
All Heaven and Worlds Store

All Heaven and Worlds Store "You want Ultimate Fire? sure, I have Fire Stone here." "What? you want to be a Human? Here I have 7th Rank Body Transformation Pill." "What about you? So you want to have Ice Element Ability? You're lucky, I have new product here, Hie Hie no Mi eating it will can make you a Freezing Human." "You want to buy a Spirit Bone? Let me check if I have some, got it, it look dusty but this one is a Treasure, Supreme Bone from a Supreme Being," "A Blood? I have some, Azure Dragon, Fire Phoenix, Black Dragon, Dark Phoenix, Asura, Immortal Sovereign, Royal Abyssal Bloodline, pick one." "Pet? i don't sell live one but I have a gadget here for you to easily get one, here buy Pokeball, to catch your favorite pet." "You want life? Mister come~ come! lets talk about it, how much can you pay for life extension pill?" Knock~ Knock "Who?" "We are from Divine Realm Council, it seems you are illegal trespass inside of our domain so you need to leave please." "And if not?" "........... If not... Its nothing." What can they do, the can't even break the small shop of him, the only thing they can do is to watch him rip off all fate of all people in the planet. All Heaven and Worlds Store where anything is possible to buy, from Life, Pill, Weapon, and even Protection, you onyl need to pay the corresponding price for you to get anything. Note: Douluo is not mine, and so Cover not mine I will make cover later

LittleApple · Anime & Comics
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250 Chs

Ning Fengzhi

The weight of five cats seemed a little heavier. The key was that the stone was still dangling in it when she ran, which made her feel a little uncomfortable.

But that's in the past, right now, the seven of the mare running at the same time while chatting, they don't even feel the weight on the basket while running around. For them, this kind of training is a warm up for the most intense one in the noon.

Master has been watching all of them for a while, and he was very dissatisfied when he heard them happily chatting and giggling.

But he doesn't have any choice, the plan is already thrown in the gutter, it seems he needs to come up with another plan that is more intense and helpful for them.

He came to Shrek Academy today. When he saw every one of them, he was very happy. He planned to take all of them as his disciples but he knew it was impossible. He heard that the most powerful of them, Zhuqing and Xiao Wu, who blocked him already have a Master.

It's unethical if he snatches them forcibly so he comes up with the idea of showing off on his own to show his own knowledge and conquer them.

He finally had the opportunity to teach these two peerless geniuses. Although they don't have a proper teacher and apprentice, it's good for him to be called teacher only in name.

This is the idea in the master's mind.

It made him excited to accept two more geniuses in his hand, he knew for sure that these two girls would become Douluo without any doubt.

He even feels that they will become Douluo before Tang San becomes one.

As everyone ran out now, Xiao Wu and Zhuqing suddenly stopped.

"Why don't you two run?" He frowned and asked.

"I don't want to run, so I won't run. Is there a problem?" Xiao Wu childishly said.

Zhuqing on the other hand just calmly looking at them, she clearly knows how Xiao Wu feels, the feeling of doing something that will only give nothing at all.

For two of them, running is just a waste of time. It's better if they just sit around and conserve their energy for the afternoon training.

"You two have good talent, your talent can be waste so you need to do this,"

"But, it's only a waste of time for us." Zhuqign finally said it.

"Waste of time?"

The master put on a stern face, and angry shouted " Do you know that the more difficult the soul master's cultivation becomes as their cultivation get higher"

"You two have great talents, and you may be able to beat the efforts of others several times just practicing a couple of hours."

"But let me tell you that after reaching a high level, your advantages like this will become smaller and smaller. If you don't even bother to practice, you will sooner or later become an ordinary little soul master in the spirit master world."

"Look at Oscar, he is already a thirty-one-level Spirit Elder, and he is still so hard in his cultivation, and meticulously executes my orders."

"Just like you, others are trying hard to cultivate, but you are wasting time and talent. Don't you feel ashamed? Don't you feel sorry for your family?"

