
Aincrad: Ascendance

A huge castle made of stone and steel floating in an endless sky. That was all this world was. It took a vagarious group of craftsmen one month to survey the place; the diameter of the base floor was about 10 kilometers — large enough to fit the entirety of Setagaya-ku within. Above, there were 100 floors stacking straight upwards; its sheer size was unbelievable. It was impossible to even guess how much data it consisted of. Inside, there were a couple of large cities along with countless small-scale towns and villages, forests and plains, and even lakes. Only one stairway linked each floor to another, and the stairways existed in dungeons where large numbers of monsters roamed; so discovering and getting through was no easy matter. However, once someone made a breakthrough and arrived at a city on the upper floor, the «Teleport Gates» there and of every city on the lower floors would be connected making it possible for anyone to move freely through these levels. With these conditions, the huge castle had been steadily conquered for two years. The current front line is the 74th floor. The name of the castle was «Aincrad», a world of battles with swords that continued floating and had engulfed approximately six thousand people. Otherwise known as… «Sword Art Online» -*-*--*-*-*- Updates are from monday to friday, so total of 5 chapters a week, extra chapter every 200 stones. Source of this fanfic is from the Novel, and I also added some elements from different worlds just to add some twist. I dont own the cover or any character from SAO, this is a fanfic I made for fun dont take it seriously.

LazyTanaka · Video Games
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87 Chs


I know it's not SAO but I can promote my books here, right? anyway, there is a reason why I decided to add this here, I want to see if you guys like it or not. this idea has been with me for a long time but I'm not sure yet.

I only remembered it after someone told me again, this is a One Piece Fanfic, yes, and also, just like Naruto, I haven't watched One-piece yet but I do know some parts of it because of reading fanfics and other stuff, I'm not really confident with this book but tell me if you like it alright?

Write or not?

Anyway, here is a sneak peek of Chapters 1 and 2, you can also give ideas if you have <3

Also, I'm laying these things down for the upcoming Tanakaverse or Multiverse Internet cafe, hahaha :p


Chapter 1

It was quiet at night after the celebration of New Year just a few hours ago, not many people could be seen in the streets it was practically empty, occasional fireworks could be seen flying to the skies.

A Middle-Aged Man could be seen walking in the dark streets wearing a black suit and sunglasses with a briefcase in hand, while walking around the streets, the man suddenly stopped and turned towards one of the alleys.

The man heard voices but it was very small, it won't even be noticed if it was someone else.

The man didn't think twice and entered the ally, he made some twists and turns to find where he had found the voice until a few moments later, he found a metal door, it was where he had heard the voice for the last time.

The man tried to open the door with a push but it didn't budge, he then opened his briefcase and pulled out a nickel M1911A1 with a silencer, he checked the mag and the gun.

*Kachik! *Pew!

The man fired at where the lock was and it was immediately taken down, he then kicked the door open which surprised the people inside.

There are 4 men, all of them were just getting naked, not too far away, a girl who seemed to be 9 years old was lying on the bed unconscious.

"What the F*ck? I thought you guys locked the door!?"

"Forget about that he has a gun!"

One of them immediately noticed the pistol in the man's hands, they immediately scattered away to also go for their weapons but the man didn't let them, he immediately fired his pistol shooting the legs and arms of each of them.



"My leg!"



The man who tried to shout got shot in the forehead, the guy stopped screaming and laid dead on the ground, the other four shuddered and gritted their teeth suppressing their voices.

It was done in quick succession that it could be told that the man was professional in using guns, the man then ignored them and made his way towards the young girl, she seemed to have only fainted.

The man then gently woke her up.

"Huh? Mister, who are you?"

"I'm a bad guy who came to save you"

"You are funny mister, bad guys don't save people"

"That is true, then let's call some heroes to save you"

"Hehe, okay, what about them mister? why are they on the ground?"

"They are very very bad guys and they are on the ground because I punished them, don't go close to them or they will eat you"



The man smiled as he heard the cheerful laughs of the young girl, he then went towards one of the thugs who was laying on the ground, he kicked him on the stomach and took the phone of the thug.

*Ring! *Ring! *Kacha!

"911 what is your emergency?"

"I am currently sitting next to the little girl you are looking for. she is safe, for now, but if no one comes to get her quick enough, I will be forced to do something unspeakable to her kidnappers"

"...P-please wait"

The man didn't wait as he ended the call immediately, he looked at the time then the man then turned to the little girl.

"Do you want to play a game?"

"A game? what kind of game?"

"Hide and seek, what you have to do is cover your eyes and ears, and count to one to one hundred, can you do that?"

"Yes! I never lost in a hide and seek before!"

The girl cheerfully replied.

"Good, let's start then"

The man took out a black cloth and covered her eyes then she used her hands to cover her ears once everything was ready, she started counting.

While she was counting the smile on the mans face disappeared as he stood up and took out his gun, slowly he made his way towards the thugs that were groaning on the ground.



There was a very very loud yell, the other two shuddered when they saw this, the man just shot the private part of their accomplice.

"Hey, don't be noisy"


A very powerful kick was sent to the jaws of the thugs, it dislocated the man's jaw but the thug didn't stop screaming, the man sighed and then kicked the throat of the guy.

The thug immediately lost his voice but he kept moving around groaning from pain.


The little girl was still counting without knowing what is happening.

"60 seconds left, let's end this fast"

The man said and did the same to the last other two,

It was a very gruesome sight as the disfigured appearance of the thugs could be seen, the man then turned to the little girl and only 30 seconds left, but the man already heard the sound of police sirens outside.

He packed his things up but before he left, he gave the little girl a teddy bear toy from his briefcase before skillfully avoiding the police that came.

