
Alexandra QIN

Alex Dunbar is a business man and a well known billionaire, who wants revenge at all cost for the death of his mother along the way, he met Lilly a girls whose life was miserable but somehow she brought light into his life but when Lilly find out Alex's father is responsible for the death of her 9parents, his step brother who wants to kill Alex by every means possible or his evil mother who wants Alex gone from their life. will she believe Alex and stay with him and forgo her quest for vengeance or will she expose Alex's father deeds

SilverSkyla · Realistic
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30 Chs

Chapter 28

When Lilly woke up, her groggy mind slowly registered the pain coursing through her body. Confusion quickly turned to terror as she realized she was tied to a chair, ropes biting into her wrists and ankles.

A cloth was tightly secured over her mouth, preventing any screams from escaping. Panic welled up inside her as she struggled against her restraints, her heart pounding in her chest.

As her eyes darted around the unfamiliar room, fear gripped her even tighter. The dimly lit space offered little solace, and the only objects she could make out were a charcoal box with flickering flames, a still iron, and a long whip hanging ominously from a hook on the wall.

Dread settled in her stomach as she wondered what horrors awaited her within this sinister place.

Her mind raced, desperately trying to make sense of the situation. Why would her friend, Jane, betray her in such a brutal manner? They had shared countless memories, and Lilly had always considered Jane to be a trusted confidante.

The thought that Jane could be involved in her current predicament was almost too much to bear.

Struggling against her bonds, Lilly winced as the ropes dug deeper into her flesh. She desperately tried to reach for her pocket, hoping against hope that her phone was still there.

But her heart sank as her hand came up empty. They had taken everything from her, leaving her completely vulnerable and isolated.

Just as despair threatened to consume her, the sound of a door creaking open pierced the silence. Lilly's breath caught in her throat as Xavier, her ex-boss, stepped into the room.

Shock washed over her, mingling with the fear and confusion already swirling within her. She couldn't fathom why Xavier would be involved in this twisted game. She always knew he had a thing for her but he never once treated her like a human being.

A smirk played on Xavier's face as he locked eyes with Lilly, his gaze filled with a disturbing mix of satisfaction and desire. The realization hit her like a punch to the gut.

Jane had been working for Xavier all along, and Lilly had fallen right into their trap. Anger surged through her veins, fueling her determination to escape and expose them for the monsters they truly were.

Xavier approached her slowly, his fingers tracing a path along her cheek. Lilly recoiled, turning her face away in defiance. It only seemed to amuse him further, as a cruel laugh escaped his lips.

With a swift motion, he removed the cloth gagging her, allowing her to finally speak her mind.

"You bastard!" she spat, her voice filled with a mix of fury and disgust. But before she could utter another word, a heavy slap landed across her face, causing her head to snap to the side. Pain radiated through her cheek, the sting a painful reminder of her vulnerability.

Xavier's laughter filled the room, a sickening sound that echoed off the walls. "Oh, Lilly, my dear, you have no idea how long I've been waiting for this moment," he sneered, his voice dripping with malice.

"You thought you could escape my grasp, but you were sorely mistaken. And your dear friend Jane, well, she was all too willing to help me bring you back into my world."

Lilly's mind raced, trying to piece together the puzzle of Xavier's motivations. It seemed he held a grudge against her, a deep-seated resentment that had festered over time.

But what had she done to warrant such cruelty? The questions swirled in her mind, but before she could voice them, Xavier's hand lashed out again, striking her across the other cheek.

Pain exploded through her face, tears welling up in her eyes. But even in the midst of her agony, a fire ignited within her. She refused to let Xavier break her spirit, refused to let him revel in her pain

With a newfound determination, she met his gaze head-on, defiance burning in her eyes.

"You may think you've won, Xavier," she hissed through gritted teeth, "but I will never let you destroy me. I will fight, I will survive, and I will bring you to justice."

Xavier's smirk faltered for a moment, replaced by a flicker of uncertainty. But it quickly vanished, replaced by a cold, calculating gaze.

"We shall see, Lilly," he replied, his voice dripping with venom. "But for now, you will learn just how powerless you truly are."

He put his hands into his pocket and brought out his phone taking a picture of her and sent it to Alex "now I have sent it to your boyfriend Alex, when he comes he will meet the same fate as you" he laughed out loudly.

Lilly's heart sank, she knew Alex wasn't going to waste a moment to come find her, even if he knew well enough it was a trap.

"You won't get away with this, Alex will figure you out".

"Now let's see how important you are to him" he said and turned to the door "come in"he shouted.

"The door opened and Jane walked in with a plain face.