
Alexander Strong: Thor in DC

As a developer I tend to tackle problems bit by bit, but I am completely thrown off my game when I find my self not in my house, not in my state not even in my freaking universe. How am I going to handle waking up in probably one of the most dangerous places in existence! with a little something extra of course Author's note: I wrote this because I noticed there are few Thor based fanfics around, so I decided to make one. This is my first book, so suggestions and constructive criticism is and will be very well welcomed. Enjoy!

Imperialvoidking · Movies
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4 Chs

Waking up

Opening my eyes after what I can describe as the worst sleep of my entire life.

Standing up and looking around, I have absolutely no idea where I am, nice windows, large ass room, high end interior. Yep, this is not my house.

Okay, let my tell you who I am first.

The name is Alexander Strong, I know cheeky name

A 29 year old orphan developer with around five years of working experience, a tiny apartment and around $10 to my name.

Okay, maybe I am a loser but I don't see anyone kidnapping me, because whoever did that has got the wrong guy and is also doing a great job.

Like seriously this room is larger than my entire apartment!

So first things first, let's have a look around. Going towards the full body mirror is when I get the shock of my life and maybe realize this is getting scary.

It's not my body I am looking at, the 5'10 slim black hair and brown eyes is completely gone and replaced with basically a guy you will find in almost every anime. Blue hair, blue eyes, what should be around 6 foot and some dope muscles. This guy is a strong 9 when yours truly was barely making it to a 7.

Okay, I am going off track, how in the name of all that exists did I get here and in this body.

I have two theories and I really don't know which I should believe.

I have either being kidnapped and drugged with a concerning amount of amphetamines ( hallucination inducing drug).

Or, I have... This is stupid, reincarnated.

If I have been drugged then I am in for a terrible day.

And if I have reincarnated then the Korean authors got it all wrong, I didn't meet no truck-kun, I didn't die saving a lady in an alley, I didn't overwork my self and I am not a fat otaku with cancer and stuck in my apartment for two years.

I am just your regular every day normal motherfucker!

Alright, enough freaking out and more figuring out what is going on here, so I walk around the big ass room and look everywhere, from the cabinet by the mirror to the bed side table to the... Oh no more looking I have found something.

On the table is what I can call a sketchy looking envelope. Sketchy by been completely white I mean like blinding level of white and on a closer look with an infinity sign that somehow, somehow is 3d and swimming around the envelope. Crazy right.

So, I do the obvious because I don't know about you guys, I have never seen or heard of an envelope with a swimming 3d infinity sign. So I run...

Nah that's a joke. I opened it like your average MC and read it's contents. I somehow smells like rain and fire at the same time, honestly I can't be shocked anymore.

Okay, I take that back. This is completely insane!!

"Yep, you have been reincarnated.

You are not and didn't do anything special,

I put you here because I am bored and I wanna piss off that Presence guy (don't worry he won't come after you... I think)

Anyway you are, if you haven't figured it out already, the DC world Arrowverse to be precise Earth -16 .

You have a rich ass background (not like it matters) and a few months before the beginning of the plot.

So have fun and don't die too quickly.

Oh yeah, you got something extra, just say the word"

Okay... That was as reassuring as it gets and hell no a rich ass background matters.

And with the word I know what it means, you see I am a DC and marvel fan maybe more of marvel I don't know. One thing is the Shazam suit up is the best, and I fucking love it. Considering the fact that I spent hours in the rain screaming Shazam after I saw the first movie, embarrassing? I know.

Well I am here in a dangerous ass world with powers I don't know are yet, not like I miss my old world anyway. Got nothing going well there, but suddenly switching worlds? That's trippy and I believe it because the envelope literally went up in silver flames after I read it,

So I believe now, I wasn't kidnapped just switched worlds. I would have gone to sleep and maybe try to justify it's a dream if I don't already feel fit as a fiddle.

So I leave the room and try to get some air. I somehow know the layout of the building. And I have to say it screams luxury.

Stepping out of a glass door I realize it's also got insane sound proofing, because it's raining heavily out here.

Well that's good at least no one will find a lightning bolt hitting the ground weird.

So I step out completely, feeling the drops on me and for some reason feel at peace.

So I close my eyes, spread my arms am shout...

On second thought is this going to hurt, sting or feel good?

I have no idea, so let's just give it a go right?