
Alice in Borderland: The Value of Life

There is a certain group of lesser people who measure power in terms of money or political influence-who has the best connections? But 25-year-old Yuta Hark witnessed real power, and no, it is not found in money or influence of social connections. No, the real power is in life and death, and what equals that is time. Every time you kill a living being, you prove that nothing matters if you don't have the skills to defend your life. Everything can be over in a second, a person can take a knife and kill you. Everything in a second, but that second evaluates the true value you have on the line of life and death. Do you value time or do you waste it on every extra breath? Born into this world to be analyzed, Yuta Hark was not interested in insignificant things, when an impulse of interest in something was generated, he did not rest until he reached the depths of that knowledge. Filled with an arrogant impulse, with a certain attachment to narcissism and coming to discard anything that cannot keep up with him, he finds himself trapped in a strange version of Tokyo where he must compete with other kinds of people to survive. "If the gods themselves won't admit their mistake, I'm going to take it upon myself to correct them and discover all their knowledge." Welcome to: Alice in Borderland: The Value of Life. My P_treon: SrCuervo

SrCuervo · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

This is getting interesting

In a situation like this I considered first my safety and linked a common goal that people would take if they were in our situation, but following the girl named Usagi, I considered changing my clothes to a more comfortable one so that I could do any physical skill activity without any problem in the process. 

So far what I have learned from the situation I am in is a lot, there is so much information that simply cannot be seen with the naked eye that it is something that fills me with joy. Applying what I already know, right now I am evaluating things that are certain, probable and possible to interpret the unknown. 

All knowledge is in a gigantic chain, as we come in contact with these unknown events, we enter the game of deduction. During my time even before I ended up in this place surrounded by solitude, I learned many tools that helped me draw conclusions even before I knew they were true. 

Now, what I know is that there are no humans, at least not in an exorbitant amount as it was before I lost consciousness, but oddly enough there were many things just as they were before they awoke from the coma. 

So, if there are people there should be answers, if someone took a weapon this place demands to have protection of its own in some way or those same people considered protecting their safety in the same way I thought. But, it seems that whoever entered that gun store had already done so a long time ago.

Thinking about this, I realized that it was necessary to obtain the three basic resources to get through the days at least without hunger. With this, my conclusive reasoning, if my premises are true, the results would be irrefutable. 

If we are alone, we will need food and basic survival items, with this we will at least take care of our primary needs. But now my presumptive reasoning comes into play, and everything that is not certain comes into play within my mind. 

My belief could be that this place would be exactly the same as Tokyo moments before I heard the fireworks, but wouldn't this be a scenario inside my mind while I am now dead? All of this includes knowledge since I woke up or in other words, I was woken up by Usagi. 

Moments before that, the two of us were in the same place and time, which led to us waking up at the same time. But why didn't anyone else wake up in that place if we were at the same time? What was it that influenced only me and Usagi to wake up together? The only thing that comes to my mind is that the physical contact with her somehow connected us. 

But this premise is doubtful as it would be my third premise, another more serious one that this place is a scenario controlled by the elites, but what probable judgment was made for me and Usagi to be in this scenario? 

I am rarely in a scenario with so little sufficient or certain data, so my most recent deductive reasoning is not about what is true, but what is assumed probable and I run the risk of being wrong. That is why, for now, I will not use anything coming from my logical reasoning until I get one more answer that feeds my database about this place and situation. 

Now I have weapons, I can defend myself and I also have some sets of clothes to change into if this situation gets longer. In the weapon store I took a first aid kit if necessary, but I still lack a safe place to be and also easy to observe the general situation of the city. 

In this case, we need to be high enough to see the general situation without someone being able to observe us easily. Right now, after leaving the weapon store, we are on our way to a store where they sell survival items such as tents, ropes, gloves and even the most interesting things like a compass. 

Now, why is it so important to have these things even if we will not use them? Let me tell you that in our situation anything can happen and that is something Usagi understood perfectly. On the way, she talked about how she had a lot of survival knowledge and knew things about hunting animals. 

But hearing that, a sudden thought came to my mind, are there even animals? Since they arrived, we had not seen even a bird or a rat, something that would indicate that there were animals and they had not disappeared like the rest of the humans. 

Right now we are in the city of Tokyo, which makes me ask myself a question, did this same thing happen in other parts of the world? Well, it's just a question. 

Looking up and down, I could look at the store a little small but still had everything intact, indicating that no one has been in this place like the gun store. However, I didn't want to take the risk so I took the shotgun in my hands and led the way inside. 


"Let's take everything we need but we have to consider the weight, we shouldn't get too tired in case any anomalies arise!" 

Looking at Usagi, Yuta lowered the shotgun in his hand and began to wander around the store seeing what items might be useful to him. Immediately, Yuta noticed some gloves and decided to grab a pair so that the grip of the shotgun in his hands would be better, although he wasn't entirely comfortable with this, they would be useful for now. 

"We'll take these backpacks which are better than the ones we have now, their space is bigger and they are sturdy enough to carry more stuff." Usagi came over with two large backpacks and put them on a counter while also bringing up the holsters with the weapons and backpacks they had before. 

Yuta immediately pulled out the sets of clothes he had taken from the sportswear store they had been to earlier and began placing them in the larger backpack. After putting the clothes in, he began to carefully place some things like ropes, knives and ammunition boxes that he had also taken earlier. 

Usagi on the other hand, had also been carried away by the situation and started to bring two things of each type among them, water bottles, water purifiers, head flashlights, matches, multi-purpose tools. 

