
Aincrad: Ascendance

A huge castle made of stone and steel floating in an endless sky. That was all this world was. It took a vagarious group of craftsmen one month to survey the place; the diameter of the base floor was about 10 kilometers — large enough to fit the entirety of Setagaya-ku within. Above, there were 100 floors stacking straight upwards; its sheer size was unbelievable. It was impossible to even guess how much data it consisted of. Inside, there were a couple of large cities along with countless small-scale towns and villages, forests and plains, and even lakes. Only one stairway linked each floor to another, and the stairways existed in dungeons where large numbers of monsters roamed; so discovering and getting through was no easy matter. However, once someone made a breakthrough and arrived at a city on the upper floor, the «Teleport Gates» there and of every city on the lower floors would be connected making it possible for anyone to move freely through these levels. With these conditions, the huge castle had been steadily conquered for two years. The current front line is the 74th floor. The name of the castle was «Aincrad», a world of battles with swords that continued floating and had engulfed approximately six thousand people. Otherwise known as… «Sword Art Online» -*-*--*-*-*- Updates are from monday to friday, so total of 5 chapters a week, extra chapter every 200 stones. Source of this fanfic is from the Novel, and I also added some elements from different worlds just to add some twist. I dont own the cover or any character from SAO, this is a fanfic I made for fun dont take it seriously.

LazyTanaka · Video Games
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87 Chs

⌜Chapter 25⌟

Finding the 50th-floor boss room was fairly easy, well, Tanaka had already found it a long time ago, he spent a lot of time on the 50th floor and above and one of those he spent searching for the boss rooms.

The boss room was located at the 29th level of the labyrinth, it was quite hidden because it was at the hardest path to take in the labyrinth, it was infested with a lot of monsters that would take a lot of people to clear.

But as Tanaka was on his way, he noticed, there are so few monsters, he noticed there are also signs of a fight just being finished.

"Oh? did they find it?"

Tanaka was surprised, as he was making his way towards it, he could hear some voices, seemingly yelling with each other, reaching the place quietly, he saw who seemed to be the front liners and some two young people arguing with each other.

Tanaka also noticed that most of the people here are wearing the same clothes, so they are from that guild huh.

"We are saying let us join! we can fight the boss too!"

"We said you cant! do you think we are having a picnic here? a single mistake can cause the lives of all the people here! don't be selfish!"

Seeing that it was only an argument, Tanaka sighed and continued moving forward ignoring the people who were fighting but as he was proceeding, a figure blocked his path.

"Where do you think you are going?"

Tanaka only glanced at the man, he was a bulky man wearing the same clothes as the other which Tanaka recognized as the Knights of the Blood Guild which is the guild of Kayaba.


A simple word from Tanaka but the man only smirked seemingly provoking him.


Tanaka smirked.


Everyone was startled by the sudden explosion and when they turned their heads, they saw a man being blasted away towards the wall before crashing with a powerful force.

"What!? has the boss waken up!?"

Everyone immediately panicked but they didn't see anything.

"I'm not repeating myself, move or everyone here will die"

It sounded arrogant and everyone became enraged when they heard this voice but when they saw who it was, they felt their whole body was poured with a bucket full of cold water, those who recognized his being were as of they had seen the grim reaper.

But there were those who are ignorant of things.

"What did you say? are you looking for dea-"

"What the fuck are you doing!? don't you realize who are you trying to fight just now!? do you want to kill all of us here!?"

"Eh? who?"

"He was supposed to be known by everyone but how can you not? fix your stupidness, that is Madara!"

"M-madara? I..."

Everyone started getting away from Tanaka as much as possible because if they are not careful they will have the same fate as the guy who blocked him earlier.

Tanaka who saw that there was now a path started walking as if a king, it was a normal thing but just as he walked forward he noticed a man standing at the end of the line who he recognized as the man who doesn't fear him because of his cheat.

They both faced each other with no so fear or whatsoever, but it didn't take long as Tanaka only gave him a little of his attention, he immediately turned towards the boss room.

"Madara... why don't we cooperate with each other to defeat the boss?"

Kayaba suddenly spoke.

"Cooperate? with all your puny strength? you are just going to hold me back"

"How dare you say that to the guild master, even if you are Madara, we won't forgive such insolence!"

Tanaka was surprised when he heard someone dared to talk to him, turning his head he saw the girl he would have never thought to talk back to him.

'So she had already joined at this time.'

It was Asuna, Tanaka forgot that she joined this guild.

"Then why don't you prove it then? You win you join, you lose you die, can you do that?"


Asuna wavered when she heard his words.

"What scared? then let me repeat what one of your members said, a single mistake of a person can cause the lives of every person here, and you are all no different, you all think you have the strength but it was nothing just you getting drowned to the title of being the best"

Asuna clenched her fist as she wasn't able to refute anything that Madara has said.

Tanaka didn't continue berating them anymore and turned to Kayaba.

"Try anything funny and I will cut this off earlier than you think"

Kayaba frowned when he heard this but he didn't say anything, for him it meant that Madara will turn off the game, there are only two people who could do this, Him and Tanaka his coworker.

Kayaba just sighed, unlike him who plays safely, the Tanaka who was in front of him plays suicidally, live or die.

But what Tanaka really meant is that he will beat the shit out of Kayaba, they both misunderstood each other, seeing that no one will stop Tanaka anymore, he proceeded towards the boss room.


The door opened and Tanaka entered inside, at the same time, the moment Tanaka entered the boss room, live stream screens across the whole Aincrad appeared once again, something that disappeared when Tanaka disappeared a year ago.

Everyone's attention was immediately towards the live streams screens, the news was immediately received by all of the players, and one thing came out from their mouths, from young to old, to the lowest players to the highest players, from the combatants to non-combatants.

With fear in their voices, they said his name, the legend that disappeared a year ago has appeared once again, those who didn't believe that Madara returned finally believed it.

"Madara has returned."


Ehmm.... sorry for stretching this out but yeah, anyway, I have a question guys, I was still thinking of building a guild, since the Guild of Kayaba was the strongest in the whole Aincrad I want to create a guild that will go against them.

Like rivalry as such, and the purpose of this guild was the support Tanaka not on clearing the boss monsters but to help him from other things such as looking for ingredients, and instead of this guild specializing in fighting, this guild is for the merchants and such.


Yes or No?


The truth is... We all want that something we can never have.