
Alicole Chronicles: Unexpected Quest Duo

A human girl had nothing but a dream about magic. A demon prince had almost everything yet wanted more. This is a story of two different lives: the adventures of a human girl with a wish to conquer the art of magic... "I had no hope. No future. The only thing I had was a fate to lose the last of my possessions, my free will… Until finally, I had enough of it all… I will have the skills to fight and win! I will have the knowledge to survive in the raging sea of unfairness, cruelty, hatred, and betrayal people call life! I will have the strength to defy the destiny I used to think there was no escaping from! See me tear my future from the grasp of fate! Because without the power of choice, one can never truly live..." ... and a demon prince... "What would you do if you were offered unlimited POWER, endless STRENGTH, constant SUPPORT, infinite WEALTH on just one condition: the end of your personal freedom? Ah, so that's your answer... Well, let's see how much it's different from mine!" Fate pushes the two to work together on an adventure of dungeons and quests to survive in a world of magic and monsters, good and evil, where things are seldom what they seem...

AlicoleChronicler · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Emergency Tea Time

"I see something is troubling you, Alika," the short, plump woman with gentle brown eyes said in a smooth, creamy voice.

"You are right, as always, Aunt Agnha," the former student answered after a slight pause. "I need to make a choice. It will probably define the rest of my life. And I have never wished for such a thing!"

"Nothing in this world just happens. Think about it. Have you ever considered what your future holds?" Aunt Agnha took a seat behind the counter.

"Yes, I have." Alika drew her brows together. She hesitated for a few seconds before continuing. "No. I don't know! I had some assumptions about what I was going to do. But not like that!"

The mage pulled her cup closer.

"What's the difference? This chance you have now. Might it be what you have been looking for?" the woman asked.

"The stakes are too high. A part of me wants to say 'yes'. And yet, another part keeps screaming 'no way'. And it's all so sudden! I'm confused." Alika stared into her drink.

"Are you afraid of failure?" Aunt Agnha pried on.

"Yes. And no. I…" Alika fell silent, holding the cup in both hands. "I'm afraid of missing out on such a unique opportunity!"

"Keep in mind, running away gets you nowhere. To move forward, you need something faster than that," the cafe owner quoted one of the many mysterious sayings she liked.

"But… What if I come up short? It could mean the end of it all!" Alika exclaimed, her voice shaky.

"Fear and desire are two sides of the same coin. Don't lose sight of your goal. If you have something to strive for, you will most definitely make it. Somehow or other."

Her voice calmed Alika down. Or did the tea deserve all the credit instead? Maybe it was all of it together.

"Thank you, Aunt Agnha! You always know just the right way to support us," Alika said, and a warm glow of a smile lit her face.

"It was nothing. Go, create your own destiny, child of the Fairytale Leaf!"

Alika nodded, gulping down the rest of her tea. Aunt Agnha always took it quite personally when somebody left without finishing the drink. If truth be told, such an act could indeed be insulting. The tea here was just too good! Alika steeled herself to face all the difficulties that were, without a doubt, waiting for her just around the corner. She jumped off the bar stool.

"Auntie, would you mind me leaving my bag here for a little while?" she asked the woman, remembering how heavy it was.

"Why, of course! Don't worry about it!"

"Thank you!" Alika nodded. Her eyes were glowing again. She let out a sigh of relief and moved towards the exit, ready to meet her fate.

As far as she remembered, the Regal Dragon Inn was close to the city center. As usual, the streets in this area were full of passersby hurrying along the walkways. The colorful signs of the fanciest shops, restaurants, and salons all screamed for attention. They were luring everybody to come inside and try out their latest hits.

The roadway was busy, too. Two species of creatures pulled the various carriages of all shapes and sizes. The heavier and simpler transport used armosaurs. These tame beasts of a brownish sandy color had bulky bodies covered in thick plated scales and pointy mouse-like heads. Their long tails made them similar to lizards.

Lonetelapas towed the swifter and more expensive carriages. These animals resembled antelopes but had larger, sturdier bodies, thick white fur with wisps of dark blue along their backs, and long curved horns.

In less than twenty minutes, Alika stood in front of the Regal Dragon Inn. As soon as Alika reached its large doors, she noticed a hotel employee beside her. It felt like the young woman in a scarlet skirt suit had appeared out of nowhere! She greeted the mage with a welcoming smile.

"Miss Alika?" she inquired, her voice silvery and polite.

The mage gave a firm nod.

"Please follow me." The woman led the mage into a light-filled, spacious hall.

The inside of the building made one feel as if they were way out of town, somewhere in a faraway corner of a rainforest. There were countless potted plants in every corner. Ivy covered the walls, and a faint flower fragrance added a special touch to the unique atmosphere.

Alika had never been here before. A simple cup of coffee in a place like this would have cost the mage her student grant for an entire month. Besides, Alika believed there was no better drink than the one Aunt Agnha made. Everything the mage knew about this place was from the stories she heard some time or another.

The most upscale, luxurious restaurant in Alicole City was situated here! Alika remembered some people using the foreign word "hotel" when referring to the building rather than "inn" altogether. Now Alika could see the reason for it.

A few female guests in the hall were flipping through the latest copies of famous fashion magazines, chatting away.

"There is so much to do before the party this evening! I still need my hair done. And I'm tired already!" a lady complained.

"Oh, I know what you mean, dear. I ordered my new dress and my new shoes to be delivered today. What will I do if they don't go well together?! I'm so nervous!"

Alika continued following the hotel employee down one of the many corridors until they came to a halt beside a fancy wooden door. And the woman gave it a light knock.

"You're right on time. Do come in," a familiar male voice answered.

The door opened to reveal a blue-green room. This space did a marvelous job of imitating the bottom of the sea. Inside, the ceiling and three walls were actually the sides of an enormous aquarium. Wooden tiles represented a bridge leading to a square platform in the center. The rest of the floor was crystal clear glass. Fast and changing direction without breaking their formation, schools of beautiful fish were everywhere. The variety of colors was captivating.

What does Alika think about destiny?

Find out in the next chapter.

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