
Alexander Black's Magical Journey

In this new world I, Alexander Black, have discovered Magic and with my Sign in System I will learn it all! None of the franchises you see here belong to me! Wish they did but sadly they don't.

ShadowRose13 · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

The Start

"Well… This isn't too bad"

A young man said as he stood in front of a mirror seeing himself for what seemed to be the first time. He estimated he was about 10 years old. He had thick black hair and the greenest eyes he had ever seen in his life. At least he thinks they are considering he can't remember anything personal about his last life. He thinks that his memory problem is why he isn't more panicked about suddenly being a 10 year old.

[Initializing recovery of memories]

Suddenly my mind is filled with memories of various things from school lessons, books I have read, anime, games, time in the army, to various other things including the last 10 years this body has experienced. Though he did not gain any memories about his old family or even his name from his last life.

In this life he was called Alexander Black. He is an Orphan who was adopted by a couple in England before being brought to live in Kuoh Japan. He had a pretty normal and fun childhood with his adoptive parents. Well as normal as it can be when my adopted mother and father train me in how to use various weapons since they are ex Mafia and want me to be able to defend myself on the chance any enemies show up along with teaching me proper English, Japanese, and Italian. Though my adopted parents died last month doing a mission for their familia leaving me with only the inheritance they left behind.

[Hello Host! I am your sign in and personal assistant system! Would you like to Sign in?]

The boy is startled when this blue screen suddenly showed up in front of him. He blinks and rubs his eyes but the screen is still there much to his confusion. He then remembers that another blue screen popped up before he got an influx of memories

"Ok... What is a sign in and personal assistant system?"

[Answering Host! I am your Personal Assistant! I am here to supply you with information that can help you navigate the world you find yourself in! As an added feature you can Sign In once a day to get anything from legendary weapons, skills, knowledge, and many more things from all over the Multiverse! Would Host like to Sign in?]

"Uh sure sign in"

[Ding! Host is awarded with Bloodline Awakening! Brace yourself host!]

"Brace myself for wh-" Suddenly my hole body burns as if my blood was replaced by liquid fire. I collapse on the ground I open my mouth to scream but no sounds emit from me. It feels like hours in this agony before the pain suddenly stops and I lay there panting, my body covered in sweat and some blackish substance.

"The fuck was that!" I growl out.

[That was your recessive and dormant genes being awakened host! I apologize but there was nothing I could do about the pain. :( ]

'Did the system really just use an emoji?' he thinks to himself "It's fine, can you tell me what bloodline things got unlocked?"

[Sure thing host! From your mothers side you have awakened Chlorokinesis from your ancestor Demeter! Along with Talent in Spell Craft and Potions! On your fathers side you have awakened Umbrakinesis from your Ancestor Hades! You have also gained the trait Metamorphmagus and Talent for Necromancy and Dark Arts!]

"WAIT WHAT?! Demeter?! Hades?! As in the two of the Gods from the Greek Mythos?! System please explain"

[To answer host yes they are indeed the two of the Gods from the Greek Mythos. Your mother was a descendant from a demigod child of Demeter and your father from a demigod child of Hades]

"So gods exist in this world... wait who were my biological parents?" Then a memory came to me. A large black dog turning into a man, a red head woman with a kind smile and green eyes, a man with wild black hair and glasses laughing, a baby beside me in a crib "Oh my Gods! My father is Sirius Black, Mother Lily Potter, and I am the twin brother of Harry Potter?! But wait James is still Harry's dad how does that work?"

[Answering Host Sirius Black in this world is gay due to his bad experiences with women growing up. Since they were in a war he wanted to at least have a child on the chance he were to die he would have a legacy to live on. So using a special potion Lily Potter made she became a surrogate. The potion allowed her to have you and Harry despite their being two fathers. Though host is not biologically related to James Potter.]

… He takes a deep breath as he tries to process all that. 'Ok I guess that makes sense? I vaguely think that happened in a fanfiction I read in my last life' "Alright. Thank you System"

[Your welcome host!]

An Hour Later

After getting out of the shower to get all that gunk off me I proceed to head downstairs.

"Good evening young master!" My butler and caretaker said. He honestly looked a lot like Sebastian from Black Butler. Which is funny since he is also named Sebastian. He has been my butler for as long as I can remember in this life "Did you have a pleasant nap?"

"Yes Sebastian. I also had a rather nice shower afterword but I am feeling quite hungry."

"I'll go make you something right away young master! Oh and this came for you in the mail" he takes something from his pocket and hands it to me. Looking at the emblem on the letter I can already see that my future is going to be very entertaining as I had just received my Hogwarts Letter.

Well here it is! Hope you all enjoy it so far. Here's hoping my future chapters will be a bit longer though

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