
All Bow Before The Magical Villain

ON HIATUS If transmigration fails, try rebirth. In a magical world where power spoke before all else he would be the most powerful of them all and with their bones he would build his throne. Dex Atticus had transmigrated from earth to a magical continent. He lived right, saved millions and became the justified magic emperor. He had been the hero, or that was how he saw himself after all, it was what transmigrators did in the books. But he was betrayed by those he saved and killed by those who wanted his power. And just when he thought that death had come calling, he returned to start over again. And this time, he had a hunting system as a cheat. All magical inheritances would be his, all the glory would be his, all the wealth in the world he would claim and the most outstanding women, he would take. All his enemies would fall on his sword and every creature on the continent would bow before him, the new reigning supreme villain emperor. He would not be the hero they rejected, he would be the villain they loved. When they asked why he was cruel to the good guys, Dex would simply say, "I am allergic to heroes." Cover picture is not mine, it belongs to Lariella. Art on Pinterest.

1cutecat · Fantasy
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28 Chs

A handsome youth returns

It was the time between classes when students left class to have their lunch. Those who had no classes usually headed home, others gathered in one of the three pavilions in the school to discuss magic. Some went to practice their skills and spells, and others met up to challenge each other. Most however simply went to the school cafeteria for lunch. 

The cafeteria had ten floors, and students sat on the floors according to their years. First year students sat on the first floor, second years on the second and it continued appropriately up to seventh year. 

The rest of the floors were for teachers, core students whos were given special treatment because they were extraordinary and were thought to be future powerful mages. Last on the list were personal disciples, the students who had been taken under the tutelage of different teachers. 

Dex found them despicable because for the right amount, a rich clan or powerful family could by discipleship for their child.

Even within this separation was another layer, the strongest and most outstanding students in every year sat in the central positions or those closest to the windows. 

It was a hierarchy that everyone was aware of, many didn't like, but it never changed_, until this day that is. 

Sitting in the central position of the second year students was a red haired youth who was eating a whole roasted juvenile boar by himself. 

The rich smell of the golden brown meat alone was enough to drive others insane. 

It was agreed upon by many that whoever this was, he was simply showing off. He ate slowly and elegantly, as if he had all the time in the world irrespective of their discomfort. 

"Does he realize where he is sitting?" one boy asked?

"Who is he?" another asked. 

With only two red headed students in the school and one to their knowledge a drop out, this youth appeared to be a new face among the second year students. 

"He is doing this for attention, just wait for Zeb to come, he will teach him a lesson and put him in his rightful place." another boy said.

He was loud, making it no secret that he thought Dex was weak. 

Dex heard all the whispers but he continued eating as if it was nothing but mindless noise to him. They might as well have been mosquitoes buzzing around in search for blood to drink. 

Most of them couldn't stand Zeb, but they were too weak and afraid to face him. Dex despised such people, they were nothing more than leeches who attached themselves to the strong and stepped on others who were as weak as they were. 

As the second year cafeteria filled up, more attention was paid to Dex. 

"Does that look like Dex to anyone?" someone asked. 

"Who is that?" another replied. 

"The red haired freak with small pock marks on his face." another voice answered. 

"They are not pock marks but freckles." a girl corrected. 

"Whatever, does it look like Dex to you or not?" the first boy to raise the question replied. 

Most of the students around that table looked closer, squinting their eyes to observe as clearly as they could. 

"Aaaah, no way, that is a different person. His hair is well trimmed, he is wearing a new uniform, he has a custom shield on his wrist. Dex is a poor boy from a small town. How can he afford to look that good? Forget it, it's probably a new student."

"I just wish he would share the boar with the rest of us. Why eat with everyone when you are going to eat alone. What a selfish bastard?"

Just as a black haired boy said this, three girls happened to pass by and the one in the middle suddenly stopped. 

She had black hair tied in a round bun and held together by two red sticks. Her eyes were black and like the blackest opal. Their was no other color in them, and one could hardly see her iris. 

When she looked at someone, they often squirmed because it was like looking into an abyss. 

"To complain this bitterly and call him a selfish bastard when you have contributed nothing to the cost of the boar is detestable and speaks volumes about your jealousy and greed." she said sternly.

The brown haired boy who had said those words squirmed and looked down quickly. 

The three girls moved along, and sat by a window, clearly marking their position as some of the strongest in second year. 

"Ho, Ning Chu, why are you standing up for the unknown youth?" one of the other girls asked. 

"Who said that he is unknown?" Ning Chu replied. 

All three girls were dressed in a similar uniform but their school robes had different colors. Ning Chu's was black while the other two had blue and light red. 

"Bei-Bei, it's your turn to get us lunch today." The girl in the white robe told the one in light red. 

"Mmm, Hana, I don't want to get up." The one in light red complained. 

Even though she was complaining, she still got up and went to the serving point. 

Bei-Bei, a tall girl with brown eyes looked at Ning Chu and raised her eyebrows curiously. 

"So, who is the handsome youth that can afford to casually eat a boar while sitting in Zeb's position?" 

Ning Chu pushed herself forward and waved at Bei-Bei. Come closer, her hands said. 

"Who else but my cutie pie?" 

Bei-Bei frowned and sneered, "Ning Chu, don't tell me that you think it's Dex....wait a moment, Dex Atticus!!!! 

Oh my god, did I refer to Dex Atticus as handsome? I need to wash my eyes and see clearly. There is no way that weak boy can sit in central position unless he has lost his mind. How did you even recognize him?"

Ning Chu shrugged and turned her head to the other side. She looked out of the window and refused to respond tp her friend. 

Tugging on Ning Chu's arm desperately, Bei-Bei went into a rant. "You, don't tell me that you still have a crush on him!! I can understand that maybe he was impressive in first year but his magic has not progressed, he is poor, your father is a high mage and the dean, if he hears..."

"Bei-Bei," Ning Chu called her friend softly. 

"Mmm," Bei-Bei answered. 

"You talk too much." 

Bei-Bei turned her aggrieved eyes in Dex's direction and bit her bottom lip unhappily. 

Which part of him was worthy of Ning Chu, the strongest female mage among second year students in the whole city?