

"AAAAAAAARGGHHH!!!" the volume of the most distinguishable scream can be heard from a few miles away from the source.

The soldiers also notice the scream, they turned their heads to the source of the scream and found a house which appears to be destroyed by a storm.

the house is so damaged that it feels like it would crumble anytime.

"scout, check the house there seems to be somebody there and if you feel that one is evolving kill it immediately" the commander commanded to one of his scouts and although he knew that there is one that's evolving he still wants to check the cause of such a disturbing scream

the scout move on a fast pace passing each soldier that's close to each other he's like a fish swimming in a sea of soldiers, after he got out of the sea of soldiers he then ran towards the destroyed house and saw a teenager clutching his head while on his knees and screaming to the fullest and—although the scream did not stop, the soldiers and monsters also did not stop their pursuit of each other—the more the scout moves closer the more he felt like covering his ears cause of the loud scream.

By observing the teenager kneeling and screaming and concluding that he was evolving he slowly point his handgun on the teen.

But much to his surprise the screaming stopped as the teenager stand up but without raising his head.

The scout then tried to speak to the teenager but no response it slowly raised his head and look towards the scout, the scout saw black and white eyes.

The scout was at daze when he saw the eyes of the teenager but after a couple of seconds later he instantly got out of it, he saw the teenager move towards him— obviously, the teenager is Jay— the body of Jay has yet to recover by the constant surprises he experienced the same day.

And after the golden light shoots out towards his heart he suddenly felt that the pain around his body slightly less but after a second he then felt the pain again but a couple of times painful than the past experience.

And after a couple of minutes of suffering the pain was completely gone and he felt that he's body improved a little and he felt that his spirit also improved, he can now release a little bit of his domain without any problems or complications on his body.

As he moves towards the soldier he still has a little bit of the injury caused by the backlash from the domain. and also after the evolution, he was also craving for blood but he restrained his self when he saw the soldier was a human and not one of the Evos. From when he felt that he was bloodthirsty he promised that he will only kill one of the evos not the humans because although he was a prince on a kingdom not from this world he grew up with the people here on the world and also liked them.

After a couple of seconds, he then felt that there are many people and evos around him and felt his blood boil because he wanted to try his newfound strength and also tend the bloodthirst that's on his body.

As he moves closer to the soldier he saw that the soldier is ready to shot a bullet on him and put a little bit of pressure on to the soldier.

And after a couple of seconds, the soldier is already sweating caused by a bit of pressure from him and after about 5 seconds the soldier completely passed out Jay then looked towards the distance and saw the war between the army and the Evos.

Jay, After seeing such a sight can't hold back anymore and move towards the sea of humans and evos.

The commander saw the running Jay and also felt the pressure that's coming from him but before he can even command. The teenager was gone and only saw an afterimage of him he then heard a cry from the other side of the battlefield where the evos are

"GGRRRRAAAAAAGRHH!!!" The shout was loud and the whole battlefield was silent after the scream it was full of agony and despair

but before the battlefield can get out of the daze another cry can be heard and what shock the commander more was that the scream came from the other side of where the last one was.

this event occurred after he saw the teenager

running and turning into a blur, he tried to turn his head to the scream but then another scream can be heard and after just a few breaths ¼ of the evos was already dead the commander was awestruck by the turn of events because he thought that there will be no other options but to retreat and fight at the same time and by the time they reach the east gate there has to be at least half or even ⅓of their troops that are dead by that moment.

But this did not last long because he thought that the monster that attacked the evos will attack them when he was finished with them.

"Full retreat!!! lest take this chance to get out of here." Although he was grateful to the teenager he couldn't just watch as an opportunity presented itself he would like to thank the teenager but what is more important right now is to survive with his troops and his Son-and-law he would also like to see his daughter again.

Jay was satisfied with his performance and also the strength he displayed.

After the performance he saw the troops retreating and was delighted because he can put on a little more pressure to the Evos he did not do it when the soldiers are near because it will effect them too so he just control his domain and put a little tiny bit of it but now even though he can't fully produced the domain on it's full power he can at least take out one half of it.

The evos are by no means dumd they have at least a portion of consciousness left in them after they evolved and now that they felt the pressure coming from Jay they tried to run. After some time the evos now are half there number last time and are desperately trying to escape from the demon in front of them and at this time the soldiers have retreated already and got near the east gate there they saw the soldiers from the east gate and quickly made them selves known and also the friends of Jay are their alive and kicking

They are woried about Jay and Mckane especially Kim because they are friends with Jay and Mckane since they are children they have the same interest and grew up in the same environment and that's also why she did not left when the buses on the school are ready to head on the east city.

