
All Bow Before The Magical Villain

ON HIATUS If transmigration fails, try rebirth. In a magical world where power spoke before all else he would be the most powerful of them all and with their bones he would build his throne. Dex Atticus had transmigrated from earth to a magical continent. He lived right, saved millions and became the justified magic emperor. He had been the hero, or that was how he saw himself after all, it was what transmigrators did in the books. But he was betrayed by those he saved and killed by those who wanted his power. And just when he thought that death had come calling, he returned to start over again. And this time, he had a hunting system as a cheat. All magical inheritances would be his, all the glory would be his, all the wealth in the world he would claim and the most outstanding women, he would take. All his enemies would fall on his sword and every creature on the continent would bow before him, the new reigning supreme villain emperor. He would not be the hero they rejected, he would be the villain they loved. When they asked why he was cruel to the good guys, Dex would simply say, "I am allergic to heroes." Cover picture is not mine, it belongs to Lariella. Art on Pinterest.

1cutecat · Fantasy
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28 Chs

I am the center now

Dex's lips curved upward, what a free bonus this was. Alchemists were some of the wealthiest mages on the continent. They were highly sought after by sects, academies and powerful clans. 

One pill could be the difference between victory and loss in some battles. Sometimes it was the difference between a high level mage and a low level one. 

He would be a rich man soon, no the wealthiest man in Mitril, then the kingdom and from there ten kingdoms and then all of humanity. 

"You still need to buy a refining cauldron, you don't have enough points to get one from the system. Why is the stench of poverty always stuck to you?" 

Dex went from smiling to frowning. The system really knew how to cut deep with it's insults. It would only be satisfied when he was reduced to a sad sack with no self esteem. 

"Never mind, give eight points to alchemy and in the rest give me a spell and skills, fire related." 

The system was quick to gobble his few points up and leave his currency at zero. 

"The system recommends a reversal spell, it's a combination of space and any other magic. As a skill, you can take any spell used against you, combine it's energy with your space magic and revert it back to your opponent."

As it explained, a demonstration was also given on his virtual screen. Two animated figures were engaged in battle, one threw a fire ball at the other and that one stopped it and sent it back to the sender. 

"So, I manipulate the energy when it enters my space orbit and send it back." Dex said, unsurely. 

"Yes." The system responded in a snarky tone. 

All that was missing from it's response were the words 'duh' 

"And I can use it with any type of magic?" he asked in shock. 

This was an awesome skill, he would not need to fight, he would simply let the opponent fight himself. 

"Wait, what are the limitations?" he asked. 

"Aah, you are learning." The system responded. "The spell requires incredible speed and your opponent can easily fend it off since it's their skill. Mostly, it's good for buying time and annoying others."

He had more questions but they would have to wait because the one he had been waiting for had arrived, the big bad Zeb. 

His reference to Zeb as big and bad was literally true because Zeb was big in size and bad in character. 

He was one of those people who took pleasure in being as mean as they could be to those who were weaker than they were. He also always moved with four other guys that surrounded him as if he was a mafia boss or a prince of some kingdom.

Silence reigned in the dining hall and everyone looked at Dex, all of them knowing what was coming next. The few clever ones who were sitting close by moved away, if blood was about to splash, they did not wish to be near the source. 

The whispers were already travelling around the dining hall, most of them hushed down a lot not to attract attention from Zeb.

"Why is he not moving?"

"Is he crazy?" 

"Zeb is going to kill him?" 

Others were clearing away from the area but there were those who were going closer like moths drawn to a flame. Ning Chu was one of those, as she stood up with a strong focus in her eyes. 

"Ning Chu, what are you doing?" Bei-Bei grabbed her arm. 

"Let go." Ning Chu shrugged Bei-Bei's hand away. 

Dex, however remained calm, and still, very much unbothered right until the moment when Zeb and his minions reached him. 

Only then did Dex shake his shoulders, he raised his arms above his head and stretched them. 

"I knew he would move." 

"Why wait until now to move, what was he delaying for?" 

"I was hoping to see a fight, aaah, it's Zeb so it would be a beat down." someone said. 

Many snickered at that, especially those who wanted to ally themselves with Zeb. 

But Dex did not move as expected, he stayed where he was and poured himself a cup of tea.

The energy in the air changed, and tension charged up, triple of what was already circulating around. A few gasps and 'oh shits' were heard in the dining hall. 

Most thought, how dare this guy pour himself a cup of tea so calmly with Dex standing right behind him?

"Who is this clown?" Zeb bellowed. 

One of his minions shoved Dex roughly, "Hey, move." 

Another slapped the cup of tea in Dex's hands, it flew through the air and the tea splashed on a few other students close by. 

Dex remained calm, as if he had not heard the question. He was waiting for only one thing to move. 

"Dex, he sent Lady Ning meat and she accepted it." A brown haired boy with a long nose came rushing to report. 

This was the same guy Ning Chu had rebuked for calling him a greedy selfish bastard.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the boy came close to Zeb, one of Zeb's minions punched him really hard in the stomach. 

Many of the students were confused, what had that one done to deserve the punch? He was simply sharing facts on what had happened. They felt lucky not to be the ones who had gone running with unsolicited information just to end up with cracked ribs.

The boy had been punched so hard that he vomited his lunch, and the contents landed on the feet of other students, splashing onto their school robes. 

"Eww," a girl screamed. 

Nobody cared for her screams and they watched Ning Chu place herself in front of Zeb. She was standing between his towering figure and Dex's lowered one as one was standing while another was sitting. 

"Walk away." Ning Chu told Zeb intensely, in a deep voice. 

One of the minions cackled and said, "Shit, this pansy needs a woman to fight his battles. What a cunt." 

Some of the students laughed, most of the laughter dry and forced. 

"Ning Chu, is this the kind of man you like? A cunt who cannot defend himself?" Zeb bellowed. 

"The man I like is none of your business. The rules forbid fighting in the dining hall. If you want to fight him you can challenge him legally and meet at the battle grounds."

Ding! Dex heard in his mind. 

The system has detected a minor hunting mission. The honor of the villain has been insulted and this must be corrected immediately. 

1. Scream out loud I am a cunt and bow before Zeb for ten points.

2. Hide behind Ning Chu to be saved and get one hundred points. 

3. Declare that you are the center now, break their bones brutally and get one thousand points and a spiritual cauldron. 

That was it, what Dex had been waiting for. For a villain, every battle had to be worthy not a silly scrabble. 

Dex stood up, and put an arm around Ning Chu's waist with a provocative look on his face. 

"Hey, bastard, I am the center now." he declared in an arrogant voice.