
Alexander Black's Magical Journey

In this new world I, Alexander Black, have discovered Magic and with my Sign in System I will learn it all! None of the franchises you see here belong to me! Wish they did but sadly they don't.

ShadowRose13 · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

First Day

I was woken up by a knocking on my door "Alex! Wake up! Snape wants us all in the common room!" The voice, who I recognize as Theos, says. So I get up and get changed while also doing my morning routine, Slytherin rooms have a bathroom attachment lucky us

'System sign me in please'

[Ding! Host has gotten the Perk: Gamers Loot]

'Sweet, a gamer ability! Can you explain the perk to me?'

[Answering Host! The Gamers Loot Perk grants you loot drops when you defeat an enemy like in a game! Currently all loot drops are set to automatically be sent to your inventory]

'Awesome!' I think to myself as I head to the common room. I head towards my current and only friends in the house as we present ourselves to Professor Snape who oddly looks like a younger version of Alan Rickman than the one shown in the movies.

'Now that all of you are here" Snape drawled "I will now explain to you the importance of the rules here in Slytherin. Rule one the house is your family. Slytherins stick together because the rest of the houses will not be on our side. Two whatever happens in Slytherin stays in Slytherin. Outside of the house we are to be united. Three if you are going to do something bad make sure not to be caught, have an alibi, or find someone else to take the blame." I'm going to abuse that last rule so much

"Slytherin is the house of ambition and cunning therefore we have to uphold a certain level of prestige. I will not say do your best because I want you all to do better than what you think is best. There will be study sessions every Sunday for those of you who are having trouble with your work or are falling behind. Do NOT take this as an excuse to not put fourth the effort on your own. Those who do shall find me most unpleasant…" I can see him looking directly at me when he said that last sentence. Though I have to admit I can respect Slytherin house more after hearing Snapes speech seeing as he does more for his Snakes than McG did for her lions in the series.

"Now here" He gestures to a table beside him and a board on the wall "Is where you will get your schedules and a map that will guide you to your classes. On the board is a place for request. If one of you is having certain issues you may post it on the board and one of your fellows will help you. Lastly outside of classes, certain meetings, and patrols I can be found in my office where my room is connected. If one of you has any issues you do not feel comfortable talking about with your fellow students you may come to me for help" Yea Snape is WAY more helpful than McG was.

"Now each of you grab a schedule and a map and head out to breakfast. One last thing. If any of you get in trouble on your first day you will have to deal with me" he said leveling us with a mild glare before walking out of the common room.

"That was actually very helpful and comforting" I say to myself as I go to get a schedule and map for myself before heading down to breakfast. 'Looks like we have Transfiguration first, Charms after that, Lunch, History of Magic, Free Period, Dinner, Free Period, and lastly Astrology late tonight' I think to myself as I look at the schedule for today while walking.

It doesn't take long to reach the Great Hall considering how close it was to the dungeons. Already I could see some of the other houses already getting to their seats. "Did you four know that sitting at your house table is only required in the Feast at the start and end of the year?" I said addressing my new friends.

"No, but why would anyone want to sit at another table?" said Blaise

"Well my brother is in Gryffindor and I am sure there are others who have friends in other houses. Oh and the Patil twins are in separate houses too so maybe they want to sit together."

My friends think it over a bit before agreeing "Any other obscure thing you want to tell us today?" Said Daphne who was already getting exasperated by me.

"Well like the seats we also only have to wear our robes during the two Feast, classes, and detention. In fact hats are only required to be worn during the two Feast which brings up the question of why we even need those over sized hats in the first place."

"Wait so we can wear whatever we want outside of class and detention?" Tracy exclaimed

"Well so long as you don't go walking around in your undergarments then yea. You could even come down in your pajamas. You just have to point out the rules don't say you can't"

"Where did you even learn these things?" Daphne inquired

"Hogwarts: A History has all the rules in it."

"You actually read that?! That book has over a thousand pages!"

"Well yea but I made a spell to help speed reading"

Tracy grabs me and starts shaking me "Tell me that spell right now!"

"Ah! Alright just s-stop shaking me!" I say loudly. She let's me go almost immediately and I take a deep breath and straighten myself up "the spell is Occulus Retenta. You point your wand to your head while focusing only on the thought of wanting to read faster. The spell last about an hour and increases your reading speed by at least two times or more if you get better at casting. Also you will always remember what you read while the spell is active."

I can see all four of my friends burning what I told them into their brains and I can't blame them for wanting this spell as it severely decreases the amount of time needed to study. "Anyway now that Tracy is down mugging me for spells perhaps we can eat breakfast?" Tracy looks a little sheepish as she looks away from me.


Me and my group enter into the Transfiguration classroom and I spot McGonagall in her cat form on the table. I walk up to her with a smirk "Morning Professor~" I say enjoying how her cat eyes widen before I go to take a seat for myself.

Soon the room was almost full as the students poured in. The last two to arrive were Ron and Harry, seems that didn't change either.

"At least the McGonagall is also late" Said Ron before the cat jumps off the table transforming midair into the Professor.

"Not quite Mister Weasley. Perhaps I should transform you both into watches so at least one of you will be on time.

"We got lost professor" said Harry trying to salvage the situation.

"Then perhaps a map. I am sure you two don't need one to find your seats" She said sternly before going back to her desk and turning to face us. "The art of Transfiguration is a very precise field of magic." She said before point her wand at her desk and turning it into a pig "With it you can turn one thing into another but these are only temporary" she said turning the desk back to normal.

"I do not want you all using any transfiguration spells on yourself or others for Human Transfiguration is very dangerous and can lead to some very permanent damage or even death. Lastly you should never eat or drink anything you transfigure, again the spell is temporary. Now today you will be turning match sticks into silver needles. The spell is Argenti Acus and you merely need to point your wand at the matchstick"

Well that is super easy, for me at least. I learned a bit about wizard magic and it mainly comes down to three aspects. Imagination, intent, and willpower. Willpower is especially important in Transfiguration as you are forcing an object to change.

So I easily turned my match stick into a lovely silver needle after that I looked around for a bit to see if anyone else got it as quickly. Harry got it of course since we practiced magic over the month. Hermione of course got it and so did Daphne. I decide to help out Tracy, Theo, and Blaise "Try to imagine the change in your head first then use the spell. It helps if you have the image of what you want before hand"

"Mister Black, what are you doing?" I look up and see McG

"Ah well I already finished my needle so I thought I would help out my fellow students who were having trouble.

She goes and picks up my needle eyeing it carefully "5 points to Slytherin for a perfect needle and an extra 3 points for helping out your fellow students" She said before putting the needle down and walking away to check on others.