
Alex Wayne arrives at Marvel

English translation of the original alle94 fanfic: "Álex Wayne llega a Marvel fan-fic " 21 year old Alex Wayne wakes up in Marvel as an agent of SHIELD. Be aware: Each chapter is very short. First chapters very shorts. Then between 400-600 words per chapter. After chapter 337, 900-1100 words. I don't own nothing and autor allen94 just own his OC

LeonToralla · Anime & Comics
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514 Chs

Returning Home Part 4


Three Days Later

Captain America's trial ended without a hitch.

The verdict was that he will stop doing his job as a hero and be confined to a safe place where he will spend his days locked up.

When this news was known to the world, those who supported Captain considered that it was too much since that would be the same as having a life sentence, only said in a good way.

And those who were against him, well, they didn't say much.

Only the occasional talker like Norman Osborn wanted him to serve his country by including him in the Thunderbolts.

Tony Stark and most of the heroes objected, since they didn't fully trust him.

Captain America accepted everything without any problem and even thanked the jury for being fair.

Bucky Barnes and Sharon Carter, who knew him best, found his behavior odd.

It was normal, Captain considered that with the future threat of the Skrulls, his situation would make them ignore him.

Which, he would take advantage of to destroy their plans.


As for Alex, he had been relaxing and enjoying the rest of his vacation since in a few days it would be time to return to his universe.

And also, someone new had joined their group.

It's Lina.

She is the Cosmic Cube of this universe who, after using some of Alex's blood, took on an appearance identical to Est's, the only difference being her black hair.

The girl was also curious and developed a strong attachment to the twins.

Looking at Est and Lina, Alex wondered if he was a character from a Chinese Novel, where they always used their blood to awaken sacred objects.

That would be amazing, even the absurd idea of using his blood on the Infinity Stones to see what would happen crossed his mind.

Will little Lolis appear or will nothing just happen?

During these three days many spies and journalists also appeared.

This was due to how Wanda appeared in court with Captain.

And because an anonymous source had given information that they were not from this universe.

Although the government quickly denied that information, the pressure of the people made them finally tell the truth.

And that's why there were many journalists at his door.

Alex knew that the Red Skull had something to do with this, since then he could put his spies between the reporters and not draw attention to himself.

But Alex didn't mind since in the end they weren't a threat and he was about to return home.

Another thing Alex did before it was time to go was copy any technology data in this universe, especially from the Fantastic Four building.

They portal to the Negative Zone is very interesting, and it would be very useful for Alex since he could extract resources from that place.

Alex wouldn't do this if the Reed Richards of his universe wasn't stingy about that technology.

Doctor Strange came by from time to time to visit Alex's group and was surprised to see someone new, but didn't ask, which was a wise thing for him to do.

Because of that, Alex told him privately about the Skrulls and he was very surprised by this.

He wanted to tell Stark and the Avengers, but Alex told him not to since some of them might be Skrulls, which would alert them.

Doctor Strange thought about it calmly and knew that Alex was right, and the only thing he could do now was create a countermeasure.

The only good thing about this is that he could count on Captain America to create countermeasures.

After some small talk, Doctor Strange left to think the matter of the Skrulls over calmly and also wished them good luck on their journey as he knew they would soon be leaving back to their universe.


Alex's group met in the living room of the mansion since it was time to return since their vacation period had expired.

Alex smiled at the fact of returning home.

Riri had informed him that the other side was already waiting for them.

Yes, during their time here, Riri found a way to communicate with their universe.

Which allowed Alex's group not to need to return immediately and stay here for a while, and for those of their universe not to worry.

"It's been kind of interesting being in this universe" Wanda commented.

"You're right, we learned a lot from the events of this universe and we can prepare ourselves in case the same thing happens in our universe" Irene said.

Alex doesn't say anything and just waits for Riri to open the portal.

"And I guess Peter will be grateful for the gift we leave him, right Alex?" Rogue commented as she laughed softly.

Alex shrugs at Rogue's words and says:

"Well, I know he will like it and it will save him a lot of trouble in the future"

The others just smile when they hear Alex's words.

At that moment, a portal opens in front of them.

"Well, the portal is ready, are you ready?" Riri asked while looking at the holographic screen of her bracelet.

They all nodded and went through the portal, ending their story in this universe for now.


Peter was thoughtful, today the people who had helped him were already leaving for their universe.

He had already said goodbye earlier when he went to pick up his Aunt May and Mary Jane to return home.

Right now he was doing his hero job as usual.

Although people already knew his identity, he couldn't help but not stop wearing his mask as it was a habit.

As he stopped at a hamburger stand he often comes to, he heard something strange from the big screen in the building across the street.

In the news they talked about the registration law and those who are participating in it.

In that news in front of him they referred to him as Spider-Man, instead of Peter Parker as they had been doing since they discovered his identity.

That left him confused.

At that moment, he hears the seller ask:

"That's right, since the registration law is in place, why don't you tell us your identity, Spider-Man?

"Doesn't everyone already know?" Spider-Man answered after calming down from his surprise at hearing the salesman's words.

"Nobody knows, are you making fun of me?" the seller replied with feigned anger.

Spider-Man was silent and quickly left the place, reaching the top of a building took out his cell phone and looked for information on his press conference.

And he is surprised since he did not find it, and also other information that relates Peter Parker with Spider-Man does not exist.

After a few seconds of thinking about it, Spider-Man mutters:

"Thank you Mr. Wayne"

Finally this arc is over... Now, without cheating looking at the RAW, what do you think will be the next arc?

LeonTorallacreators' thoughts