
All Bow Before The Magical Villain

ON HIATUS If transmigration fails, try rebirth. In a magical world where power spoke before all else he would be the most powerful of them all and with their bones he would build his throne. Dex Atticus had transmigrated from earth to a magical continent. He lived right, saved millions and became the justified magic emperor. He had been the hero, or that was how he saw himself after all, it was what transmigrators did in the books. But he was betrayed by those he saved and killed by those who wanted his power. And just when he thought that death had come calling, he returned to start over again. And this time, he had a hunting system as a cheat. All magical inheritances would be his, all the glory would be his, all the wealth in the world he would claim and the most outstanding women, he would take. All his enemies would fall on his sword and every creature on the continent would bow before him, the new reigning supreme villain emperor. He would not be the hero they rejected, he would be the villain they loved. When they asked why he was cruel to the good guys, Dex would simply say, "I am allergic to heroes." Cover picture is not mine, it belongs to Lariella. Art on Pinterest.

1cutecat · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Crunch, bones keep breaking

One vs five, Dex looked at his opponents and wondered how he was going to handle this fight. 

Zeb was snarling, all but ready to pounce on him like an animal. 

"You dare touch my girl and covet my spot." he said. 

He didn't say it in fact, he spat the words out through gritted teeth. If he could spit fire, hot flames would accompany those words. 

"She is now my girl." Dex declared. 

He moved his hand from Ning Chu's back to her hair. Those two pins holding her hair up, he knew that they were weapons. 

He pulled one out her hair and threw it with incredible strength and precision. Dex's minion that called him a cunt was the first to be attacked. 

The pin, sharp like an extraordinary sword went through his chest before everyone could realize what was going on. 

For a second, everything suddenly stood still, as everyone processed the shock and efficiency with which Dex had just attacked. 

Did he realize that he could kill someone? 

A loud, high pitched scream was suddenly heard. It came from a girl that was standing behind the boy Dex had just stabbed. Coughing up blood, the boy had just fallen on her. 

As if awakened from slumber, everyone suddenly came to their senses. 

One of Zeb's other minions run to help his friend. 

Dex in the time had released his sword already. In his eyes was a darkness, so unfathomable and too deep for someone his age that it caused those who looked into his eyes to look away in fear. 

"Come on, hit me with your best shot." Dex told Zeb. 

Zeb opened his mouth to chant and Dex swung his sword toward his head, interfering with the chanting. 

Zeb, for all his so called genius was a not a combat mage. He could not fight and if one sealed his lips, he was useless. 

He moved backwards to dodge but Dex jumped up on a table with his entire body spinning. His feet landed on Zeb's chest and sent him flying backwards. 

Zeb fell back first on a pillar. 

"Dex," Ning Chu screamed. 

Dex looked up and saw two fireballs coming at him, all from different directions. 

"Reverse." he said in his mind. 

He raised his hands and stopped both fireballs. He sent them back in the directions of the mages who had released. 

While those two dodged, he jumped down, and fell on Zeb, knee first, aiming for his head. 

The grudge he had against him was too great to be clamed by simple arm breaking. Besides, the system had not specified which bones he had to break. 


A sound was heard. 

"Zeb." someone shouted. 

Another fireball came at Dex and he reversed it again. With speed, he run as fast as the wind, approached another of the minions and sliced off his hand which was gathering fire power with his sword. 

He caught him with one hand and used his body as a shield even as blood was spurting from his arm. 

Dex used his body to block the wind blades coming at him, sent by another minion. 

"Feliz." the wind mage screamed in shock as his blades cut open his friends chest. 

While he was still processing the shock, Dex threw out his sword, uncaring where it landed. 

The wind mage cast a spell that narrowly saved him as the sword almost went through his abdomen. 

He sent it flying away and it struck the wall. 

A lot of screaming was going on in the cafeteria, accompanied by people running for the exist in desperation not to be caught in the cross fire. 

A few clever ones opted to jump out through the windows. 


That sound was heard again. 

Those who who were watching the fight realized that Dex had just broken both arms of the wind mage. He wrung them backwards, almost pulling them out of their sockets. 

How did he get there? They asked themselves. 

The commotion caused in the dining hall attracted the attention of the teachers who cleared a path through the students quickly. Their arrival managed to quell the storm of students who were almost creating a stampede. 

"What is goin on here?" A female teacher asked. 

"A fight, they are fighting." someone panted. 

"Zeb is dead." another said. 

"There is a maniac slicing people." another said. 

"Enough." a voice roared. 

It bellowed through the room with so much force that the air and building vibrated. 

"The dean is here." someone whispered. 

The teachers who had come a few seconds before the dean were separating Dex from the mage whose legs he had just broken. 

The sight of the scene in front of them was hard to digest. Blood, a lot of it was on the floor, the stench of vomit accompanied it as well. Four boys were on the floor, alive but moaning in pain. One, was unconscious with his blood flowing out of his ears. 

The female teacher hurried to check on Zeb. She stuffed a pill in his mouth. 

"Hurry, take him to the department of alchemy." she instructed a few students. 

After that, she and another male teacher examined the four students as well, gave out quick first aid and then had them carried away for further treatment. 

With those ones handled, they looked at the only one who was still standing after what was obviously a brawl. 

They boy was just standing there, completely unbothered. He even had a smile on his face, giving him the appearance of a psycho with blood on his clothes, face and body. 

"Teachers, won't you take a look at me as well?" he asked. 

The teachers looked at each other, and the female one approached him. 

"Where are you injured?" she asked. 

Dex showed her his fists, he had bruises on his knuckles. 

"What happened here?" The dean asked. 

He walked slowly but with poise and elegance as any other high mage. He stopped in front of his daughter whose eyes had not looked away from Dex for a single second. 

Because she had practically been standing in the center of the fight, she was bloody too, not as much as Dex but still enough to tell a story. 

"Ning Chu." the dean called sternly. 

"They started it." she looked away from Dex briefly and answered coldly.