
Ajẹ (Witch)

My name is Miri, I'm an ajẹ...... Born a witch, raised a human, lived like an abomination. My story is dark, wild, bloody and beautiful, such is the life, of an ajẹ

Seyfost · Fantasy
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19 Chs


"You can come in Lucianne" said as she ignored the gloomy looks of those in front of her

"My lady, Commander Kim" Fiona bowed her head as she greeted the leader and vice leader of the castle.

"Hello aunty Fi." Miri greeted one of her favorite witches

"Hello Miri" Fiona responded to her favorite and only student

"My lady, king Hanes emissary has arrived and they are waiting in the Throne room".

"Also the arrival of the new recruits has been delayed till next week; it seems there are still some unresolved issues". Fiona reported.

"I was thinking they had already arrived" Lucianne said.

"Ok, I'll check on our guest and Kim please check on what's delaying the arrival if the recruits, we need those recruits to start their training immediately".

"Let's go see our guest" Lucianne said to Miri as she walked out of her office.

Lucianne got to the throne room and was immediately greeted by her guests.

"Sorry to keep you waiting" she apologized to her guests

"No need for apologies my lady, we know how busy you are and we appreciate you granting us an audience". The young good looking man standing between two Knights replied. He was well dressed and the manner he spoke showed that he was from a prestigious family.

A sneer was heard behind the emissary that had just spoken. It seems like one of his guards didn't share in the emissary's gesture

Although Lucianne found it rude she let it slide as she had no interest in childish bickering.

"So what brings you here today sir…"

"Larry my Lady, I'm Larry Kain".

"What brings the heir of the Kain family here today"? Lucianne asked recognizing the name.

"Chaster Kingdom seeks the help of the castle o great queen of witches, we are being attacked by a creature more powerful than our knights and soldiers can handle". We believe it to be a pack of wendigos my lady".

"Wendigos? Since when do wendigos move in packs and what are they doing so far up here, away from the demon lands"?

"We believe someone is controlling them my Lady, although we are not sure how or why but the attacks have all been well coordinated and too precise to be just random".

"You mean to say a demon is probably behind the attacks Lucianne probed.

"Yes, my Lady". Larry replied

"Demons don't act out for any reason, it must have and end game, that is if a demon is really behind the attacks." Lucianne thought

"Fiona" Lucianne called.

"Yes my lady".

"Is Samir back? She asked

"Not yet my Lady". Fiona responded

"You should rest here for the night Lord Kain, tomorrow you can be on your way if you wish. Regarding your issues we don't have enough men to spare right now, but, immediately my men arrive from their mission I'll be sure to send someone your way to deal with your issues. Lucianne assured the men".

"Damn witch, I knew it would be no good coming here" the Knight behind Larry cursed under his breath.

He hated the fact that they had to ask for help from the people that were probably responsible for their problems. If he had his way they would have marched in here with an army and kill every single one of the witches.

"It seems you have something to say" Lucianne said pointing at the guard

"I'm sorry my Lady, but he didn't say anything" Larry replied

"I wasn't speaking to you Lord Kain, I was speaking to him" she said pointing at the knight.

"I didn't say anything the knight" replied since he knew he couldn't really voice his complaint

"Oh, a coward…, I see" Lucianne said ready to dismiss the issue

"Who are you calling a coward bitch?" the knight said as his mask came off as fast as it came on

The knight felt insulted and immediately drew his sword.

"Put down your weapon now!" Larry replied trying to prevent a fight.

"Let him attack a voice said from in front of them. I bet he can't event hurt a fly in this walls, let alone any of my witches".

Lucianne's taunts further infuriated the knight as he could no longer take it and he attacked.

"Foolish child" Lucianne said as she looked at the charging knight ready to teach him a lesson, but before she could react someone ran past her charging towards the knight.