
Against the Gods with the power of heroes on my back

Reincarnated on the world of ATG with the inheritance of Heroic Spirits I will show everyone not to underestimate me. Well, as long as the Origin God doesn't screw with my life any more and, wait why I am the adopted son of this b*stard? Fuck, I hate this shit. A mix of Against the Gods with the Heroic Spirits of Nasuverse, there will also be characters from Kimetsu no Yaiba, it will be harem and the update schedule is unknown but I will try at least one for week

kingCH · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Junior Tournament (2)

3° Person's P.O.V.

The crowd was cheering at the end of the match, many were cursing under their breath when they saw Tiandi reaching out for Kanao after the match. The little interaction was not missed by the people in the crowd with the male disciples irritated at Tiandi for getting to be so close to such a cute girl while the female disciples wanted to go to Kanao and demand for her to back away from Tiandi. Not that this mood interfered with the high stands where the Sword Master was watching the fight with his eldest son.

"... He is not as good as you mentioned, father. I could have cut him in half at his age with only three moves at most." Xuanyuan Wendao said to his father.

"That is where you are right and wrong, my son. His progress in cultivation is slow, true enough, but only because he wishes it so. He has reached the Sword Great Master realm in the Origin Sword Technique in record time, no one who practiced this technique on the last 1000 years managed to reach that realm before the age of 20 and if he wanted he could already be at the Earth Profound realm with a perfectly stable foundation. He doesn't do that because he seems to want to understand more of each realm, a sentiment I can understand. Rushing forward could create problems in the long run, after all." Xuanyuan Wentian said simply.

Wendao snorted but accepted his father's words until he noticed that Tiandi was talking with the girl he just defeated.

"Well, maybe he just wants to be more like the rabble and that is why he is taking his time to advance in cultivation. Why else would he even speak with those from the divisions, they are the trash who is barelly hanging in our sect and this adopted brother of mine seems to want to interact with them."

Wentian said nothing, he did not really care either way if Tiandi had a good or bad relationship with someone from one of the divisions, but if he does then it should not be stopped. Only by experiencing emotions and the world can a user of that technique improve, if this interaction can further his cultivation then all the better.

He was about to continue watching when a messenger quietly appeared behind him.

"Sword master, we have found some clues about the likely location of the Yun clansmen who entered the continent. We believe they are in the Blue Wind Empire now." The messenger said and Wentian nodded before waving for the messenger to leave, but before he sent word to call for Ling Kun.

The father and son then waited with the father making plans, important plans for the future.


After the fight between Tiandi and Kanao the next fight took place.

It was the battle between Chu Seng from the genius camp and Tokita from the mist sword division. These divisions were places where a specific type of swordplay was practiced, almost like sub-sects really, but most of the time the stronger members of the younger generation of these divisions would be taken in by the genius camp that has better resources and teachers. It was honestly quite unique that of the eight participants of this tournament six of the eight members were from some of these divisions.

Chu Seng was well known amongst the genius camp and 14 already, this would be his final tournament on this division before he went to the seniors (15 to 20 years). He was in seclusion training the day before when Tiandi went to challenge the Genius Camp. He got furious when someone challenged the entire genius camp and managed to beat so many of its members and even gave back the resources that he won to the members of the camp.

Chu Seng considered this a humiliation as if Tiandi saw the genius camp he worked so hard to get in as little more than a sharpening tool to improve himself, looking down on the place. Thus, Chu Seng decided that he would face Tiandi this day and prove to Tiandi that the genius camp was not some tool to improve him.

Thus Chu Seng was excited about this next match, his opponent was someone from one of the divisions, they barely had any resources in comparison and they were known as weaker than those of the genius camp and had much fewer elders related to them. For him, this next match was in the bag and right after beating Tokita he would be able to face Tiandi in a 'destined match'.

As such he went up the stage brimming with fighting spirit, only to see his opponent. The boy in front of him was 12, he is a short young man of light complexion with long, straight hair of a dark black color that faded to pale turquoise the closer to his waist it extended. He wore it loose with two clumps protruding slightly from each side of his head, a set of marginally shorter hair left down to frame his face, and unruly bangs over his forehead. He also possessed large, empty-looking, mint-green eyes that looks distant constantly. He wears a black kimono with looser sleeves and no bands of cloth around his calves, which gives his uniform an overall loose and sizeable appearance. Overall, he looks way too relaxed for Chu Seng.

The judge gave the sign for both of them to get in position and while Chu Seng entered an iai position for a quick draw of his blade Tokito was only look up at the clouds with empty eyes as he looked dreamily above.

"... That cloud, what does it look like again?" Tokito said as he looked up, carrying more about a passing cloud than the fight he was about to get in.

