
Ah really?

Starts off in danmachi, basic transmigration and wishes scenarion. I'm currently writing on it now. Suggestive criticism is welcome.

Ryan_Colman · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs

37. Annoying.

Now that I had everything I wanted taken care of I could easily just relax.

"No more people you want to recruit?" Valerie asks running her fingers through my hair while I looked at some of the books I had bought earlier. Not the spicy ones, just some of the comics they had on the shelves.

"Doubt it, the ones I have now, I picked for thier outstanding loyalty or because I could offer them something that they wanted. Had it been years earlier I might have been able to pick up Naruto and train him to be a force to not be messed with. As of now he is a bit too far gone, systematical emotional abuse, and i doubt I could even get close to him without the higher ups freaking out, plus Jiraiya is in the village now probably. Not someone I would want against me." I explain.

"What about the others? You said there are 9 of them?" Valerie asks.

"Yeah, the one tails is in the village but hes a bloodthirsty psychopath at the moment, the two tails is in cloud even if there was some problem I doubt I could sway her, the three tails is being watched by a madman and leader of a village currently participating in civil war and is being mind controlled, four tails I believe is in the stone with the five tails, six tails is a missing ninja that can fly, seven.....seven?" My eyes widen.

Another systematically abused child who was actually kicked out of her village. Yeah, I got this.

Outside the village a couple of my paths appear from Kamui before speeding off. If there is one thing about hidden villages then it's the fact they arent really fucking hidden. I could easily find the waterfall village. As for persuading a child who craved affection, friendship and a home? piece of cake.

"Where was I? Ah yes, eight is also in cloud being celebrated as a hero and brother to the village leader, and nine is here. But enough about that, I feel like I should go and have some fun." I smile as I close my comic.

Sow a little bit of discord.

Valerie perks up and follows me out of the room. A quick chakra pulse and I find the target I've been looking for.

While walking I'm also swiftly writing down notes and information on a large scroll with a happy smile on my face.

It doesn't take long before I find the person I was looking for. Sunny blonde hair, bright blue eyes, kill me orange jumpsuit, whisker marks.

"Yo! You are Naruto right?" I ask with a smile.

"Ah! You are that kid that nearly killed Sasuke!" Naruto shouts pointing at me.

"No he was still fine." I wave his remark off. "Anyway, here take this."

I toss him the scroll.

He looks at it for a second before opening it and reading the information.

Meanwhile I just drag Valerie away.

I could already feel the Anbu and old man approaching.

"What did you give him?" She asks.

"Information on how to train, the techniques of his father and mother, information on who his father and mother were, and a couple little hints here and there about some manipulation. Man is the old man going to have a headache." Suddenly there was a massive burst of horrific chakra and a roar of rage and hurt.

Looking back all I hear are the sounds of explosions and even a tree being tossed through the air by a red chakra tail.

Several white masked ninja drop from the trees around us. Only for blades of blood to detach thier heads from thier shoulders.

However more just keep coming like moths to a flame.

Golden portals open up dropping the new bodies into the gate. I'll take the hearts for Jiongu later.

I have 6 bodies that can hold spare hearts, up to 5 a piece so that would be 30 jiongu. I cant use hearts in the Asura path as its body is completely mechanical and I cant use hearts with my body as I dont want to do modifications to myself. However they make good puppet summons as they can use jutsu and move about freely.

These are all root members, Danzo's little puppets, since the old man must be busy with a rogue Naruto he probably found it the best time to try to attack me.

Soon the root members stop trying to attack.

Valerie has probably killed about 50 or so in minutes. "Do tell Danzo that I thank him for his gift, I'll repay it back to him later." I smile at the last root member who quickly vanishes.

"Those were the ninja I could kill right?" Valerie asks.

"Yep blank ninja masks, the colored animal ones arent to be killed." I confirm.

You see the problem with having a hidden ninja force, that isn't supposed to exist, is the fact that if those hidden ninja die, you can't exactly blame someone for killing them.

"So what was the purpose of that exactly?" Valerie asks.

"There was so many people watching me I thought they didnt have anything to do, so I figured I would let them have something to do. Besides, it's not like I did anything illegal right? Taking a walk in the village and giving a boy a scroll of jutsu that just might explain who his parents are isn't illegal. As for the ninja who attacked us. I would love for someone to come forward and claim them." I smile happily.

"So where are we going now?" She asks as I pull out another scroll.

"Hospital." I start jotting down information about this lovely massacre I knew about along with a certain old man with Sharingan embedded in his arm and eye socket. As soon as we reach the hospital I head around to the side and lob the scroll through a window that just so happens to belong to Sasuke Uchiha.

I lob a couple of matching scrolls of just information into the compounds of every clan. I wonder what kind of situation this might cause. I may or may not have added in that he was working with orochimaru and that he has Hashirama cells implanted into his arm and that he was the one who helped kill off most of the senju clan to get his hands on the wood release with orochimaru.

Fucking peep on me while I'm trying to read comic books?