


After Jay passed out a soldier that has blood red eyes jump at the werewolf and killed it and after it had it prey it then turned its head towards the two bodies lying there unconscious it was Jay and Mckane while Jay is half dead and Mckane who was dead lying without an arm

but as the soldier with blood red eyes turn its head to Jay he could feel that something change in him as Jay slowly stand up with a black and white eyes

Black on the right while white on the left with a very pressuring aura coming from him

the soldier then fell on his knees and started to shiver and shaking uncontrollably it then felt fear by what he is experiencing just a look from Jay can suppress him and if ever Jay made a move he will be killed instantly

+=====Jay inside his head=====+

awhile back when Jay was unconscious and the soldier did not yet arrive

inside his head was a black void and Jay is floating inside it and with a strange fluctuation of energy inside that calm his mind from the pain he just experienced

feeling that it can help him improve on his mental health he furiously took in many of these energy and for unknown time he spend on the black void he enjoyed the energy which he called the 'soul and mental nourishing energy' it's because he found out that when he absorbed the energy he felt that he's mind became calm and his soul seems to be stronger even though he's not sure that it's he's soul.

He still believe it because he read many novels back when the world is still at peace and he usualy copy some meditation and read about soul power on the novels sometimes he even thought they are real and now that he has the proof he completely believed it.

After a long time hes inside his mind he contemplate of what he has done and with a clear mind he seem to gain some understanding on life and also destruction

and after he gain some of it a bright light then lit up inside the black void with it the black void crumbled and then Jay slowly open his eyes and he sees that there is a blood red eyed soldier infront of him and he also saw Mckane lying without life.

He was furious by what he is seeing and unconsciously release the aura that came from his soul the soldier then kneel infront of him although he also felt that he has a suppression or what he called a domain he cannot move when he uses it.

He's mind then quickly process the information and keep the domain although this also means that he will have a big toll on his body because he's body cannot take the pressure it self coming from his soul

after a minute the red blood eyed soldier finally cannot take it and pass out on his pool of sweat around his body

Jay also passed out because he could not take the toll that domain contain but this time after he passed out he did not encounter the black void

he saw a human silhouette but this man has no face and no skin just a black and empty human silhouette.

the man spoke to Jay

"These old servant greets the prince"

Jay was confuse because he did not remember anything about being a prince while Jay was shock the man continued to speak.

"prince this humble servant has followed you across the multiverse and guide you to your journey but these time I came late" the man said with a frown

Jay spoke "Please don't call me prince your not my servant I don't even know if I'm the prince you are looking for and also can I ask you a question ?"

"these old servant surely answer every question the prince will ask" the old man said with conviction

Jay just frown because the man still called himself 'servant' and Jay as 'prince' the man was stubborn and Jay cannot change that he also think that these old man really is loyal to there prince and kingdom of any sorts that he serve

After that Jay then question many things and also ask if there are cultivation world on other planet's and the old man confirm it Jay then ask if he can cultivate too but the old man said that in a environment like on earth he can't because the environment and the Qi is scarce after the old man explained the detail of the cause that he can't cultivate Jay then ask about why did the old man did not know that he was in here

"it is hard to reach a normal planet than a cultivation planet we cannot move directly into the planet because that would tear the space of the planet and completely destroy it" the old man replied to Jay

Jay then ask about some cultivation method to the old man and also about the soul, mind, and the body the old man answer the question immediately

"what the prince need now is to strengthen the body to build up the foundation and slowly but surely maintain it. These servant will give the gift that the king gave for the prince and these servant will also grant you three wishes" the old man then tapped the forehead of Jay

And Jay was flooded with information about the cultivation he has also known that even if the Qi here is scarce he can build up the body around with the help of the cultivation method.

the old man then handed him a black luxurious box

"these box will contain a gift that the king gave you my prince" the old man spoke

after that jay did not open the box yet because he knew that if he open it the old man will disappear and he will leave this space he has many questions to ask.

