
Alexandros Peverell-Slytherin

After Harry's victory over Voldemort in the Battle of Hogwarts. Harry is stabbed in the back by the man he thought was the kindest and wisest man in the world. Puppeteering by Dumbledore, deceiving a friend, exploiting love. After death, Harry finds a beautiful rebirth. Advanced Chapters: pat reon.com/FanFictionPremium

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Тhe troubled Sirius Black

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- In that case, the Longbottom family agrees to join your party," Augusta Longbottom said after five minutes of silence.

- And you're quick to resolve issues," Alex said with surprise. The woman only shrugged her shoulders. - Now that you've agreed, the only thing left to do is to make an unbreakable vow. Since three people are needed for the vow, we'll postpone this part, you can find out everything related to the party's affairs from Darius. How about if he visits you tomorrow at noon? - Alex suggested.

- Tomorrow at noon is unlikely, maybe by the evening right before dinner, - Augusta suggested after thinking about it.

- Good, in that case, send an invitation, - nodded Peverell, in response the woman also silently, nodded.

After that, Narcissa and Frank returned. The latter was delighted with the manor but tried not to show it. The Longbottoms sat at the Slytherins' house for another two hours, talking about neutral topics. Frank and Narcissa weren't left out either. They talked about the former's academic success and the fact that Narcissa would be going to her first year at Hogwarts this year.

At the end of the second hour, the Longbottoms went to their place, though, had been invited to visit Peverell Manor for a month. After the mother and son left, the Slytherin couple also went to their place. 

The couple appeared in the main living room, but they appeared, or rather landed unsuccessfully, as they used transgression.

- "Someone set up a slashing spell here, last time Malfoy, and now me, who will be next, I need to stop using the apparatus, better the fireplace," the young lord thought with irritation.

Barely appearing, Alex fell unpleasantly on his back, and a second later he felt something soft, warm, and light land on his chest. The guy immediately realized who it was, and opening his eyes he made sure of it by meeting the same look of dark-blue eyes on a beautiful, pale face framed by black and white hair. Alex knew that both of his future spouses were beautiful, and with age, this beauty would only increase. But seeing Narcissa in such proximity, he couldn't help but admire her. However, the girl was also not lagging and fixed her gaze on her fiancé's face.

- Ahem, ahem," it sounded like a thunderclap.

When they looked at the source of the sound, they saw Darius looking at them with an indifferent face, but there was a sly twinkle in his eyes. As soon as the boy and the girl realized the situation they were in, both of them, and especially the girl, blushed as red as a tomato, and then jumped to their feet.

- Welcome back, my lord, my lady," Darius greeted them.

- Thank you, Darius," the future spouses thanked each other at the same time.

A couple of minutes later, when Darius had stopped looking at them with a mocking look and Narcissa had stopped blushing every time her husband looked at her, Alex was able to talk about everything that had happened. As well as the fact that the Longbottoms had joined them, also that Darius was supposed to go to their house for dinner tonight and other things. After hearing this, the man was more than pleased with what the young lord was able to accomplish. 

The young lord himself was also pleased that his efforts were appreciated. He was about to head to the library and spend the next hour perusing books as he had a better idea, which he hurried to fulfil:

- Darius, Narcissa wait a minute," Alex said as he noticed the two named ones getting ready to leave.

- What are Bellatrix and Severus doing right now," the question was addressed to the keeper and he answered without hesitation:

- Your brother is busy brewing some kind of potion right now, and Bellatrix is in the library studying books on dark, battle, and blood magic and potions. After all, while you and Narcissa were dealing with the Longbottoms, she and I were at Gringotts doing blood tests.

- So she has a predisposition for dark, combat, potions, and blood magic. Pretty, pretty good, though it was expected," Alex said thoughtfully.

- She also has a predisposition to necromancy, but we'll develop it after she comes of age," and this news came as a surprise, almost a shock to Peverell.

- Oh," was all the shocked couple could say.

- Thank you, Darius," the man nodded and went about his business. - Narcissa, would you like to go to Slanting Lane? You're my fiancée, but I couldn't take you anywhere, I couldn't even talk to you, so if our other relatives are busy, why don't we go for a walk? - The girl thought for a couple of seconds, then smiled and answered.

- I want to, and I don't get out of the manor very often, but I've been to Goat Lane before. I want to go to Hogsmeade, - Alex was surprised again, but he didn't refuse his fiancée.

- Okay, let's go to Hogsmeade. Go and get changed, I'll meet you at the main gate in twenty minutes, and I'll look in on Bellatrix and my little brother, and then I'll tidy up too, - the girl nodded and went towards the exit from the living room.

Half an hour later Alex, dressed in a dark green robe with black inserts and silver clasps stood waiting for Narcissa, who didn't make herself wait long, appearing just a minute after the boy.

Narcissa, unlike her fiancé, was dressed in a black robe with white inserts and black clasps, but the most remarkable thing was that the girl had unravelled her usually perfectly gathered hair, which now flowed down to her waist in a black and white waterfall.

- Shall we? - Holding out his hand to the girl, the guy asked.

