
Aiden, the third savior

In a world on the brink of destruction, a fierce battle rages between the third-generation savior, Aiden, and an enigmatic adversary. The stakes are unimaginably high as Aiden fights to save humanity from this unknown man whose name and motives remain mysterious. As the dust settles from their devastating clash, Aiden stands victorious, questioning his fallen foe with a mix of defiance and triumph. The journey to uncover this powerful enemy's true identity and intentions has only just begun.

PriyanshuRaut · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
2 Chs


After a devastating fight, he sighed deeply, releasing the tension. "Look at where we are now," he said, pausing for a second. "No, maybe," he added with a slight smile, "it's just me standing alone."

He looked down at the fallen man, his voice softening as he bent down to face him. "Did you enjoy your last moment?" he asked slowly. Then, with sudden intensity, he grabbed the man's head and forced him to look into his eyes.

"Look at me!" he shouted, his voice echoing. "Do you think you can still defeat me?" He continued his tone, a mix of triumph and fury. "Aiden!" the unknown man shouted, his voice full of defiance and desperation.