In no time, two large backpacks were equipped with tents and all kinds of things needed to survive in extreme situations, everything was considered and carried so as not to come back again or look elsewhere. 

Yuta placed the rifle in the back of the backpack, carrying only the shotgun in his hands, Usagi who was hesitant at first about carrying weapons, decided to do so for now and committed herself to safeguard her safety. 

Just as Usagi was arranging her backpack to set off in search of food, Yuta, out of the corner of his eye, saw a figure at her back and immediately grabbed the shotgun and turned around while looking at who was behind them. 

"Don't move an inch!" 

When Usagi heard Yuta's cold words, she turned around and noticed a man in a black suit standing in the doorway of the store. Her face became somewhat nervous seeing the other party's haggard appearance, so she moved to one side of Yuta to observe this unfamiliar person. 

Looking at the man who had burst into his immediate area, Yuta did not hesitate at this situation and acted according to the safest way to keep himself safe. But then, after seeing that the situation was not dangerous, he took a step forward and began to observe him. 

"Dude, are you armed?"

When the man heard Yuta's question, he slightly lowered his gaze to his waist and then nodded his head slightly confirming the other party's question. 

"Don't shoot me, I only have four days left and I don't even have the courage to keep playing..." 

Hearing these words, Yuta knew that if he kept acting this way he wouldn't be able to find the answers he was looking for and first hand he knew that the other party was informed of things that they were not, so he prepared to question him. 

"Look, I'll put my gun down if you put yours on the ground, this way no one will get hurt, do you agree with my words? I'm not someone bad, I'm just trying to find answers." 

The first step Yuta was doing was to gain the man's trust, by showing his sincerity with the sole intention of making a bond the other party came first in his plan. To this end, he was increasing that man's level of receptivity and lowering his defenses by making him believe that despite being in this situation they don't want to hurt him. 

Usagi, who looked at Yuta with a surprised look, also agreed that they didn't want to hurt anyone but to find out if the other party knew something that they didn't. 

"How have you been these days?" 

Yuta's question was soft, although this question is not directly related to what he wants to know, but if the other party answers he would slowly get data he didn't have before. 

Usagi on the other hand understood that Yuta wanted to get into a not so intense communication with that man, so she didn't interfere with the plans and kept silent to see something else Yuta might be missing out on. 

"Ha ha ha!" The man's paranoid laugh was the only thing that came out when he heard the question Yuta had asked him. After laughing for a while, he looked up and said, "These days? Hahaha, now I get it, you've just arrived in this world, haven't you?" 

"This world?" Muttered Yuta with a frown, then asked again, "How many days have you been in this place?" 

"Mmm, a week at least? Hahaha! You know what's funnier? I can't play those games anymore, I'm sick of it and right now I'm giving up." The man pulled the gun from his waistband with everything and the holster and tossed it to Yuta, then reached into his pockets and pulled out two magazines. 

After a moment, the man looked at Yuta who until now had been silent and said, "If you want to live you have to play games, if your visa reaches zero, you're dead." 

"Wait! What are those games?" Yuta wanted to catch up with the man who had run off but a hand stopped him, he turned his head back and looked at Usagi. 

"It's no use, even if you shoot him he won't care, I can see he no longer has any desire to live in his eyes..." Usagi, who said this, took her backpack and walked towards the door. 

Yuta knew it too, even if he preferred that man to tell her more answers, he would be delighted but there was no point in insisting. Looking at the gun in its holster and the two magazines lying on the floor, Yuta wondered how that man could get such a rare weapon in Japan. 

Looking at the gun, this was a 9mm with a capacity of thirteen rounds per magazine, in this case it had more than thirty bullets so it was not bad but not necessary either. 

"Let's get out of this place now!" Yuta said as he led the way to a place to get food, seemingly unaffected by this situation. 

On the way, Usagi looked sideways and pointed out, "That man seems to have been here for over a week just like he said, what do you think those games he mentioned are and also that visa?" 

Hearing Usagi's question, Yuta looked at her and said, "The visa might be like a counter but I still don't understand if it's to be clear about a person's lifespan or a kind of normal counter." 

Even if Yuta now set about explaining all his assumptions, he would get nowhere, so now he concentrated on looking for food and then he would try to focus on other aspects. 

When Yuta and Usagi arrived at a store, they went inside and looked at all the products that were apparently in perfect condition, walking through the store, Yuta looked around and after realizing that there was no person, he sighed quietly. 

"Let's focus on water and canned products, they are the safest besides instant noodles." 

When Usagi heard those words, she nodded and walked towards the displays, grabbed sealed cans of food and opened the backpack before starting to fill it with canned food. 

Meanwhile, Yuta wasted no time and began filling the water bottles they had brought from the survival store. After filling bottle after bottle, he began to fill his backpack with bottled water and canned goods. 

This whole process was done in silence, both Yuta and Usagi preferred not to talk, each was deep in thought. After all, while filling their backpacks with food they were both drawing their own conclusions. 

"This food will be enough for some time, let's look for a high place like you said to look over the city. We don't know if we will meet other people, so we have to be careful." Usagi put the heavy backpack on her back and walked towards the door of the tent. 

Yuta, who had no problem with carrying a heavy backpack, carried a few more things in his left hand while holding the shotgun with his right. Right now, a slight smile was forming on his face. 

"Games and visas, this is getting really interesting..." 

After muttering that, Yuta walked out of the store and quickly caught up with Usagi as his eyes scanned the surroundings. Who knows when another person would come out with a gun?

I hope you liked this story, thanks for reading and if you want to support me and by the way read the most recent chapters you can go through my P_treon: SrCuervo

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