
Aiden's Odyssey

Aiden's Odyssey is the story of Aiden Stone, a young man who has spent his entire life indulging in his family's wealth and living a carefree existence. But when his family business collapses, his father begs that he join the Federation, a military organization that protects their planet from external threats. Despite being initially deemed unworthy by the Federation, Aiden is assigned to a special squad of soldiers, expected to die on their first mission. The Federation wants to demonstrate to the squad the value of human life, but Aiden sees this as an opportunity to prove himself and escape his fate. With determination and hard work, Aiden trains and becomes a skilled soldier. He is soon able to uncover his own talent, and he works hard to be able to catch up to his peers who are considered geniuses and the next hope for the Federation. Aiden slowly is able to use his talent, and work hard to become a soldier the Federation cannot just lose. ... Authors note: This story is strongly inspired by these following stories. Go check them out. I do not own the over page, if the owner of it wants me to I can take it down. Authors POV Sword god in a magic world Lightning is the only way Chaos Heit Oracles path Rebirth of the demonic sword Update schedule: Once per day

Fat_Cultivator · Sci-fi
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8 Chs

Chapter 1: An Unlikely Recruit

Chapter 1: An Unlikely Recruit

The room in which our protagonist is sitting is a large, dimly lit chamber with high ceilings and heavy wooden doors. The walls are made of gray stone and are adorned with framed portraits of military officers and maps of the surrounding areas. The room is sparsely furnished, with a large wooden table in the center surrounded by several chairs, including the ones where the officers are seated.

The table is cluttered with papers, folders, and various items of stationery. There is a small lamp in the center of the table, casting a soft yellow light that illuminates the faces of the officers, but leaves the rest of the room in shadow.

The air in the room is cool and musty, with a faint smell of old books and parchment. There are no windows in the room, so the only source of natural light is a small opening near the ceiling that lets in a sliver of sunlight. The room is quiet, except for the sound of the officers' pens scratching against paper and the occasional rustling of clothing as they shift in their chairs. Overall, the room has a serious and solemn atmosphere, befitting the importance of the task at hand.

Our protagonist is sitting nervously in front of a panel of stern-looking officers from the Human Federations army. They are all studying him with a critical eye, and he can feel the weight of their scrutiny on his shoulders.

"So, Mr. Aiden Stone, tell us about yourself," one of the officers asks, his voice clipped and business-like.

Aiden took a deep breath and tried to steady his nerves. "Well, I come from a small village in the countryside. My family used to be quite wealthy, but we fell on hard times recently. That's why I decided to join the army."

The officers nod, but their expressions remain impassive. "And what makes you think you're suitable for a position in the army?" another officer asks. Aiden hesitates, unsure of how to answer.

He knows that he hasn't exactly been the most disciplined or hardworking person in the past, but he's determined to turn his life around. "I...I know that I haven't always been the most focused or disciplined person," he admits.

"But I'm willing to work hard and learn. I want to make a difference and serve the Federation." The officers exchange a glance, and Aiden could feel his heart sinking.

"So let me get this straight." A female officer asked, as she sat up straight and looked at Aiden.

"You have below average-graders from a town in the middle of nowhere. You don't have proper physical test results as well. You have no good habits, yet you aim to join the Federation simply because you made a choice a descision to change? What if you wake up tomorrow and go back on your choice?"

Aiden couldn't help but gulp a little as she listed out what he had just done.

"Ma'am, it was within my understanding that the Federation accepts people like me and gives us a chance." Aiden tried to stand his ground, and asked back.

"And you are not wrong Mr. Stone." Another officer replied to him.

"But you have to keep in mind, 'People like you,' all have redeeming qualities. They have good habits. You not only don't seem to have those, you don't even have confidence." The man said.

Aiden just remained quiet, he didn't know what to say. He had to get this position. He had to work hard inside of the army, if not for himself, for his family, for his brother.

He understood that the last 16 years of his life he basically jerked his life off, but all he was asking for was a chance. So he decided to muster up some courage and asked once more.

"Again sir, I understand that my profile isn't the greatest. However I am not asking to be placed as a special recruit. All I am asking for is a chance to serve the Federation, and help my family."

