
Aincrad: Ascendance

A huge castle made of stone and steel floating in an endless sky. That was all this world was. It took a vagarious group of craftsmen one month to survey the place; the diameter of the base floor was about 10 kilometers — large enough to fit the entirety of Setagaya-ku within. Above, there were 100 floors stacking straight upwards; its sheer size was unbelievable. It was impossible to even guess how much data it consisted of. Inside, there were a couple of large cities along with countless small-scale towns and villages, forests and plains, and even lakes. Only one stairway linked each floor to another, and the stairways existed in dungeons where large numbers of monsters roamed; so discovering and getting through was no easy matter. However, once someone made a breakthrough and arrived at a city on the upper floor, the «Teleport Gates» there and of every city on the lower floors would be connected making it possible for anyone to move freely through these levels. With these conditions, the huge castle had been steadily conquered for two years. The current front line is the 74th floor. The name of the castle was «Aincrad», a world of battles with swords that continued floating and had engulfed approximately six thousand people. Otherwise known as… «Sword Art Online» -*-*--*-*-*- Updates are from monday to friday, so total of 5 chapters a week, extra chapter every 200 stones. Source of this fanfic is from the Novel, and I also added some elements from different worlds just to add some twist. I dont own the cover or any character from SAO, this is a fanfic I made for fun dont take it seriously.

LazyTanaka · Video Games
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87 Chs

⌜Chapter 16⌟

"Oh! a full chain combo! Sheeesh!"

I said as I was really in awe by how I was being chained combo in the air by a monster at that, damn, my health is dropping fast, I guess I'll try again later, I'll go back 24 hours later after all.

"Hah... I'm such a pathetic guy"

I said to myself as I looked at the ceiling above me and could not help but think, was I that used to death that whenever I make a mistake, I will give up? thinking about my fight with the fatal scythe, I never gave up even when I only have a percentage left on my Health and here I am giving up in front of a monster who was able to counter me.

No! I am not that pathetic to give up! I clenched my scythe tightly and it started glowing in dark color.


[Skill: Luck is no excuse has been triggered]

[You have received 100% all attributes buff for 10 seconds]


"Breath of Death! Ni no kata: World Demise!"


I slashed my scythe at a fast circular motion that a trail of black light could only be seen after I used my skill, after I finished my slash, the world seemed to stop, no, it was as if the world was cut in half.



Illfang roared loudly as its body was split in half and finally turning into light particles, the world regained back its color and I slumped into the ground tired, that skill I just used was very powerful, I didn't even know how I was able to activate that kind of skill but one thing for sure.

It took a lot of my stamina just to use that skill but my exhaustion was for naught as I heard the loud announcement to the world.

[1st-floor boss monster Illfang has been defeated, players may now proceed to the second floor]

[1st-floor boss monster Illfang has been defeated, players may now proceed to the second floor]

[1st-floor boss monster Illfang has been defeated, players may now proceed to the second floor]

This announcement rang into every player's ears and none knows how to react at first but it took them quite a while to come back to their senses still not believing what they have heard.

"H-he cleared the first floor! he defeated the boss!"

No one knew who shouted that but as they heard the voice, they all started cheering and began being emotional, even though it was just the first floor, everyone was very happy, it was the first step of their escape in this death game.

While everyone was cheering, I do not know anything about this and was resting on the ground waiting for my stamina to recover, anyway, I feel bad stealing the limelight from the protagonist of this story but its for their own good.

Many things will change because of appearance and one thing was for sure, I caught the attention of Kayaba, it was impossible for him to not notice my existence, it was just that he keeps the game fair and did not want to bother me even if I was much more powerful than everyone else.

Even if he is a psycho that locked every player inside, he was a man who doesn't act rashly, He would think I was just a lucky and powerful guy, but I am sure, there would be changes to his plans, especially with the Tanaka guy I met first.

Well, whatever, my stamina has recovered, time to see what drops do I get. walking over I looked at the items Illfang has dropped and wow oh wow, it's trash... not that trash actually, it's just that my current gear is much powerful.

Fuck the guy who gave me this, he practically ruined his plot...

Anyway, it's not that bad actually, I don't have that much money anymore so maybe I could sell these items for a hefty price, also this black sword, I would like to give it to Kirito, I know it sounds stupid but he had his uses, for example, the guys who PK in the lower level.

I'm not hard-working enough to go down to take care of them, and maybe, I could even make him my lackey, and he has the protagonist aura that I need to find some other things.

Though I have to make acquaintance with him first, and while I'm at it too, maybe create a guild, being a solo player is very problematic, even if I have the time of the world, it would be a bother for me to do everything.

And maybe also gather the strong players that I know of, it would be a waste to not use them.

...scratch that, I'm too lazy to gather members as for the swords, I'll just give it to Kirito as my plan, we had met once so he probably knows me.

With that done, I looked towards the stairs that were leading towards the second floor, it was not that grand or anything, just normal stairs made of stones, okay then, let's see what is on the second floor.

The 2nd Floor of Aincrad is a savanna realm covered in plains and boulders and roughly the same size as the first floor.

Common knowledge here.

The background music for the second floor is more sorrowful in tone (oboe music) than the string orchestral music for the first floor. The NPCs also have subtle differences in their garments.

I kinda like it.

The 2nd Floor is divided into a wide-open northern half and a narrow southern half. The floor consists mostly of table-topped mountains, looming over plains, dotted with small caves through which underground rivers run. It is primarily inhabited by large ox-type monsters.

Urbus is the main settlement on the second floor. It is about 300 meters in diameter. The entire city appears to be excavated from a flat-topped mountain and rests in a crater. The city gates and walls rest on the outer rim of the crater.

Like all district settlements, Urbus has a main street which runs north-south. The 2nd Floor Teleport Gate is located in an elevated Town Square.

The buildings in Urbus are all relatively of the same height, so it is possible to jump from rooftop to rooftop.

"But before I proceed to the second floor, let's meet up the players first"

I turned around and went back to the boss room.

(A/N- Novel is also cut out so I took this one from the manga)



Dont worry child, the darkest hour only has sixty minutes.