"No." Zhuqing codlly said," I don't have any family, i only have my Master."

"..." Yu Xiaogang

"My mother never forced me to cultivate, I only came because of Brother Xin." Xiao Wu helplessly said.


It's fine for Zhuqing because there's only Xin for her but for Xiao Wu, he doesn't know what kind of a mother who lets her daughter play as she pleases.

Having this kind of talent should not be wasted. He only sees the masses wasting their talent and playing around.

"Did your mother tell you that strength is everything in this world?"

"She said that but Mother told me that she will protect me from any harm so she never forces me to cultivate."

"Is your mother strong enough to not even bother to let you cultivate?"

"Aunt Yi is powerful."

"That's right, Mother is powerful."

Xin lazily looked at them and said," Xiao Wu's mother is a Rank 97 Super Douluo."

Tang San and others walk closer to see what happens, they then overheard that Xiao Wu's mother is actually a Rank 97 Super Douluo.

Even stronger than Sword Douluo from Ning Rongrong's clan.

Well, she can really do whatever she wants, she has a strong backer like her mother.

While Zhuqing have Xin who fully supports her, it's only time can tell when they will become Douluo, but for sure, they will become one sooner or later.


After being shut down again, Yu Xiaogang finally stopped bothering Xiao Wu and Zhuqing, he did not even bother to teach Ning Rongrong because he knew that she was following her own clan training.

Just like Flender said, Xin starts to train them at noon, just like what he did last time, he drops a gravity ball in the middle and lets them do whatever they want.

The students know their limit so they go inside slowly and start practicing in their area.

Flender and Zao Wou-ki arrive to join the fun, after all, this kind of training is not only useful for the student but also for them.

Yu Xiaogang on the other hand is supporting his precious disciple, he strat studying the gravity field that Xin made and come up with a training plan for everyone.

Of course, he also plans something, he plans to make the ramming student beat those girls in their group.... But it's impossible.

Couple of hours later, Sword Douluo came back with two more people following him.

Ning Fengzhi is the head of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan, Ning Rongrong's father of course.

Gu Rong is a Titled Douluo known as Bone Douluo. He is one of the two Titled Douluo who is associated with the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan.

Ning Fengzhi is an elegant middle-aged man with a calm and scholarly appearance with a gentle voice.

Gu Rong is an old man with a withered face. He was not robust or muscular but still had a very astonishing stature clearly exuding his power. His muscles and skin were both withered, his eye sockets were deep caves, and if seen late at night it would simply be like an immense cranium. On his scalp were only a few sparse wisps of white or grey hair.

The three of them are surprised to see the unique training of Xin.

"What do you think of Grandpa Bone?" Ning Fengzhi is curious.

"Pretty good, they use gravity to train their body to the limit. Someone neven made different parts for each student so they can adapt easily." Bone Douluo said after looking carefully.

He then look at Rongrong full of surprise," Rongrong even running in the middle where gravity is 20x"


Bone Douluo nodded, he didn't know what happened to their princess but seeing her excited face, they know that the training is not as hard as they think.

Then Ning Rongrong suddenly stopped.

"Is she tired already? Grandpa Bone, o ucan help her to get out-"

Before Ning Fengzhi he was petrified seeing his daughter take out a bunch of food and start eating vigorously without even bothering about manners.

As she eats, Ning Fengzhi notices something." Did my daughter turn into a pig? How can she eat so much food that is good for twenty people?"

"Suzerain, did you notice that Rongrong's stomach did not bloat?"

"What happened to that girl?"

"Let's go and ask her."

"Let's go, Grandpa Bone, Grandpa Sword."

Ning Rongrong did not even notice the three people arriving behind her, she concentrated on eating food to replenish her energy.

A gentle voice sounded "Is it good?"

Ning Rongrogn did not even bother to look behind and nodded," its good but I feel that I should add more sweets to the menu."



She turns around and sees the three most important people of her life, she jumps up and pounces on her father," Father!!"

The three of them were shocked to see that she could jump from this kind of gravity.

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