
Ajẹ (Witch)

My name is Miri, I'm an ajẹ...... Born a witch, raised a human, lived like an abomination. My story is dark, wild, bloody and beautiful, such is the life, of an ajẹ

Seyfost · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Red Night

The red moon a shameless and eerie creature that feeds on blood and mayhem stands in the sky to night over of ikuwamiri. The red moon has had its belle filled with more than enough blood as the streets of the village was filled with bodies of men, women and children. No one was spared from the massacre.

In the village of ikuwamiri a shadow could be seen patrolling the streets admiring its Job as it walked past the corpses of the villagers it had just cut down.

In the far distance Lucianne watched as the shadow demon and the blood moon danced around ikuwamiri, she had come herself to watch the result of the decision to wipe a village along with its inhabitants out of existence and also to make sure there had been no slip up. She took a deep breath and she could feel the foul smell of death and the horrible stench the forbidden magic they had been forced to use to carry out their mission left. Ikuwamiri had dabbled into the forbidden so the council of Mages decided to give them a taste of their own medicine. They had toyed with nature time and time again and each time didn't pass without a warning from the council. But the Elder witches of Ikuwamiri were too stubborn and Arrogant to listen to the council and after ten months of constant conflict between the two parties and extermination mission was put in place to end everything once and for all.

"My lady everything is done we are prepared to go in" a voice said from behind Lucianne who snapped out of her reverie.

"Proceed she said and make sure they don't let their guard down we don't know what those people unleashed when they found out they were cornered. We must make sure everything that needs to be taken care of is done thoroughly". She added stressing the important of zero mistakes.

Kim bowed receiving the order as she made a signal and twenty people came out of the shadows all ready to explore the village of ikuwamiri, for the final step of the was to make sure Ikuwamiri was totally destroyed. The village that practiced countless kinds of forbidden magic was sure to have some hidden storages, text and even relics they had to make sure were either destroyed or kept in a safe place where no one could get their hands on it. The witches split into 4 groups and each group made their way into the village. "Don't let your guard down" Kim barked out a final order before everyone went on their mission. A group of five witches made their way to the village center that had a large well at the middle of the street, they been searching for an hour and had only found some relics which they had immediately burn. The few huts in the center were the final place their group was to search and on getting there they began work immediately. After searching some huts three witches made their way to a hut to continue their search, they saw four dead women in the hut, although they had seen the bodies of other victims of the shadow demon, none of them was as disturbing as that of one of the dead woman they saw, her body laid on the bed and her stomach had been cut open. Another was on the floor with a knife in hand and blood on the knife, one of the mages stared at the woman on the floor and saw that she was familiar.

"You knew her?" Clara asked as Fiona stared at the body.

"Yes?" Fiona responded. "Her name is Wunni, she was a midwife and a very powerful witch. Her magic was quite interesting and...."

"Did you say she was a midwife?" Clara asked Fiona before she could finish her sentence.

"Yes" Fiona responded.

"If she's the midwife then I'm assuming she was pregnant and was about to give birth Clara said pointing towards the woman lying on the bed". Her word prompted their third member to examine the body and after a brief while, she confirmed what Clara said.

"If there's a midwife and a mother then where is the baby." Fiona asked.

Suddenly, they heard a loud screeching noise from the direction of the large well they had just passed. They immediately rushed outside to see what was going on and that's when they saw their other two members fighting what seemed like a large black bird. The bird was 30m tall and had very large wings. It tried to fly away but something seemed to be restricting it. The three of them saw the creature and joined their fellow witches in battle. Fiona being the leader of their group took charge immediately,

"Clara call for backup I'm not taking any chances Jade distract it with your illusion so i can bind it and you two can finish it up she gave out her orders".

Immediately they all swung into action carrying out their leaders order. Clara stood back giving the others space so she could use her powers to call for backup. Jade immediately started casting an illusion spell to distract the monstrosity that was charging at them, she casted her best illusion spell which successfully distracted the bird before the creature fell victim to Fiona's binding spell and the other two members attacked seeing their plans were going smoothly. Suddenly the bird let out a loud screeching sound bringing all of them to cover their ears at the deafening sound, this action destroyed their formation and concentration breaking it into pieces as the creature immediately went after Jade with her beak crushing her lower half with no effort. Fiona tried to bind the monster again but the creature won't fall for the same prank twice as it used its wing to hit Fiona sending her flying into the hut she had come from. The other two upon seeing this tried their best not to panic but looking at the monster that had just killed one of them and had sent their Leader flying could not help but panic. The bird tuned its beak towards the two women ready to pounce but suddenly it began to scream in pain. The two women were shocked and immediately used the opportunity to attack again. After several barrage of attacks the bird let out another loud screech, between the pain it was feeling on its wings and the pain from the attacks she seemed both tire and frustrated, suddenly the creature began to shrink and a small red egg could be seen hanging beneath it's wing. The egg was glowing and the bird was shrinking more and more before it suddenly disappeared into the egg.