
Mysterious Figure

Napoleon:Who are you!!

Mysterious Figure:Back off Abnormal I'll kill you where you stand

Napoleon:I'd like to see you try

*Napoleon pulls out his swords*


*Napoleon sighs *

Alexander:Who are you

Mysterious figure:Back off or I'll destroy you and leave no tracks

*Alexander punches the mysterious figure*

*The mysterious figure flys back but instantly recovers*

Napoleon:You're out numbered now as I said before what is your name

Mysterious figure:Shut up

*The mysterious figure throws a barrage of pocket knives at Napoleon and Alexander*

*Napoleon sneaks up behind the mysterious figure*

*Alexander runs out the way*

Mysterious figure:They are dead now!

*Napoleon puts his sword to the mysterious figures neck from behind*

Alexander:I wouldn't be so sure if I were you

*Napoleon knocks the mysterious figure unconscious to discover it's a girl*

*the mysterious figure wakes up tied to a tree*

Alexander:You caused us a little problem you powers are strong

*Alexanders bites a apple*

Mysterious figure:You keep me alive for what scums

Alexander:We have no reason to kill you

Mysterious figure:It's because I'm a women isn't it!

Alexander:I could care less what you were male or female I just wanna know what's your name and what's your purpose

Mysterious figure:Well you did spare me my name is Patrica I came here because I was ordered to since my father is Khan…

*Alexander shocks and stands up*

Alexander:Your father is Khan

Patrica:You must want to kill me now

Alexander:Quite the opposite I'm surprised maybe you can stop this war

Patrica:Trust me I've tried but where's you friend?

Alexander:Hmm I see and you mean Napoleon he is out hunting for food

Patrica:You guys sure are smart and seem strong even though you look young

Alexander:wouldn't be wrong I'm only 15 and Napoleons 14

Patrica:Wow and your this experienced must've went through a lot cause of this war I'm 16 by the way what's your name I never caught it


*Alexander lets out a loud laugh*

Patrica:Oh can you guys untie me now

*Napoleon returns own his horse*

Napoleon:Not at the moment Alexander what did you find out

Alexander:Nothing much her name is Patrica and she is the Daughter of Khan

Napoleon:KHAN!? She can probably end this war

Patrica:You guys are similar I've tried multiple times Napoleon but my uncle Nelson disagreed and locked me away

Alexander:Your uncle Nelson is a real problem

Patrica:I know

Napoleon:This war has been going on for so long now especially with you uncle his strategy is rival to our Leader Julius

Patrica:He is clever at times it's hard to catch he off guard but he isn't my fathers blood brother he was my dads adopted older brother

Alexander:That is interesting

*Napoleon cuts Patrica free*

Napoleon:Well we have to get moving it's getting dark let's ride to the house now Alexander

Alexander:Right but what are we going to do with her

Napoleon:Well she is coming with us she can get on my horse


Patrica:Thank you so much I'll pack the food I promise I won't be a nuisance

Napoleon:My pleasure but get on it looks like it's going to rain

*They ride back to Napoleon and Alexander's Cabin*