
Aimless Travels In Multiverse

THIS BOOK IS WRITTEN UNDER QUESTIONABLE CIRCUMSTANCES SO IT'S GOING TO BE BAD. MC with questionable sanity running around Multiverse trying to find something interesting to do. [This novel is mostly on MC's POV also English is not my first language] [Cover photo is not mine]

TurkishJesus · Anime & Comics
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79 Chs

End Of The Council

Belphegor is the currently the oldest demon in the demon realm also the one that summoned Chaos I mentioned earlier. He is my target this whole battle royale is nothing but a cover to allow me to kill him.

Anyway after these dudes did their chuuni lines which I just can't take seriously we were escorted to an hotel we ran into Lars on the way which I threw him a bag of coffee he wasn't at school when Bean Troops took over.

"Basara, do you really think we're ready for this fight?" Mio asks.

"Yes trust me, I just need to take care of Belphegor before the matches start then we just have to win, the rest will come" I point out.

"Huh what's that creepy guy has to do with anything?" Yuki asks.

"He's the leader of Cardinal Sins, Leohart needs Mio's power to defeat him because he's the metaphorical rotten flesh of this realm, with him gone Moderate Faction and Demon Lord's faction can make peace and let us be on the human realm.... We still need to win the matches tough so don't be slacking" I finish with a warning.

"Then how are we going to kill him Basara-sama?" Zest asks I can see her trembling, it seems Belphegor took over Zolgear's pleasure grounds and Zest heard about it.

"It's already done he will die during our battles to make it look like we didn't do it" I point out while explaining what I did to him, it's not like I need his soul like OG Basara so I just put a Banishing Shift gem into him it will activate and kill him once our battles begins.

With my plans set in motion I let Maria's momentum carry me into the separate bedroom containing Yuki and Zest, I am close to turning Zest's contract into vow and Yuki is there to not miss out on the fun.

At night I messaged Lars and met with him to send my message to Leohart about Belphegor's upcoming death it's not like he's not planing the same it would be better if I gave them a heads up.


First of the matches starts with Mio vs Luka who's just summoned a Heroic Spirit causing Mio to mutter "Why did I got the easy one" like I said these spirits are trapped and I made a spell to free them. It only took one shot to the heart and spirit is free and Mio won.

Second match was Maria's unfortunately she's going up against Lars I don't think she can win after all Lars is still hiding his strength, I never saw him use his other worldly element.

"Well, girls better prepare to console Maria..."

"Do you think she can't win?"

"Well I am not saying she's weak I even trained her with the use of her key but Lars actually never really used his full power at the times we saw him, he should be at a similar level with Leohart but he won't kill Maria trust me..." That statement put everyone into silence. Indeed Maria lost but she managed to make Lars use his trump card.

Seeing that our resident Loli succubus is down I teleported her to our room so I can use Regrowth to get her back to health. Lucia burst through the door as Maria woke up without injuries I let the older succubus take over from there.

The third fight Kurumi fought some unicorn looking bitch with a scythe well... She won dude was a weakling really it was pitiful, or did I train the girls too much? Unfortunately she didn't kill her opponent since Lars spared Maria, I send a clone to handle him before he goes back to council.

Since Kurumi won Zest didn't get disqualified and won her own match, there's no doubt Yuki will win as well...

Did we just win without me fighting Leohart... No they will still make me fight him even if it's "for a show" since the council wants the two of us dead... Anyway let's watch Yuki's match.

"HOLY SHIT! DID YUKI JUST PULLED A VERGIL MOVE" Damn she even did the whole body getting cut after sheathing the katana thing.


"Sorry Zest I got overexcited hmm I wonder if I can pull a move like that..." They ignored my nerding while Lucia went to her match, unfortunately her opponent has forfeited, he should be investigating he Chaos at this point.

Next up is me and Leohart, after getting to the stage I nodded at the man but didn't offer any words, they transformed the stage into a special battlefield Xamdu that only those who have bloodlines of Demon Lords can enter.

To be honest I was going to send a clone to handle the council as well but Dad got it so I won't send.

Leohart was surprised as anybody else at this point since to get inside the arena I used my transformation causing my horns to grow out it seems my demon blood made it so that I would have two horns instead of one.

At this point my horns are abyss black and have green, gold and red markings on my horns, the color scheme is becoming ridiculous even author is having a hard time.

My full armor looks like a rip off Prototype Saber with different colors because why not...

"I didn't know you had demon blood in you even a Demon Lord's blood, well it doesn't matter you will fall here Toujou Basara" I just yawned while pulling out Durandal, just the shine on my sword is making other Demons uncomfortable let's see how this chump fights.

My first hit blew him off to the other side of the arena...

"SORRY! I'LL HOLD BACK" Good he's getting angry, let's hope I don't piss off his sister since I really don't want to bother with that crazy bitch... It's too late isn't it?

"HOWL LOKI!" Ahh he's getting serious maybe I should pass time with him until council summons the Chaos... Yeah that's a good idea let's play around and I will even make it look cinematic.

"DURANDAL!" I charge.


"Well I think it's enough playing, council is summoning Chaos. Try not to die Leohart" Saying this I threw him to the other side once more and turned to Chaos.

This guy is the ruler of all Heroic Spirits also their enslaver, I was hoping to dissect him for a while but for that he needs to be dead.

Getting close I started charging Durandal until it was at a point I barely can control and bisected Chaos into two before throwing it to my separate realm. He didn't even have time to summon more Heroic Spirits.

"Huh this was easier than I thought it would be"

"Toujou Basara you weren't going all out in our fight?" Leohart comes next to me he somehow looks scared.

"I rather not piss off your sister anymore than this, it's troublesome. I took down Belphegor, Dad and your sister should be finished with the rest of the council by now..."

"Why are you siding with Moderate Faction then, you're clearly strongest in the demon realm if you can take down something like that, you can unite everyone"

"Nope it's too boring and if I was to do anything it would be anything but peaceful, I guess you can thank my parents, they wanted peace I am not about to go against them" saying my piece I teleported to the girls who just give me thumbs up...

Great they got desensitized of my insanity...

"I'll go check on dad"


Teleporting behind Dad I put a hand on his shoulder. He's clashing auras with Liala.

"Ahem mind if you guys stop the decorations are already ruined enough already." Hearing my voice the two got surprised, huh they didn't think I can sneak on them.

"Basara don't give your old man a heart attack..."

"Well I came to see the elder sister Leohart kept talking about..." I say while I increased my own aura crushing hers completely.

"... it turns out she wasn't that bad, keep a lid on your insanity Liala unless you want me to do it for you" Saying this I teleported her to Leohart.

"You keep surprising me son I am going to have a heart attack for real"

"Please, I handled the brawn I am leaving the politics to you and uncle Wilbert"

"Oh you noticed..."

"It's not like he's hiding people are just not thinking why he would fake his death, well it's not like I am going to spread it around let's go we still have to deal with Heroes, there's no way they're letting this slide."

"Uhh I wonder when can I retire..."

"Don't talk like that you're not even 40 yet"

After we handled the talks with Ramusas and other things we finally made it back to human realm using my own power, I am not using that horrendous thing they call portal.

"Ahh I missed Afureia.."