
All Deities Horror

All living beings have something they fear. But then what do the gods fear? They stand at the peak of the world. There shouldn’t be anything they fear…right? Well it turns out, all gods fear one person. Lucian Elysia. But who is this… being? And how come every god fears him? Read and find out —————————————————— The cover I used is not mine! If the creator wants me to take it down then he/she can contact me. Personal goal: 14 chapters/week Actual: 8 chaps/week release time: 23:59 Paris time (A.N: currently on hold) For illustrations join my discord server Discord server: https://discord.gg/muDMjJXv5h

Redex · Urban
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18 Chs


The impending menace of the colossal fireball, poised to devour them, lingered in the air, as though magic itself hesitated in the face of uncertainty. The fiery threat writhed with anticipation, casting an eerie glow across the landscape.

In a moment of decision, Lucian summoned his yet-unnamed sword with deliberate slowness, the metallic rasp echoing like an invisible shroud tightening around them.

Opening his sword's status window,

Lucian meticulously examined its skills.

[Skills: Glow, Light absorption, Light sword],

With a deep breath, Lucian traced his fingers along the blade, the sword pulsing with a faint luminosity.

"Sigh, it's worth a try," Lucian mused. With careful precision, he shifted his grip on the hilt, preparing for the impending challenge.

Lucian activated the B-rank skill, "Light sword," prompting widened eyes from Adrian and Gabriel.

Light Sword, a skill even many A ranks struggled to master.

The golden sheen on the blade countered the impending C-rank spell, and the air tingled with magical energy.

Facing the charging fireball as second-year students prepared their combined assault, Lucian's actions hung in suspense, building tension to an almost unbearable level.

"Combination skill! Great fireball of hell!" they chanted, their voices resonating like an incantation. The fireball responded, growing in intensity and size.

"Cringe!" Adrian commented, shivering, while Gabriel pondered the odd absence of fear.

"Do you not feel fear?" Gabriel asked Adrian.

"I actually do feel fear, but it's just that they were so cringe with that" Adrian explained.

Undeterred, Lucian slashed the massive fireball in two, leaving behind a trail of sparks. The resulting impact created substantial craters, leaving Gabriel and Adrian awestruck.

Lucian, surprised by his success, turned his attention to the radiant sword. The golden glow, now more pronounced, mirrored the interplay of triumph and disbelief.

"Haaa," Lucian exhaled, surprised by his own success, and turned his attention to the radiant sword in his hands.

With a subtle golden glow, the sword became a source of admiration for Lucian, who couldn't hide his delight.

"Haha, yeah!" Lucian celebrated, waving the sword, provoking the pursuing second years.

"He's insulting us and calling us weak!" one of them concluded, intensifying their determination.

Despite Lucian's plea to be left alone, the second years retaliated with a lightning arrow, prompting a renewed sprint from the trio.

As they questioned the need to run, another fire arrow targeted Adrian, prompting him to dodge and further questioning.

The repeated onslaught of magical assaults created a chaotic rhythm, underscoring the precariousness of their situation.

"Wait! Why are we running? We haven't done anything to them!" Adrian protested, his voice rising above the cacophony of magical clashes.

Another fire arrow emphasized the imminent danger, and Lucian sought a place to hide. The urgency of their escape unfolded against the backdrop of a surreal landscape.

At the far end of the floating island where Nova Academy stood, Lucian spotted a distant island and hatched a plan.

"Hey! Guys! I have a plan!" Lucian's voice cut through the tumult, pointing toward the distant island.

"What?!" Gabriel and Adrian asked simultaneously, their voices weaving into the symphony of magical discord.

"You see that island right in front of us?" Lucian pointed. "Let's go there!"

"What? Are you crazy?! That island doesn't have a bridge connecting it to this one! How are we going to get there?" Gabriel argued.

"Jump!" Lucian proposed, the word echoing with audacity that mirrored the surreal landscape.

"What?! Are you crazy?!" Gabriel exclaimed.

"Yes!" Lucian admitted.

"How the hell are we going to jump that far?!!!" Gabriel demanded.

"Adrian! Can you control where those scales of yours appear in your mana zone?" Lucian inquired.

"Yeah, but why do you ask?" Adrian responded.

Lucian grinned. "Put those scales on that island and judge us!"

"What?!" Gabriel objected.

Adrian found the idea brilliant. "That's a brilliant idea!"

"What?! I don't want my heart out of my body!" Gabriel protested.

"Haha! Don't worry! You're innocent! It won't hurt for you!" Adrian assured.

"I just need to set the conditions you're going to be judged on."

"And what is it going to be?" Lucian inquired.

"I'm just going to set the condition on something crazy like if you've ever killed someone."

"Oh, okay," Gabriel said.

"Wait, does it have to be by hand or?" Lucian asked.

"By hand, why do you ask?"

"No reason, just wondering," Lucian explained.

"Fuck! They're preparing another huge fireball!" Gabriel exclaimed.

Lucian and Adrian looked back to see the second years readying the same spell.

"Fuck," Lucian cursed as they realized they had to slow down since the island ended a few meters away.

As they approached the precipice, the edge of the floating island offering a perilous limit to their flight, Lucian's mind raced with a renewed surge of panic.

The trio, now on the edge of the floating island, faced the daunting leap that bridged the expanse between survival and capture. The wind seemed to pause in anticipation, as if the very atmosphere held its breath, awaiting the audacious act about to unfold.

Lucian surveyed the precipice with a mixture of determination and uncertainty, the distant island beckoning like a sanctuary in the magical chaos. A playful breeze tugged at his hair, seemingly teasing the audacious plan forming in his mind.

With a quick glance at Adrian and Gabriel, Lucian detected a blend of skepticism and reluctant agreement in Gabriel's expression, well, Adrian showed a face of excitement.

The imminent threat of another colossal fireball from the pursuing second years spurred them into action.

As they prepared for the daring leap, the rhythmic clashes of magical assaults continued in the background, creating a surreal symphony that underscored the urgency of their escape. Each step towards the edge of the island felt like a beat in the chaotic rhythm of their precarious situation.

Lucian, sensing the gravity of the moment, gripped the radiant sword with newfound confidence. The golden glow intensified, casting a warm sheen on his determined face. "Ready?" he asked, the single word cutting through the magical discord.

Adrian and Gabriel exchanged glances, sharing a nod of readiness.

Release the chapter a little earlier than usual. Enjoy! :)

also, “Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!”

– WN Quick Replies

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