after all, there's no news about this kind of Tool Spirit."

"Grandpa, Dad, hear me out, this is not mine, I bought it from Teacher Xin." Ning Rongrong said.

"Bought? How can that happen? I never heard of someone who can give Martial SPirit?! Are you sure you bought it?" Ning Fengzhi seriously asked.

"Of course."

"Then how much do you pay for it?"

"Well... don't get angry okay."

"Go on."

"I exchanged Glazed Light, Nine Colored Glazed Lamp, Daughter of the Plane, Destiny Heroine, and Future Master of Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan."

The three of them were petrified hearing what she said, they thought she used Gold Coin to buy it but what kind of payment is that.

"Suzerain….. I think I need to report you something." Bone Douluo said.

"What is it, Grandpa Bone?"

"Two days ago, when i'm checking the Clan Treasury, I noticed that the Nine Colored Glazed Lamp was missing. I don't know how and when this happened but I'm pretty sure that I'm always guarding the Treasury."

"You did not notice?" Sword Douluo curious.

Bone Douluo nodded," You know that I'm versatile in Power of Space, but when I checked the whole room, I never felt any space energy or any type of energy left by the culprit."

"As if the Nine Colored Glazed Lamp disappeared on its own."

"I also felt something strange two days ago, when i'm doing paperwork, a thought suddenly came inside of my head."

"A thought that excluding Rongrong from becoming the Future Master of Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan."

"The library seems to be missing two types of techniques. When I also checked it yesterday, we were missing the forbidden Seven Treasure Glaze Tile clan secret technique."

They all know that a weird thing happened when Ning Rongrong bought the Martial Spirit two days ago.

"Don't worry dad, I never want to become Clan Master anyway, I want to build my own Clan!" Rongrong proudly said.

"Naughty! You can't just let go of our Clan, do you know that the clan is the greatest treasure of our family?! How can you easily give it up!"

"I'm sorry." Ning Rongrong sadly said, she looked at them as if she would cry anytime soon.

"Fengzh, don't be angry at Rongrong, she is just too young to understand what you are trying to say." Sword Douluo hurry protect Rongrong.

"That's right," Bone Douluo.

"You always spoil this girl, that's why she grows up like a witch." Ning Fengzhi helplessly said.

"Okay, let's find your Teacher first, let's see if he can explain everything."

They then see Xin who is lazy lying below the three sleeping with a strange cat beside him.

"Is that your teacher?" Bone Douluo asked.


"He is pretty young….. And handsome as me…"


"Let me wake him up, Suzerain." Bone Douluo walks closer and tries to wake up Xin using his own pressure.

The grass turn plat but Xin still sleeping, you can even hear a weak snore coming from him./

"Did I hold back too much?"

Bone Douluo's eyes narrowed, and his huge spirit power pressed towards Xin who was lying on the ground.

He started increasing his spirit power output. When he reached the forty-fifth level, he stopped and looked at Xin but he was still sleeping.

"Is this kid Martial Spirit Pig? How can he sleep with this kind of pressure?"

He started increasing his spirit power output again this time, he did not even bother to hold out, he then broke the ninety level and saw Xin was still sleeping while the tree behind him was already pulverized by pressure.

"What happened to Uncle Bone?"

"Suzerain, this kid is weird, I'm using a Duluo Pressure but he is still not waking up."

"Really?!" Ning Fengzhi was amazed hearing that someone actually can sleep while a Title Douluo releasing pressure.

"Don't rest him any more Ankle Bone, just wake him up normally."

"Okay." Bone Douluo finally stops releasing his spiritual energy and walks to wake XIn up.

Seeing this Ning Rongrong hurry shout."Don't-"

But it's too late, Xin's arm suddenly moves and hits Bone Douluo into the ground.

"7th Ring: Bone Dragon True Body!"


They see a gigantic bone dragon being pinned down by Xin's arm, Ning Rongrong hurries to check if Bone Douluo is fine while Ning Fengzhi and Sword Douluo are petrified.

They only snap out seeing Ning Rongrong trying to pull Bone Douluofrom the ground.

"Rongrong come back here!" Ning Fengzhi's face turn pale seeing his daughter actually come close to that sleeping monster, he even tries to move Xin's arm/

Xin, who felt someone moving his hand suddenly moved, making Ning Fengzhi and Sword Douluo hurry to save her; they didn't want her to be hurt.

"Ummmm… Rongrong? What's the matter?"

"Teacher Xin, you hit someone again," Ning Rongrong helplessly said.


"Yes, you hit my Grandpa."

"Grandpa?" Xin, he then notices the gigantic Bone Dragon in the ground near him.

"Bone Douluo?!"

He hurried to stand up and help Boen Duluo who also dazed after experiencing the scariest moment in his life.

"You monster…."


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