After the man left, while walking in the dark streets, he suddenly stopped and his eyes were fixated on the little figure in front of him.

"I found you, mister, I told I never lose hide and seek"

It was the same little girl that he saved earlier, she was even carrying the teddy bear that he gave earlier.

"W-what are you?"

"Nothing really, as thanks for saving me mister, I will send you to one of your favorite worlds, have fun there!"

As she finished speaking from out of nowhere, a truck appeared near her, the man was frozen in shock that he had not reacted to what happened next.

The truck suddenly transformed into a robot and punched him blasting him away, he didn't know what happened next after that but he suddenly felt cold.

He tried to move his body but he couldn't but he could somehow move his fingers, he grabbed something cold and smooth.

'This is snow?'

He thought.

"Oya? what is a young man doing here out in the nowhere?"

Chapter 2

The sound of something burning resounded in his ears, it was warm.

Slowly he opened his eyes to see what was that, the first thing he saw when he opened his eyes was an unfamiliar ceiling, something he had never seen before.

But he was used to it, he lived as an assassin, no, more like a mercenary? but anyway, the jobs align.

Looking around the place, he saw he was laying on the bed and near the fireplace.

"I can't move my body"

He couldn't feel his body, no, his body was actually aching from pain, he could only sigh and look around the unfamiliar house but just as he was looking around, he suddenly found a floating scroll in front of him.

It was glowing in golden color.


He thought as he looked at the floating scroll.


The scroll unfurled by itself, and he was able to see its contents.

[Path to King Primordial System]

"That sounds like a wuxia thingy, but Path to King? and why do I strangely feel calm about all of this"

The confusion he was expecting did not come, it was as if everything was normal, just as he was thinking about things, he noticed new words appear on the scroll.

[Soul Integration is now Starting]


Something within him suddenly exploded, a flood of memories in a form of pictures entered inside his brain, it appeared at a very fast pace as if it was on a time-lapse.

When it ended, he was back again, and this time, he could feel his body, it was not aching that much anymore, he also finally found his situation now.

"So I really got sent to another world, the one-piece world at that... just who the hell is that kid"

He sighed, from the memories he possessed, he found that his name was still the same, Ryuuji Tanaka, right now, he is 15 years old, birthplace: Unknown, Currently where he is: Unknown, Chance of surviving in this world: Negative, Strength: Null, Body: Weak.

Except for his memories that are intact, he has nothing, well, if you add the System that he received but he doesn't know its uses yet.

As Tanaka was thinking about things.


The door of the room opened and a woman with golden hair and a sexy figure entered inside.

Tanaka became alert as he saw someone enter even though he couldn't move, he could still perceive if the person is dangerous or not.

"Oh, you are awake, I brought you to my house after I found you ate a paralyzing mushroom and collapsed on the streets, you could have died if I found you any later"

The woman spoke, Tanaka then looked for his memories and it did happen.

"T-thank y-y-you"

The difficulty he had when he was talking, it was like his tongue was cut off, the woman was surprised to see the kid in front of her say thank you even though he was having difficulty.

"What is your name?"

"T-tanaka Ry-y-yuuji"

"Nice to meet you, Tanaka, my name is Kureha, just call me Dr. Kureha, you don't have to force yourself to speak anymore, you just nod or shake your head as I will ask you some questions"

Tanaka nodded.

"Do you know where you live?"


"Your parents?"


"Then are you from here?"


"I see"

Kureha stopped asking questions and went into deep thought, for a kid to get lost this far away, he must have been either abducted by pirates or a slave, but she already checked if he had a mark but there is none, instead what she found was a tattoo that covers his back, a lion tattoo, .

She didn't know what to do with this kid for now, anyway, she may need the help of his friend for this, so after checking up his condition for a while, she decided to leave him for now since he was still paralyzed.

After she left, Tanaka only looked at the door.

'I guess she couldn't see it'

Tanaka thought as he focused his attention back on the floating scroll on top of him, then with a thought of the scroll disappearing, the scroll on top of him disappeared, he then resummoned it once again.


The scroll furled once again then it suddenly turned small and flew towards the corner of his eyes, there he noticed there are 5 more scrolls with different colors, the one earlier was a golden color, now the one that unfurled in front of him was color red.


Name: Ryuuji Tanaka

Age: 15 yrs.

Occupation: None

Power: 14(Adult Avg: 30)(Pirates Avg: 50)(Marines Avg: 80)

*Overall Individual Strength, Speed, Defense, Consitution as such.

Wisdom: 130

*Overall intellectual power of the Character, from knowledge to IQ.

Charisma: 30

*Overall the quality of being able to attract, charm, and influence those around you.

Politics: 0

*Country governing.

Territory: 0

*Personal attribute of a king, total territory of the character.

Territory Power: 0

*The military power of the territory.

Wealth: 0

*Wealth of the said Territory.

People Satisfaction: 0

*If the points turned negative the people will betray you.

'This... it's really pushing me towards the path of a king...well, it sounds interesting so why not?'

While Tanaka was at it too, he decided to check the other scrolls, and one of the most useful things he found was the System Shop, here using 'King Points', he will be able to buy blueprints, materials, etc, that will help him from improving his territory.

Anyway, to earn King Points, Tanaka can get it from two sources, one is quests and the other is People Satisfaction, yes, that thing that was part of his status, though he doesn't how it works yet Tanaka already decided to walk the path of a king.

In this dangerous world where pirates and monsters lurk everywhere, it may be difficult but Tanaka is always on for challenges, there was one thing that Tanaka loved to play in his past life, it was Shogi.

The board has been placed, but he only has but a single piece, which is right now, only a pawn but that pawn will make his way to be a king, he just came into another world but the game has already started.