Kim has a special place for Mckane in her heart she has feelings for him she did not know why but she can feel comfortable and safe when Mckane is near her she felt sad to leave Mckane and Jay at that house but has no choice she can't persuade her body to move forward she felt guilty that she was to weak and has no courage to be with his friends.

She unconsciously shed silent tears for her best friends that day and promise to be strong and take revenge not just for his friends but for the whole human race.

After the whole day of killing the evos, Jay is now tired and is lying under a tree while watching the sun fall down and replaced by the full moon and as Jay closed his eyes he unconsciously activated his domain and can feel everything around him he was astonished by the ability and felt secured even when his as sleep be slowly closed his eyes and went to sleep

A couple of hours earlier when Jay is done dealing with the army and the evos he got back to the house where Mckane was lying with out any life on him and carried him on to a hill and buried him there and paid his respect he was devastated by the death of his closest friend and scream to his heart's content the animals and the evos that's roaming the area where the hill reside got startled and became terrified by the scream and mark the hill as one of the places they should not visit.

After he buried Mckane he found a tree which is the only tree on the hill and has many vitality on it the ability to see the life force or vitality of a being comes from his eyes and although he can activate it he don't know how to deactivate it he can only wait for his eyes to diminish and deactivate on it's own he sat down under the tree and can feel that his energy being replenish by just sitting under the tree he was happy to know that he can now access a more effective way to heal himself.

After a couple of hours of consolidating his strength he found out some abilities of his eyes the first one is that he can see the life force of a person the second one is that he can take the life force and make it his own and also that by activating his domain he can feel about 50 meters around him even a drop of a water can be seen and heard by Jay.

After meditating for quite awhile he opened his eyes and process the info that the old man has given him he memorize the meditation and the cultivation method he gave him and also process the info about his past life his brain is now more enhanced it grows alongside his soul and body so he can easily memorize everything he sees so you can say that he has photographic memory but more detailed.

back to current time

couple of hours has passed and Jay is now woken up by a scream he can hear it even if his domain can't reach the source of the scream he then stood up and ran towards the epicenter.

and saw a little girl suffering from the evolution process he under gone he then saw a young chubby teenager watching at a distance with a hungry expression he recognize the teenager as he ran towards him but before jay could get there he saw the teenager move towards the girl he quickly processed the situation and came up with a conclusion it just took him a second he was to happy to see Mckane and rushed to him but now he quickly move in front of the little girl and blocked Mckane from going further.

"so Mckane how will we solve this the easy way the hard way" Jay was confident on his strength so he has an easy going style by facing Mckane. He was shock to see another human in front of him the human in front of him just appeared out of no were but he was happy to have another meal.

Jay saw the evil grin on Mckane and put a Grin on his own and said "The hard way then" he then turned onto a blur and punch Mckane straight in the face this cause Mckane to propel backward into a boulder.

Jay then moved towards the boulder that have been destroyed by the crash he saw Mckane moving while puking blood all over and the became unconscious. he quickly carry Mckane and put him on the grass while watching the little girl stop screaming.

She then saw Jay and the unconscious Mckane on the side she has blue eyes which surprise Jay for a second because the old man told him about the Evos and there rank the old man said that you can base there rank on there Eyes which is From Red, Dark Red, Blue, Dark Blue, Gold, Dark Gold and White and black color which is like a Yin-Yang symbol.

He was shock by this like the Red colored which is basically give some powers physically but with out the intelligence of the one affected, while the Dark red color eyes gave the same powers as the Red but has Soul and little bit of consciousness and intelligence, while the blue colored evo has a soul power and physical strength and has atleast a 10 year old kid intelligence, while dark blue evos entirely focus on the soul strength leaving the physical part but it can still withstand some of the bullets it has also the same intelligence as a fifteen year old teenager, while the gold has the physical and soul powers equal to each other and also gain the same as the intelligence when the person evolved.

The Yin-Yang like symbol which is like Jay's has gain the rationality and everything the only change is his strength and some other abilities and Jay also known that the Yin-Yang color eyes has only two people that got it the king of the ' Evos ' and him throughout the whole universe it also amplify the soul by a great margin and the abilities of it was the Eyes which can be use to see the vitality of the living things and some other abilities which he can't activate it.

Back to the Girl

She was observing Jay standing there but after a couple of seconds she look towards a direction she seem to feel a familiar feeling coming from there she ran towards the direction leaving Jay and Mckane alone.

Jay saw the girl leave and didn't care he can also feel that there is a evos there but he's only concern is his friend here which is unconscious and has blood all over

+======To Be Continue======+



DragonPiercingcreators' thoughts