he then ask the old man what that things out side and those evos

"they invade the lower realms to gain some experience those outside are just mere low rank" the old man said jay was shock because those are just low rank but they are strong some can't even be penetrated by bullets

"they are also the problems of the middle realms and although they are parasites they also came with good fortune and because these planet is just on it's infant stage and they invaded it, these will have the qualifications to become a middle realm planet if the guys here are bright" the old man said

"so these will be like those cultivation realms ?" jay questioned with expectations

"yes and no,because these planet will have a genetic evolution unlike the other where the Qi and mana exist here they don't so these will be like those planets with high intellect" the old man said

"what is these mana and qi ?" jay questioned

"these are the component to strengthen the body,mind and also the soul" the old man said

"so the one that i absorbed are mana and qi because i think they help me upgrade my mind and although I'm not sure i think it also upgrade my soul perhaps, but how if the earth don't have mana and qi ?" he asked because of what happened inside the black void

"it's my life force that you absorbed my prince" the old man said with a smile

"what ?!? does that mean you will die if i absorbed to much ?!?" jay asked because he is worried if a man or woman died for his sake

"well i will gladly die just to serve the king and my prince" the man said on a tone with conviction

"you are to loyal" Jay said

"ok my prince seems like the time for you to leave this space has come i will grant you three wishes just call my name" the man said and handing a folded paper to jay

"what's this ?" Jay said looking at the man

"this will have my name written on it and also there are tree of this each one will contain my name and a message from the king and when used the unfolded paper will be burnt...you must only use this on a dire situation my prince remember that" the old man said

after that the old man sat and wave his hand to Jay and the space crumbled and Jay was back to reality

on the space Jay asked the old man many questions and also what his origins are but only the limited part because when Jay asked deeper into one topic especially when talking about the kingdom of where he was born the old man always answer "when the time comes my prince you will know" after the rejection he moved on to some topic about cultivation and how to nourish further his mind and soul when he is on earth and the old man told him by tapping his forehead and the info then started to flood to his mind and then about how to nourish his body to be equal to his soul and mind power and then the old man then tapped his forehead and so the info flooded his mind these process then repeat it self whenever Jay asked some questions about cultivation and the old man then talked about the essence or the laws when Jay asked about the time when he spend an unknown time inside the black void and only a minute pass on the outside world the old man said that it is time essence and then again tapped the forehead of Jay and passed on the knowledge.

and when Jay asked about why the old man was so adept to the things and seems to know everything the old man only replied "when the time comes my prince you will know" so Jay did not ask any further and he also asked about why he cannot return to the kingdom of his father and meet the king the old man just sigh and did not reply and although Jay was sad because he could not go and see his father he did not push the topic further.


after jay got back to reality he slowly sat down and sort the informations given by the old man

and he suddenly remembered that his friend Mckane is on his side and without life he then found a blanket and covered the body and prayed infront to have a rest and peace he promise that he will have a proper burial for him after he recovered from the fatigue

he then thought about the gift he has and then just after he thought about it a black box with a fancy design then appeared on top of his palm

he slowly opened the black box and with a golden glow every second, after Jay fully opened the black box he already closed his eyes just to prevent harm from the golden glow coming from the black box the whole room then glowed for a whole five seconds and slowly disappeared Jay then open his eyes and saw a ring inside and the box seems to have a compartment under the ring and also he found paper on the corner of the box

but before he can examined it he heard the sounds of gun shots comming from the south east and also heard some shouts just as he was about to stand up and watch the situation the ring then turned into a golden light and shot towards his heart Jay did not notice it until he can feel a pain coming from his heart and which it seems to be transforming him its tearing everything inside his body jay couldn't hold the pain and shout with all his heart

"AAAAAARGHHHH !!!!!" the shouts of jay can be heard and can be distinguished as one of the most horrifying shout out of all the shouts the soldiers heard