
Alchemist Chat Group

Hisashi, a very ordinary boy, is transported to the world of Naruto. His situation, however, is not the best. He does not have any power, such as Ocular Abilities or Kekkei Genkai. Everything seems to be lost until he receives a chat group that will change his situation. 『Ding! "Edward Newgate" has joined the Dimensional Chat Group!』 『Ding! "Goddess of Middle Two Diseases" has joined the Dimensional Chat Group!』 『Ding! "Mad Scientist" has joined the Dimensional Chat Group!』 『Ding! "Queen's Watchdog" has joined the Dimensional Chat Group!』 Hisashi looked at these messages with amazement and happiness. "I won't have to be a civilian for the rest of my life!" a small tear left the eyes of Hisashi.

Bymo · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Might Guy's Youth

As soon as he returned to the house, Hisashi could not help but stop a few seconds to think about what happened before closing the door.

Might Guy, this person has always been respected by Hisashi, his courage and his YOUTH, have always remained etched in his mind every time he looked at Naruto.

His character is also reliable, unlike some silver-haired ninja.

Hisashi really does not know how to face this situation.

On the one hand, he has an irresistible temptation to train with Might Guy, to receive his teachings to train one's physical strength and body. After all, in this world, the one who has the highest martial arts mastery is definitely him.

Besides, his physical strength is also the strongest. Even Madara is not at his level of physical strength.

The ninja is very fragile, no matter how strong you are. If you don't have some particular skills, a simple injury in some places can be fatal most of the time.

But on the other hand, he knows that the training Might Guy does is something he wouldn't be able to take fully on.

It's not possible at all. No and no!

Hisashi could not help but shake his head at that thought.

But after a few seconds, Hisashi seems to have made his mind.

"You know what? Fuck it!"

In this way, Hisashi opened the door again, this time, when he left the house, his gaze was no longer an insecure one like before, but full of "seriousness."

Hisashi decided to train himself physically. He doesn't want to have a weak body anymore.

Eventually, his desire to get stronger overcame reason, even though the reason itself was telling him to train too.

He immediately set out on the same road as Might Guy did before when he left behind a cloud of dust.

Five minutes, Hisashi's face remained the same.

After ten minutes, the breathing began to accelerate.

Fifteen minutes, Hisashi's face went red, along with even more labored breathing.

Just then, he heard a voice shouting from behind.


Hisashi immediately understood that it is Might Guy. For this reason, turning his head, he observed that man dressed entirely in green.

"I see you have decided to follow your youth! I am proud of you, Hisashi!"

Might Guy said with a big smile. Right after, he patted Hisashi on the back.

For these pat, Hisashi almost collapsed. He can't speak, he doesn't have the strength to open his mouth, not to mention he wants to save oxygen for more useful things, but that hasn't stopped him from throwing an angry look.

Might Guy seems not to have noticed that look, for him the look Hisashi was showing right now was just approval of what he said.

"I knew it. A flame has always burned in you! The flame of youth! Five more rounds!"

No, please, stop!

Hisashi can't help but cry internally at the words of Might Guy.

Do you want me dead? Yes, that's it, Might Guy wants me dead, how can you not see that I'm so tired!

Hisashi's eyes seem to spit flames, but without his noticing, he suddenly found some strength. He immediately started following Might Guy, who meanwhile always had a smile on his mouth.

The five laps? Where can you see Hisashi completing all five? Hisashi couldn't even finish three. At this moment, Hisashi is still, lying motionless on the grass like a dead body. His face all red with fatigue.

Right now, he doesn't even have the strength to move his eyes. He can only listen to the person who has been doing push-ups since he got in this place.

"I wouldn't have expected you to last that long. Your flame must be strong! But since we're in the same boat right now, my 2000 push-ups aren't going to do themselves!"





Hisashi stood still listening to Might Guy doing push-ups. In the meantime, however, he was thinking about something else in his mind.

He never expected to do three laps. Doing three laps around Konoha, one of which alone is several kilometers, is something he did not expect to do. His body is not trained at all, which is why he is amazed that he has managed to resist for so long.

The situation where Might Guy did push-ups lasted for half an hour until Hisashi finally moved himself, albeit with difficulty.




Might Guy didn't look, he just kept doing his pushups, and at the same time, Hisashi doesn't want to bother him. For this reason, he remained on the sidelines waiting for him to finish his push-ups training.

About another five minutes have passed. Might Guy finally finished his push-ups, so Hisashi immediately got off the ground.


"What is Hisashi?"

Might Guy would not have expected Hisashi to call him, or at least stay here. After all, from his experience with Hisashi, Hisashi seems like a person who doesn't pay too much attention to things in his memory.

So the fact that he remained here shows that Hisashi has changed.

Tears immediately fell from Might Guy's eyes.

"I knew you weren't such a person. I always understood that you were a different person from what you showed. I didn't want to believe that my neighbor was a slacker!"

Soon after, wiping his tears and removing his exaggerated expression, Might Guy put his hands on Hisashi's shoulders.

Hisashi doesn't know what to say, sorry that Hisashi from before was such a person?

He doesn't even know if Might Guy would take him for a fool in case he told him. What is he even thinking! He will never say something as important as being a traverser, no matter who he or she is!

"Can I train with you?"

Might Guy hearing what Hisashi said, smiled, showing his white teeth. After that, he did a thumbs up.

"Sure! Let's burn our youth flame together! I'm sure Kakashi will understand and join us!"

Hisashi, hearing this, cannot help but look at Might Guy in front of him with a compassionate look.

I'm sorry, but Kakashi will never train with you, not even fourteen years later. He will always find excuses to slack off.

For this reason, Hisashi could not help but put a hand on Might Guy's shoulder as if to console him.

"You're right. We better go call him now and let him join us!"

Hisashi's expression of compassion immediately solidified on his face.

No! It wasn't supposed to be like that!

But he didn't even have time to open his mouth that his arm was taken by Might Guy, who started running towards Konoha.


Hisashi can't help but scream. He can't understand where the force of gravity is when it is needed. It's not possible at all to remain suspended in the air while Might Guy is dragging him!

This is not scientific!