
Alicole Chronicles: Unexpected Quest Duo

A human girl had nothing but a dream about magic. A demon prince had almost everything yet wanted more. This is a story of two different lives: the adventures of a human girl with a wish to conquer the art of magic... "I had no hope. No future. The only thing I had was a fate to lose the last of my possessions, my free will… Until finally, I had enough of it all… I will have the skills to fight and win! I will have the knowledge to survive in the raging sea of unfairness, cruelty, hatred, and betrayal people call life! I will have the strength to defy the destiny I used to think there was no escaping from! See me tear my future from the grasp of fate! Because without the power of choice, one can never truly live..." ... and a demon prince... "What would you do if you were offered unlimited POWER, endless STRENGTH, constant SUPPORT, infinite WEALTH on just one condition: the end of your personal freedom? Ah, so that's your answer... Well, let's see how much it's different from mine!" Fate pushes the two to work together on an adventure of dungeons and quests to survive in a world of magic and monsters, good and evil, where things are seldom what they seem...

AlicoleChronicler · Fantasy
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21 Chs

The All-knowing

"This is rather difficult for me to comprehend. Why would anyone want to poison me in your stead? Especially since we met for the first time in our lives just a couple of hours ago," the mage said, taking a cautious sip of the drink in her hand.

"Ah." The light of understanding lit up Remien's eyes. "My enemies appear to have some difficulties harming me. They are extremely lazy. Instead of using their brains to get to me, they simply opt for the easier way. And that is to hurt those close to me. Right now, that is you.

Do you see anyone closer in this room? They certainly don't. Although I have a feeling that this time the reason was jealousy. Someone appears to be jealous of you in particular."

Once more, there was a polite knock on the door. As soon as the waiter received permission to enter, a fresh glass of the earlier ordered cocktail was served. A delicious-smelling chocolate cake on the house for dessert came along with it. The hotel worker disappeared as fast as he had arrived.

"How do you know I was the target this time and not you?" Alika wondered aloud.

Remien gave a light laugh.

"I said, I had a hunch, not that I knew for certain. Do you take me for some sort of almighty, all-knowing psychic? I am flattered, of course. But no. That's not the case if that was the question you were actually asking. I suggested you come along and investigate as soon as we get the chance."

"To tell you the truth, sometimes it seems like you are." Alika chuckled, relaxing a little.

Remien looked like he was about to dismiss the concerns about her safety again and continue with whatever he was so set on telling the girl. However, the adventurer fell silent instead.

"This conversation is not getting us anywhere. There must be something that will give me the chance to earn your trust?" Remien pulled a gold watch out of his pocket, checked the time, and ran his hand through his hair. "How about an oath? I can swear to do everything in my power to protect you with my life, as long as you keep up your part of the deal. Let us seal it with blood, magic, or whatever makes you happy. Maybe then you would be more inclined to believe in my good intentions? It changes nothing for me, really. If I break my promises, I am as good as dead anyway."

"Wait, hold on." Alika scrunched her eyebrows. "Why are you in such a hurry? Besides, I haven't even finished my stew!"

"Oh, finally, you let me continue." Remien sighed, eyes sparkling. "Tonight, there will be a golden opportunity to grab a rare type of quest. The reward is great, and the effort required to complete it is almost non-existent.

The client will attend a party held at this hotel. As far as I know, she plans to post it on the quest board tomorrow morning. That means we have this evening to get it for ourselves. What do you say we go for it? We split the gold fifty-fifty, just like I usually do with any profit gained in a joint venture. We need to hurry to get ready. However, you have plenty of time to finish enjoying your meal."

"All this makes me feel like you are all-knowing!" The mage giggled. "How could you possibly know that?"

"I suggest you stick with me for the next twenty-four hours. That way, you will have most of your questions answered for you. People are prone to believing what they see for themselves rather than what they are told, oaths or no oaths," Remien said. His lips quirked into a mysterious smile. "I am scheduled to meet the source of this information in particular soon."

"A trial period? Alright. I'm in!" Alika lifted her chin. "Impress me!"

Remien blinked a few times and gave the mage a hard stare.

"Seriously?! That was all it took?! I should have started with that line." The man seemed to lose his composure for the first time since they met earlier that morning. He shook his head, smiling, and reached for a portion of the desert in the middle of the table. "I bet I will be the one in for the surprises, though."

Alika laughed again, noting with satisfaction that the guy was not as tough as he would have liked to appear. Alika tightened her grip on her fork and knife, resuming her battle with the stew.

'Everything is fine. It's alright. The attempt to poison me failed. I'm still alive and well. All I have to do is to be cautious and keep calm. And it will stay that way,' she told herself.

Unlike her companion, she was not used to dealing with assassination attempts as part of her daily routine. Yet somehow, she was successful in overcoming the initial shock. Now, the seriousness of the matter was slowly sinking in. Poisoned. Almost. What did she get herself into?!

Now was not the time to show how terrified she was. This could be the first of many more such things to come. The idea was by far not a pleasant one. However, Alika did not like the prospect of fainting or having to cry her eyes out into a man's chest. She was strong enough to handle her problems herself.

She had not agreed to Remien's proposal yet. There was still time to think over the details, weigh all the pros and cons, and make the most logical decision. Right? Alika hoped it was not too late yet.

Once the meal was finished, Remien placed some coins on the table and removed the barrier. He was about to get up when another knock on the door made him change his mind. In fact, this time, it was more of a bang. The door flung open before either of the two people in the room had the time to say anything.

Will Silvesta and Alika get along?

Find out in the next chapter.

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