
Alexander Prince - Half Blood Potter

Alexander Prince is known as many things. Genius, Prodigy, Fighter, Demon and now one more is added to that list, Wizard. With friends in High Places and more in low how will the Uncrowned Prince change the wizarding world and are they ready? Also why is his new Half Brother so famous in this world? The writing gets better at chapter 10. [I DO NOT OWN HARRY POTTER] Nor do I own the picture. Here is a link to the source that I found the image on all credit to the artist who made it none to me. Alexanders Hair is supposed to be black but I can't find a black haired Vergil anywhere and I can't draw or edit to save my life so yea... https://www.zerochan.net/1506148

ShadowRose13 · Book&Literature
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34 Chs

History of Merlin Part 1

Heading out I can see a spot of greasy black hair. It seems Snape was waiting on us. "Hello Uncle. Have you been waiting on us for long?"

The dour man glanced over "Not quite. I have to return back to Hogwarts so I will be leaving. But I picked you up something just try not to abuse it" With that he handed over a mirror about the size of a palm

"Is this one of those Two Way Mirrors you spoke of?" He nods "And this one connects to you?" He nods again "Great um can I ask for a small favor?" He raised a brow "When and if they send someone to fetch my brother, Harry, can you call me and let me know when and who they sent so I can find him?" Snape scowls but nods, albeit reluctantly. "One last thing do you have a map of where this is in London so we can return?" He seems prepared handing my mother a piece of parchment before placing his hands on us and straight through the hose we are back home

"Ugh I hate that!" the dour man smirks slightly

"I suggest reading your potions book. You may find it comes easy to you since the Princes have had a many Potion Masters in their line." with that last line he disappears or apparates whatever.

"Mom is it just me or is Uncle Severus a bit of a git?" Mother just rolls her eyes.

"Just do what you want for the rest of the day Alex." It has always been like this. It isn't that she doesn't care it is just that I am capable of caring for myself and she allows it. "I got a meeting with a Mr. Gates about some small soft company in three hours."

"Okay mom. Do you need my help with anything before your meeting or the rest of the day? Perhaps a second eye with debugging?" Mother is a genius when it comes to tech, like a female Tony Stark, but she would still bring me in to help sometimes if only to let me get more experience in coding.

She smiles and runs her hand through my hair "No love. You just get to reading I think we both know you want to" I roll my eyes but what she said is true.

I head to my study, not bedroom but my study, and sit down in my comfy chair as I pull out the journal I got from Merlins vault. I unclasp the strap so I can open it but the damn thing pricked me! The blood dropped then absorbed into the journal with a flash of light. What the hell is with all these magic things needing blood?! First the inheritance test then the vault door and now this book! If I have to cut myself just to get into platform 9 3/4 I am going to go into a rage!

|Hello my dear descendant. Now I could start this off with some cliche like "If you are reading this I am dead" or "it's about time" but I already knew you would come, well I do now after my wife told me, she is a seer. Now I do not know your name but my wife assures me you are quite young so I suppose I should tell you what to expect because of your Dragon Bloodline. First off Dragons reach maturity fast and that transfers over to us though not as bad. Sometime between 7 - 9 years of age you will begin to act and feel differently. This is the initial stage. You may be taller than those your age and more aggressive this is normal.

It is a bit later sometime between 12 and 13 you should be slightly concerned about. You will hit dragon puberty hard. Now unlike normal teenage puberty you will instead begin to release a pheromone that will attract males and females alike to you much like a Veelas Allure even if you don't want to. You will have to learn to control that but I left an item in the vault that should limit the effects of your pheromones. Wouldn't want anyone to jump you before you can control it. You will experience yourself becoming more flirtatious during this time though and you might start collecting shiny things.

Now sometime between 14 and 15 you will begin to breath fire and have a need to horde. Lastly at 17 or 18 you should reach Full Maturity. This is where you may start having some issues. You see my father, whose name I can't write down because Dragon Tongue can not be written but it roughly translates to Bringer of Stars, was an Ancient Dragon and Ancient Dragons are much more powerful than today's counterparts, maybe even more so in your time, and they are exceptionally long lived. Once you reach your Maturity your aging will slow down considerably. For me it is about I physically age 1 year for every 50 or so but due to your generation it may be 1 to 20 it all depends on how much of the dragon inheritance your blood can accept.

You may think "1 year every fifty does that mean?" yes it means I am, or should be, still alive and so will my wife as she is my Soul Mate, in every sense, meaning she shouldn't die til I do, at least naturally of course. Me and my wife have had to move around and change our names and appearances many times due to our lack of aging. I probably would have tried to find a place to die if it wasn't for her. If you want you can try to find us we might reward you if you do.