- Sure," the girl replied and put her fragile hand into her fiancé's. Peverell smiled and with a wave of his wand, the two of them apparated to Hogsmeade.

Hogsmeade hadn't changed at all. It was still the same magical village not far from Hogwarts.

The Slytherin couple appeared near the Boar's Head.

- Where do you want to go? - As soon as the girl came to her senses after the apparitions, Alex asked.

- I don't know, it's my first time here, so let's just go for a walk, we can get something sweet, - at the last word Alex looked at the girl with surprise, and he didn't know that Narcissa had a sweet tooth.

- Then I know where we'll go, - with these words, Alex took the girl's hand and headed towards the main street of the village, straight to the Sweet Kingdom.

Sweet Kingdom, just like Hogsmeade hadn't changed at all, except that most of the sweets from the future weren't here, neither were the owners, who were still quite young.

For the next half an hour Narcissa disconnected herself from the world, tasting different sweets. After that time had passed, the couple took the sweets, and for the rest of the manor went to the Three Broomsticks for a drink, a snack, and just to talk. They sat there for two hours catching up, everything was fine except for one thing. The name was Rosemerta Pezgood, they lived in Hogsmeade and worked as a waitress at the Three Broomsticks, along with her parents. And all would be nothing if she hadn't recognized Alex and started making eyes at him and flirting with him in front of his fiancée. Despite her fourteen years of age, she already had good shape, and because of that, the Puffendui student was almost always the centre of attention of boys and even seniors.

The girl's flirtation was noticed by Narcissa, who gave Rosmerta a cold look that did not bode well for her. Fortunately for the girl, Alex noticed this look and in front of Peasgood took Black's hand and kissed her on the temple. Narcissa immediately calmed down after that and kissed the guy on the cheek in return, and then looked at Rosmerta, who had fallen out of favour, with poorly concealed superiority. Alex only sighed heavily at this prank of his bride, what can you do, even the most perfect girls become real snakes in rivalry. 

The couple sat in the pub for another hour or so, after which they apparated to Slanted Lane.

Slant Lane was still full of people as well. Alex and Narcissa appeared not far from Gringotts. Upon appearing, the boy was surprised to notice that the girl had almost no reaction after being moved. Having tidied up, Peverell and the girl headed towards Twilfitt and Tatting, as his wife wanted to update her wardrobe a bit. After the expensive clothes shop, where Narcissa bought herself two new robes and a new dress, the couple went to Flourish and Blotts to buy a couple of books to read.

- Look who's here," a very familiar voice piped in as Peverell and his fiancée crossed the threshold of the bookshop. Alex turned around and barely suppressed the urge to grimace as Arthur Weasley grinned at him. - I didn't know you slugs knew what books were," Weasley said loudly, so everyone in the vicinity started to look in their direction.

- Weasley, I'm surprised that you know such a word as 'books', considering that you lack such an important organ as a brain in your head," Alex's words were followed by a couple of chuckles in the crowd, and Weasley himself turned red, matching the colour of a boiled crayfish.

- You slimy slug," he didn't seem to know any other insults. Weasley took out his wand and pointed it towards the Slytherins. Seeing his action, the crowd immediately tensed up. - Dissen...- the future third year couldn't finish further, as Alex took advantage of Weasley's wandless, non-verbal, disarming takeaway of Weasley's wand.

- 'I see you've lost the last vestiges of your sense of self-preservation, or should I remind you that I can do the same thing to you as I did to Lestrange,' Weasley went dead pale upon hearing the last name Lestrange, and the crowd looked at Alex with shock. - I'm warning you for the last time Weasley, one more attempt to hurt me, and your head will fly off your shoulders, understand? - These words were spoken in a completely indifferent voice that made everyone present wince, and the culprit himself nodded nervously. - If you understand, then get out of here and don't forget this bastard," Peverell said, tossing Arthur's wand to the right, and the redhead was blown away.

After that, the Slytherin couple continued their journey to the bookshop, where they left half an hour later with three new books on the history of magic, the history of Hogwarts, and a book on advanced healing magic.

The Slytherins didn't return until the evening, just in time for dinner. Bella and Severus were already sitting in the small dining room, leisurely devouring their food. After dinner, which was lively and fun, the whole group went to the nearby sitting room, where they spent two hours talking about everything and nothing. Towards midnight Toby appeared and announced the return of the keeper. The man was happy, it was visible to the unarmed eye, when Alex asked about the reason for this good mood, he smiled enigmatically and said that he would tell everything in the morning.

For the rest of the holidays, Alex was content. He didn't know why that was, maybe it was because their party was slowly gaining strength, after all, they had about a quarter of the Wizengamot at hand, about half of the ancient and noble clans, even though the Potters and Crouches still weren't going to join them. The reason he was in a good mood was because both brides had moved in with him and were now sleeping in threes (just sleeping, it was too early for them). Or perhaps because Lady Augusta and Darius may have been able to figure out a way to get the stubborn sheep (the Crouches and Potters) on their side. Alex didn't know, but it was probably all affecting his good mood. But beyond that, there was one problem. And the name of that problem was Sirius Black.