The officers then all looked at each other and didn't say anything for a while.

After a while of writing stuff down onto their notepads, one of the officers from the panel eventually spoke with a strict voice.

"Alright Mr. Stone, we are inclined to give you a shot. You will join as a temporary recruit. If your merits are not satisfactory for the army by the end of the year we will be expelling you from the Federation ." He said.

Aiden couldn't help but be excited.

He shot up from his chair, and performed a military salute, by placing his fist on his heart, and his left hand behind his back, with a straight posture.

"Thank you sir, I won't let you down." He said in happiness.

"Alright then. Move to your right and follow down the path. All your instructions of what to do will be there." The same officer said, as most of them smiled at him slightly as well.

Aiden quickly nodded and followed the officers instructions.

The second he closed the door, the officer sighed a little and voiced out his concerns.

"Another foot soldier. When will we get true talent? Someone who can lead, not just follow." The man said.

"I think it's unanimous that we are writing the same report. That kid doesn't have the potential to be anything more than a foot-soldier. Unless his habits all change overnight that's all he will be."



Aiden didn't know it yet, but the officers who had interviewed him had basically called him worthless.

(POV: Aiden Stone)

'I did it, it happened. Mom, dad, I won't let you down.' I couldn't help but think as the door behind me had automatically closed.

Then, I stepped onto the automatic moving platform, and the second I did, all the electronics in front of me had activated.

[Welcome, Recruit Aiden Stone]

I heard the Federations AI speak.

"Hello." I voiced back, as I further awaited instructions.

1 thing my father told me was, never do something without being told so in the army, so I decided to wait for the AI to voice what I should do.

[I will now be scanning your body and be collecting a thorough reading of your biometric data]

I nodded, as the platform I was standing on began to move forwards, as I saw red-laser-like machines began to scan me.

I turned to my right, to see a Military Uniform being tailored for me, as machines began to knit it right in front of me.

To my left, I saw a standard pistol being created for me, along with a holster and what seemed to be like a bio-watch.

I couldn't help but gasp in awe as I saw the bio-watch.

[Please stand straight.]

As the AI voiced its command, I instantly stood forward and looked only in front of me, and realized I was still fairly far from another door in front of me.

I couldn't help but think back about the Bio-Watch. Bio-Watches are the most common forms of communication for the entirety of humanity, however the one I saw being assembled in front of me seemed to be the latest version of the watch, which was released only a week ago.

The army sure did not seem to treat its recruits badly.

Soon, a screen was brought in front of me, as I saw an old-aged man being shown in front of me. He had a clean kept beard, with a crisp hair-cut as well. He was wearing a military uniform with 5 stars on either side of the shoulders of his uniform, showing his high rank.

"Welcome to the Federation Army recruits. The camp you will be joining is from Sector 27 at the County of Belgravia. Your task inside of the camp will be simple, you will be clearing rifts. This will be your first briefing. After this, you will be undergoing special classes for the next month and then your first full-dive." The man said.

I couldn't help but gulp when the man mentioned a 'Full-Dive.'

'They expect me to go Diving a month after training?' I couldn't help but think.

Full-Dive is one of the 3 main responsibilities of the Federation.

Since the 'Initial-Contact' which had happened over 10,000 years ago, man-kind had to deal with monsters that came out of Spatial rifts.

Spatial Rifts are as it sounds, when space falls on itself, and causes there to essentially be a 'hole,' in that part of the dimension. I never understood the physics behind it, but all I do know is that it's another world.

If these Rifts are not instantly closed, they slowly expand and collapse on itself, causing untold catastrophes.

These Rifts can open in any point of the world, and typically are taken care of by the Federation.

"For the next month, a special instructor from HQ will be teaching you basic Full-Dive tactics. Your task is simple, learn and survive. As your strength grows, so will your tasks. Do your tasks well and the army will award you with merits and credits. Be disobedient and you will be expelled and even sent to prison." He said, as he suddenly paused.

[Recruit, please put on your Bio-Watch, equip your pistol and uniform according to this tutorial and stand in this position [image shown] before the recording can continue]