Now there are many perks to our bloodline. First off from an exceptionally young age you may have found you can communicate with all manner of creatures. This is due to your bloodline. The Ancient Dragons were the Lords over all other creatures magical and non magical thus you can freely commune with any, though at times you may switch to a different language when during so like Dragon Tongue when speaking to dragons and parseltongue when speaking to serpents. One of my apprentices could speak parseltongue but I will get to that later.

You will be above your peers in both Fire and Shadow magics. You will also feel yourself be more powerful at night. This is due to my fathers dragon type. He was a Night Dragon who drew his power from the moon and stars this is also the reason you will be good at shadow magics, I left some books on it in my vault. You will be stronger and your bones will be denser than normal and as you get older your skin itself will develop a resistance to spells. You should probably be careful of spitting out flames though when you reach your third Maturity. Oh I forgot to mention the levels. First, or stage zero as this will be with you from birth, is the Hatchling Stage, that is when you can commune with animals. Then the Initial Stage, which is the first maturity, where your personality may begin to change and your bones get denser. Next is the Wyrm Stage where you will begin to develop an increase your abilities such as being able to see at night and this is when your pheromones hit. Wyvern Stage is when you should start breathing fire, do be careful, and develop a large interest in collecting things. Last is the Full Maturity where you receive all your inheritance and the ageing process will slow down.

Now there are some downsides to having a dragon bloodline. One is you are going to dislike cold and you may develop some animosity with water creatures such as merfolk. Increased hunger as you grow older. The need to collect things and make your own horde, I left part of my horde in the vault but I took a lot of it with me so don't worry about me being alive as all within the vault is now yours. You will develop a large protective instinct. A need for combat, at least in the early years though early years for us may last decades. With the pheromones comes libido so use a infertility spell before you bed a woman or male depending on your choice of preference. Who am I to judge as I had a fling with (scratched out) er sorry my wife doesn't like me to mention that me and him had a thing once.

Well that is just about it oh and you will most likely grow wings when you reach your Full Maturity. Now before I get onto telling you my story as any journal should I would like to tell you one thing, my wife says it may be important to you. You control your fate. When I was born there was a prophecy about me aiding the Once and Future King to slay an evil sorcerer who wished to control the land. I fought against this fate and I won. So remember fate only controls you if you let it. Besides we have dragon blood in our bodies. We don't take kindly to things trying to control us.

In this Journal I will tell you about my life. My apprentices, my time with Arthur, my wife, and some of my travels. Ah my wife is telling me to write down that there is an amulet in my vault called Knights Oath. It is a pair that allows one to know where the other is at all times, let you know if the other wearer is in danger or injured, and in case of emergency allow one to portkey within 10 steps of the other. This feature alone saved mine and Arthurs lives more times than I can remember.|

[A/N A step is 2.5 feet at least in my useage. So 10 steps is 25 feet]

This is.... A lot to take in. A lot of this I can deal with but the aging is worrying. My mother would be old and grey while I still look as I did in school. Oh this is great I will have to stay out of the public eye especially in the, as wizards call it, muggle world. The pheromones are another worrying thing. I don't want people trying to **** me thankfully Merlin and his wife were willing to provide assistance to that. Good news is I won't be growing scales or horns or wings til Full Maturity.

Still this is great. I mean this is Merlin's Journal. I can learn about the real him not what history portrays him as. Like how people seem to think my brother defeated the Dark Lord Moldy Wart as an infant they think Merlin is different from what he was. After all he does mention he has a wife and I don't recall him ever having one in the stories, or did he? This should be investigated further. Plus he had a homosexual experience oh I can't help but snicker at that. Not that I have anything against those types after all to me it doesn't matter what is between ones legs. If they are cute enough I will flirt with them after all.

I think I will continue the journal at a later time though for now I will read some of the books I bought. It was actually just before I invented my body strengthening spell I made one more. I focus magic into my eyes and nerves which allows me to enhance my reading speed and retention so I can go through an entire book in a manner of minutes. I should probably look into more about spellcrafting so I can make legitimate spells rather than ones only I can use due to making them wandless and wordless.

So for the next few hours I spent reading and rereading all the books I had purchased. I learned that two of my spells already exist one is accio which is a summoning charm the other is wingardium leviosa which is a levitation charm. Though my wandless levitation is more like telekinesis. Checking the time I decide I should head off to sleep. Hopefully the goblins can ward the house tomorrow so I can attempt spells at home. I lay down in bed, Envy snuggles up on my pillow, and I flick out the light. "Goodnight Envy" Envy makes a sort of Pyuu sound like air escaping.

I would like to point out he is not the richest wizard in the world, Nicholas Flamel is. Do you seriously expect anything else? I mean the man has a stone that makes gold! I know some people are picking that he has a lot of heritage but that ain't even close to what it could be. Afterall the pureblood dogma leads to inbreeding so technically all British wizards are related in one way or another so at least he didn't end up with Crabbe and Goyle on his Heritage

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