
Alexandra QIN

Alex Dunbar is a business man and a well known billionaire, who wants revenge at all cost for the death of his mother along the way, he met Lilly a girls whose life was miserable but somehow she brought light into his life but when Lilly find out Alex's father is responsible for the death of her 9parents, his step brother who wants to kill Alex by every means possible or his evil mother who wants Alex gone from their life. will she believe Alex and stay with him and forgo her quest for vengeance or will she expose Alex's father deeds

SilverSkyla · Realistic
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30 Chs

Chapter 29

Kyle had taken Lilly's luggage back to the house, Alex didn't follow him he said he felt uneasy leaving Lilly with Jane so he decided to head back to the hospital and follow her there.

Alex's heart raced as he sprinted through the hospital corridors, desperately searching for any sign of Lilly and Jane. Panic consumed him as he dialed the driver's number, but there was no answer. Something was terribly wrong.

He blamed himself for not insisting on letting her stay and letting the driver take Jane home; if something had happened to her, he would never forgive himself.

He knew he couldn't waste any more time. Alex quickly called Kyle, and explained the situation. Without hesitation, Kyle agreed to meet him at Jane's house. They needed to find answers, and they needed to find them fast.

As they arrived at Jane's house, Alex's heart sank when he saw the front door wide open. Fear gripped him as he rushed inside, followed closely by Kyle.

The scene that awaited them was chilling. The driver lay motionless on the ground, surrounded by a pool of his own blood.

Alex's mind spun with a whirlwind of emotions. He felt a mix of anger, fear, and desperation. He knew deep down that Jane was the one behind this.

She had always been manipulative and cunning, he had never liked the girl from the moment he had seen her, he knew something was off with her, but he couldn't voice her his thoughts he didn't want to hurt Lilly's feelings.

"Jane," Kyle muttered under his breath. "I knew she was up to no good, something doesn't add up with her story at the hospital."

Alex's phone vibrated in his pocket, snapping him out of his thoughts. He pulled it out and his heart skipped a beat when he saw a picture of Lilly's bruised and battered face.

His hands trembled as he scrolled down to read the message. It was an address, along with a chilling ultimatum: "Come alone if you want her alive."

Rage consumed Alex as he read those words. He couldn't bear to see his beloved in such pain. Without a second thought, he charged towards his car, determined to rescue Lilly from whatever horror she was enduring. Kyle grabbed his arm, trying to reason with him.

"Alex, you can't go unprepared," Kyle pleaded. "We need a plan, backup, anything!, you know this is a trap"

"I don't care, I have to save her".

But Alex's mind was clouded with desperation and a burning desire to save his daughter. He didn't listen to Kyle's pleas.

He pushed him away and stormed into his car, his hands gripping the steering wheel tightly. He knew exactly who was behind this.

Kyle stood outside Jane's house making several phone calls, he needed backup and he needed it fast, he didn't want Alex getting hurt.

As he drove towards the address, his mind raced with thoughts of what he might find. He couldn't bear the thought of Lilly suffering at the hands of the Person she called her friend.

The anger inside him continued to grow, fueling his determination to rescue her.

The address led him to an old, abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of town. It was a dark and eerie place, but Alex paid no attention to the ominous atmosphere

. He parked his car a safe distance away, not wanting to alert Jane or anyone else of his arrival. He took a deep breath, trying to steady his racing heart.

Inside the warehouse, Alex's eyes adjusted to the dim lighting. He cautiously moved forward, his senses on high alert. Every creak of the floorboards echoed through the empty space, sending shivers down his spine.

He knew he had to be careful, but his desperation pushed him forward.

As he turned a corner, he froze at the sight before him. There, in the center of the room, stood Jane, a sinister smile on her face. Next to her, Lilly sat tied to a chair, tears streaming down her bruised cheeks.

Alex's heart shattered into a million pieces at the sight of his woman in such pain. He would never ever let her out of his sight again, all this was his fault she was always getting hurt on his account.

There was someone else in the shadows but he couldn't make out who the Person was, but right now that didn't matter to him at all, he needed to save Lilly. She was his priority.

"Alex," Jane sneered. "I knew you would come, but be careful she had a lot of people." Hope and relief filled her eyes when she saw Alex standing there like her knight in shining armor.

His eyes turned red with rage as he took in the sight of his beloved injuries. He clenched his fists, his entire being consumed with a burning desire to make Jane pay for what she had done.

But he knew he had to stay calm and think clearly if he wanted to save Lilly.

"I'm here," he said, his voice filled with determination. "Now let her go."

Jane laughed, a cold and heartless sound that sent chills down his spine. "Oh, Alex, you think it's that easy? You think I'll just let her go?".