
Alchemist Chat Group

Hisashi, a very ordinary boy, is transported to the world of Naruto. His situation, however, is not the best. He does not have any power, such as Ocular Abilities or Kekkei Genkai. Everything seems to be lost until he receives a chat group that will change his situation. 『Ding! "Edward Newgate" has joined the Dimensional Chat Group!』 『Ding! "Goddess of Middle Two Diseases" has joined the Dimensional Chat Group!』 『Ding! "Mad Scientist" has joined the Dimensional Chat Group!』 『Ding! "Queen's Watchdog" has joined the Dimensional Chat Group!』 Hisashi looked at these messages with amazement and happiness. "I won't have to be a civilian for the rest of my life!" a small tear left the eyes of Hisashi.

Bymo · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs


Whitebeard seeing that the leader no longer answered, closed the direct message, opening his eyes. That light blinded him slightly, but since he was the strongest man in the world, this moment of discomfort lasted for not even a second.

His gaze after talking to the leader of the group got serious. He can't really believe it. He can't believe Teach would have done such a thing.

Precisely for this reason, he cannot help but look at the two protagonists of history in the future. Ace and Teach.

Teach was asleep; his body, ten feet tall, leaned against the edge of the ship.

While Ace was talking with his other children.

Both unaware of how the future will unfold, Whitebeard is certain of this.

For this reason, he can't help but clench his own fist; right now, he understands what it feels like to be helpless in something.

He doesn't want to resort to extreme means like killing Teach. He could never forgive himself, not only as a person but also as a father—even his children, who know what they will think of him afterward.

The only thing he can do is talk to Teach, try to make him understand that he, as a father, is supportive in whatever he does!


Whitebeard's great voice spread over the entire ship. Everyone, no matter what they were doing, stopped and looked at their father, Whitebeard.

As soon as he heard himself called, Teach did nothing but stir internally, he cannot understand why his "father" called him.

Could he have discovered his ambition?

Help, it is urgent. I require support on the battlefield !!

Teach can't help but be confused and wary of this. He seems to have never shown a desire for power in front of his father's eyes or brother's eyes.

Obviously, without showing anything, keeping his own fake smile, he went in front of Whitebeard, sitting in his chair.

"Teach, I wanted to talk to you ..."

Whitebeard, with his glassy eyes, looked at Teach, who came in front of him.

Upon hearing this, Teach's heart immediately started beating a hundred times faster than before.

I knew it, I knew it, I knew it !!!

Teach's mind screamed.

"Tell me, father."

Whitebeard was silent for a couple of seconds before opening his mouth.

"I wanted to tell you that I, Whitebeard, am supportive in everything you want to do. No matter what you want, I will help you have it. After all, you are my son, and I am your father. For this reason, do not do any acts of which you can regret ... "

"That's why all of us children love you!"

The only thing Teach can do right now is to say this. He must try to divert Whitebeard's attention, even if just a little, from him.

Soon after, an avalanche of voices filled the ears of both Whitebeard and Teach, who smiled upon hearing this result.

"That's right. Pops is the best!"

"That's why we love you !!"

Whitebeard smiled upon hearing that series of voices. He immediately laughed. After all, hearing that your children are close to you is always something happy for a parent!

"Gurararara! Thank you all!"

Seeing that the result he wanted has been achieved, Teach walked away slowly without arousing Whitebeard's attention. After all, he knows that he wouldn't use the Observation Haki on his ship. He would never spy on his children.

In fact, as Teach predicted, Whitebeard forgot about him, focused mostly on his children who were "celebrating."

Also, because Teach's answer satisfied him.

Furthermore, his trust in his children is too great. He would not be able to doubt them.

Zehahaha, father, oh father, you will see my ambition, my desire for power soon!

Going back to Hisashi. Right now, he was sitting in a chair, thinking.

Thinking about improving this fruit, he knows very well that with practice, and therefore use, and physical strength, you can improve, but the point is, how can I improve if I don't even know where to start!

Until then, he has only tried to use his fruit on objects, learn the elements' composition, and try to transform them into something else. Still, this thing isn't efficient at all!

Hisashi is anxious. He can't figure out how to improve.

He always thought that if a person like him, a traverser, were to receive such power, he would know how to improve without even struggling, but only now does he realize how wrong he was!

And to think that he always made fun of the other protagonists when he read the stories, he thought it would be all different if he were in their place.

Physical strength ... it's not something that can help me quickly. His body was born in the world of Naruto, not One Piece. He can't reach the physical strength levels of those monsters, just like Whitebeard.

The only thing he can do is continue with this probably pointless thing he's doing unless he can find a way to power up quickly.

Just then he heard a knock on his door, so going to the entrance he opened it.

What he saw in front of him left him speechless.

A muscular man in a tight green suit. Black bob hair with big eyebrows.

Seeing that the door was opened, this man showed a smile, for a split second, as soon as he smiled, his teeth sparkled.

It was my impression, right? Yes, it must be, I must be too tired for what I did today ...

"Hey, Hisashi! Nice day today. What do you say if you join me for a good run? 20 laps around Konoha, the last one to arrive has to pay for the other's lunch!"

Hisashi's first reaction was - is he joking with me?

The second reaction - why is he here?

Right at that moment, the information he needed right at that moment appeared in his mind. His eyes lit up. He never expected this to be the case.

Might Guy, as well as the future Konoha's Noble Green Beast.

Why is he here? The answer is simple. He lives next to Hisashi. That's right. He lives next to Hisashi.

Hisashi and Might Guy are neighbors.

Hisashi would not have expected this thing. In fact, only now it came to his mind, after seeing the ninja.

Hisashi, however, looked at Might Guy as when one looks at a madman.

After all this time, have they done something to your brain? Have you gone stupid?

How could he, a civilian, run 20 laps around Konoha! One lap is already a lot for him. After all, it's several kilometers, do more? No thanks!

Hisashi shook his head towards Might Guy.

"No thanks, if possible another time!"

Might Guy didn't change his look, showing his smile again, he gave a little laugh.

"Haha, it will be for another time!"

He immediately left, leaving behind a cloud of dust.

Hisashi still seems to hear his voice.

"If I can't complete these 20 laps, I'll do 2000 pushups!"

Hisashi closed the door slowly after a few seconds.