Little Sirius, who turned nine the other day, began to show his "Gryffindor" character, spoiling his birthday party, which made his parents furious. Walpurga was furious, and Orion grabbed the whip, but it was no use, Sirius would calm down for a couple of days, and then he would go back to his old ways. At first, having read about it in the letter from Black, Alex wanted to rejoice, but he was overtaken by a realization. Sirius had awoken his hatred for dark magic and dark families, and Alex himself was one of them. A moment later, Peverell was panicking, for at this rate, the Black heir would fall under Dumbledore's influence and join his Order.

There was no way out, and Darius had added fuel to the fire as soon as he'd read the letter from Orion:


- Sirius Black is a dog. It's his nature or his nature. It doesn't matter. So he will act like a dog. And dogs are loyal to those they recognize as their master. And, based on your 'past' I can assure you it's James Potter," was the only thing Darius said after reading the letter. - Based on that, there is one conclusion, if we don't want to lose the Black heir, we need the Potters.

- Except that the Potter thing isn't going well at all, my father was a 'true Gryffindor,'" the last two words were said in a snide voice. - And Gryffindors are like that, they're loud, stubborn, stubborn, and their biggest and most problematic trait is that they go all the way down the path they've chosen. And if James chooses Dumbledore's side, Sirius will go after him, which means we can say goodbye to him and what do we do? - Alex asked, rubbing his temples.

- What do you care more about, the Black family or Sirius Black himself? - The man suddenly asked.

- I don't know, earlier I would have said Sirius, but I can't think of only one, leaving the rest of the clan behind," Alex answered with difficulty.

- I have two options, - Darius suggested. 

- And what are they? - The boy asked interestedly.

- The first one is not to interfere. We will not interfere in history and let it go as it is planned. Everything will go the way it did for you, up to Azkaban and before you object, - the man raised his voice a little, seeing that Alex wanted to object. - He won't be in Azkaban for long, just three or six months for prevention. Then we'll get him out of there, and that will allow us to gain his trust.

- And the Potters? - Alex suddenly asked.

- What about the Potters? - Darius didn't understand.

- I mean, if everything goes back to the old way, they'll die," Alex explained, jumping up from his seat.

- Forgive me for saying so, my lord, but if they continue to support Dumbledore and forget about their past and their heritage, not only will they die, but the whole family will be shamed and cursed with the seal of 'blood traitors'. Stop!" the man suddenly exclaimed, his facial expression hinting at the word "Eureka," the only thing missing was the light bulb above his head.

- What is it? - Shaking his head, Lord Peverell asked, pushing away the extraneous thoughts.

- That's it. What an idiot I am. Their past and their legacy. The Potters trace their origins back to Ignotus Peverell. There used to be many artefacts, blood mages, and necromancers among them, but after the Peverell family ended, they began to forget their heritage, and magic punished them for it in the form of a magical backlash that will first affect the head of the family that started it all, then his consort who supported him in it, and finally the heir. Lord Potter will only find out about it when it starts, and if he doesn't, his wife will, and to save their lives, and especially the life of their heir, they will have to ask for the patronage of a stronger family, who will ask magic to give them a chance to atone for their sins. Here on the horizon will appear the Peverell family, which is twice as old and much stronger. who are distant relatives of the Potters. It's just a perfect case, it's the third option that just appeared," the calm man finished his speech.

- And what about the second option? - Alex asked after a moment of silence.

- Not to let the Black heir meet the Potter heir and Dumbledore, - this idea intrigued, even interested the young lord.

- In what way? - Peverell wondered.

- I don't know, like sending Black somewhere abroad," Darius shrugged.

- What about school? - The man sighed heavily at that, sometimes irritated by his lord's slipshod stupidity.

- Would Beauxbaton or Durmstrang suit you? - everything he said in response, Alex realized that he had done something stupid, so he kept silent. 

- All right, let's end it there. So far the second option is the most acceptable, - with these words he got up from his seat and went to the exit from his office, where this conversation was taking place for the last hour.

- So what are our actions? - Darius asked when Alex came to the door.

- We will not change anything for now, we will continue negotiations with other families. But we shouldn't go near the light ones, and especially not the Potter allies. We don't want the Potters or, Merlin forbid, Dumbledore to get wind of us. Then we could be in big trouble. We'll leave the Potters alone for the next couple of years, and when their offspring shows up at Hogwarts, we'll try Lady Augusta's plan, and as a last resort, we'll take James for his love," Alex said the last word in a slightly sly voice.

- Lily Evans," the man said, not asking but asserting. Alex nodded in response and then walked out of the office.

End of Flashback

The remaining days passed quite quietly. Alex rested, took care of the family business, improved in magic, and went on a date to the Muggle part of London, first with Bellatrix, then with Narcissa, and at the very end with both of them.

At the end of the first month, a few things happened. First, Lucius and Andromeda (who were getting engaged on the first of August) and Frank and Augusta showed up at Peverell Manor, but the latter stayed at Peverell Manor only until the evening and left for her place. The rest of the company planned to stay here for the next month and a half, explaining that "it's more fun here. Secondly, the results of the second-year exams arrived, along with a list of required textbooks for the third year. The third was a letter from Orion Black, inviting the company to Black Manor "to meet the whole family. 

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