
Ajẹ (Witch)

My name is Miri, I'm an ajẹ...... Born a witch, raised a human, lived like an abomination. My story is dark, wild, bloody and beautiful, such is the life, of an ajẹ

Seyfost · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs


After traveling for several more hours the witches finally got to the capital of Chaster, Jales. The wiches made their way to the Kings palace where they will be received and briefed on the current situation.

The witches went to the throne room lead by a knight, they entered the throne room and they were greeted in an expected unexpected way. There were a lot of knights in the room all armed to the theet. Even the King was dressed in his amour. The only persons not wearing amour were the servants that were in the room.

As the witches got to the center of the room ther all bowed and greeted the king.

"Your Highness" Kim said bowing her head slightly along side the witches with her. Miri who had never left the castle before was surprised how the King castle was ordinary compared to the catle she had grown up in both in size and grandeur. She had thought to see the floor laid with precious stones and jeweleries as she had always read in books and heard in stories, but, she was disappointed when she saw ordinary stones and zero jewels. She didn't know crafting a witch tower and a kings tower were two diferrent things that required diferrent skills an methods.

She stood there amongst the other witches as the King welcomed all of them and spoke of how greatful they were for their help. The king speech made every Knight present grip their sword thightly as they all felt protecting the kingdom was their duty not the duty of a bunch of wiches and mages. They all felt like they had failed while others felt like they didn't need any help only more time to deal with the issues completely. If only they could afford to wastes more time, the attacks have left a lot of farms decimated and a lot of people have been killed and displaced. Chaos was a few steps away from engraving its name on their Kingdom and the King was not ready to lose his Kingdom yet. Even if it meant going to the devil himself for help he was ready to do it. Consequences be damned.

"Lady Kim" the King said as he stood up from his throne, his gaurds saw this and took a step forward as if the wiches were the ones making a move. The King immediately signaled his gaurds at which they all stood down. He had only said he would listen to them and take precautions by wearing his amour he didn't say he would do what his advisers and Knights wanted.

"My people have suffered from the attacks for so long and we are almost at our wits end. Our farmlands are gone livestocks dead and if nothing is done in the next few weeks well all be dead. Please...." he said as he stood in front of kim as went on his knees which surprised all his subject. Some even gripped their sword thigher ready to kill Kim as if she had forced the king to kneel in front of her.

"Save our kingdom."

Kim Immediately took the king from his knees

"You don't need to beg me your highness we are hear to help you and your men. Just point us in he right direction and well be there to stop the wendigos".

Of all the people present one person in particular was not happy with the way things were going. He stood beside the King's throne and watched the King kneel and beg the people who had killed his son in cold blood. His son was one of the knights to follow Lord Kain to request for the help of the witches but his son had been retured as a corpse burned beyond recognision and now, the king is here beging his sons murderers. He held his sword tightly wishing he could behead all the withches in front of him but he felt defeated knowing it was not possible to do it. As he was lost in his thought some one came to him and whispered some words to him at which his eyes went wide in surprise before he smiled. Maybe I'll get my revenge after all he taught looking at Miri.

"I can't believe she is here" Larry Kain said as he remembered the girl His friend Damien had fought. He had thought he won't see her again, the one the queen of witches called her daughter.

"How come she is here he thought. Maybe I can use this to my advantage" he said to himself as he approached Lord Gvens Kale.

"The little child over there Larry whispered to Gven's ears, she's the queen of witches daughter. The person responsible for the death of Damien".

After the throne room saga the witches were taken to a place where they could rest for a while before they get to work. Miri along side some other witches layed on beds and rested. Kim along side three other witches were discussing.

"Zia.. Kim said, what is the situation like?" she asked the blonde haired witch in front of her.

"There where a lot of negative emotions in the throne room" she replied.

"There was that coming off half of the Knights in the room but, the ones that stood out the most were coming from the Lord that visited the castle as an emissary and the Noble that was beside the King. They were both giving out some dark shit".

"They must be up to no good then. I want you to keep an eye out for those two. They may be up to something and I doubt if it's anything pleasant" Kim said.