
Long Ago….

A Great War of a thousand years happened between two great forces the Powers and the Abnormals


The war started for unknown reasons as powers believe the abnormals killed their great leader Khan

And the Abnormals deny this and what happened was their leader Khan destroyed multiple of their facilities from the inside

The powers are called the powers as they have been conquering for years in great power

The Abnormals don't have any power and stem from strategy

In this Great War the powers are winning as the Abnormals are trying their hardest to win

Alexander:This war is pointless I hate it and especially since we are losing

Napoleon:I see how you feel Alexander we are on the poverty in not much time until we get drafted or needed for this

Alexander:I hope I get drafted I'll kill those powers they kill any thing with no remorse

*Alexander clinches his fist in rage*

Napoleon:Well we are trying…

*Alexander and Napoleon hear rustling in the bushes*

*Alexander and Napoleon pull out their swords ready for conflict*

*What pops out the bushes a squirrel!!*

*Napoleon laughs in surprise*

Alexander:If that was a power it would meet my blade

*as Alexander says that he does a conquering pose*

*Napoleon laughs*

Alexander:hey hey what's so funny

Napoleon:Nothing *as he chuckles*

Alexander:We should patrol the area or go to the forest and see what we can do

Napolean:Umm sure I don't care we are here sitting on rocks bored anyway

*Alexander and Napolean climb a tree to scout the area as they see someone in a brown torn cloak as it looks they are trying to sneak in*

*Napoleon jumps from the tree as they jump infront of the suspicious figure*