Not a second later Chu Seng got furious, that Tokito, someone who in Chu Seng's head should be inferior, was in this ring then he should be focusing on his fight, not some fucking cloud in the sky.

"BEGIN!" The speaker proclaimed for the battle to start and Chu Seng didn't wait for a single instant, he was going to carve Tokito into tiny pieces in one move.

With his sword ready to strike his profound energy turned razor-sharp as he sent a powerful cut at Tokito, the vibration of the profound energy surrounding the blade was such that it should cut Tokito easily.

However, just as he was about to reach Tokito he disappeared like mist. Chu Seng lost sight of him for an instant and was about to turn to look when a piercing pain seared into his body as Tokito appeared behind him, sword drawn and stuck inside Chu Seng's side, not two centimeters away from Chu Seng's dantian.

Chu Seng wanted to cry out in pain but he was more worried about the fact that if Tokito wants he can cripple him with little to no effort. So, despite his hatred and humiliation, he basically spat out his next words.

"... I surrender."

The crowd cheered and comments about how awesome it was and how Tokito was misterious started to spread, bets about who wouldwin between Tokito and Tiandi were already starting.

As this happened, in the viewing area, Tiandi smiled slightly, but inside he was grinning excitedly. Just now what Tokito executed was a great demonstration of the misty steps, a profound movement technique that was found in one secret realm a long time ago just like the Origin Sword Technique and a few others. This secret realm is called Power Creation Realm, only the most external area of this realm was ever explored and it only opens every thousand years and only those on the Emperor Profound Realm or lower can enter, it was considered the most auspicious and incredible secret realm in the whole of Sky Spill Continent.

Anything obtained from it is exceedingly rare and a great fortune, but compatibility with any of them was hard and some of them were so rare in terms of usability that they became the core for the divisions instead of the Mighty Heavenly Sword Region's main cultivation technique. The mist steps are one such profound art, a movement type technique and it could make one extremely hard to reach in an attack, almost as if the person turns into mist.

Tiandi was excited at the prospect of facing someone like this, someone who he could fully challenge himself against. With some luck, Tokito would also know of the accompanying mist swordsmanship involved and complemented by the movement technique.

And then there was the next fight. The two competitors entered the ring and their reactions to this fight were widely different.

On one hand there was Inosuke Hashibara, he was wearing a face mask that was the head of a boar and was shirtless. His pants were black with the 'belt' being made of boar's fur. He was walking with two damaged swords and was excited about what he had just seen. He had grown up in a profound beast forest until about one and a half years ago, he was used to interacting with only animals and had a unique constitution that made him extremely flexible. He was taken in by a division master of the wind sword division, but when he learned of the wind sword style from there he didn't like it and proceeded to modify it to his own personal style of swordplay. Right now he was excited for seeing others his own age being, as he would say, almost as awesome as he is. Thus he wanted to go and challenge them right away but the 'old guy' who was his teacher (even if Inosuke considered him only as an old subordinate) told him to wait and do such a thing only after the tournament, that winning the tournament would also make him show off and make others come to challenge him. He liked the idea, like if he was popular.

On the other hand, there was Zenitsu. Zenitsu is a young man with fair skin and downward-sloped, scared-looking eyes that fade from soft brown to gold. He has short, yellow hair of varying lengths, cutting off squarely at the ends where it fades to a darker orange color, that falls in front of his face in uneven bangs. His choice of clothes consists of a dark brown gakuran jacket, a white belt around his waist and hakama pants that extend, as well as his signature white-triangle patterned, yellow and orange gradient haori. As well as this, Zenitsu also sports a pair of tabi socks, tied at the front in 3 white bows, with the same pattern as his haori, and white-laced footwear. He was being quite literally dragged to the stage by a small old man with a grim on his face.

"Granda, please stop that. Let me go back to the division, I don't want this. I will lose, I don't want to be hurt and cut down." Zenitsu yelled in pure distress and panic while his 'grandpa' continued to grin.

"My boy, you can fight this. You are not any weaker than any of them." The 'grandpa' said.

"Liar! Liar, liar, liar! They are all freaking strong. They would cut me to ribbons and I would definetly die in tiny pieces. I still have too much to live for, I didn't even hold a cute girl's hands yet! I want to go date, not train or fight!" Zenitsu yelled in pure distress and everyone watching looked at him in disgust. Well, Tiandi only smirked and talked very, very quietly.

"I can understand how he feels, I am not a masochist after all."

"SEE, EVEN HE GETS IT AND HE IS FREAKING STRONG!" Zenitsu yelled as he pointed right at Tiani who looked innocent and in doubt, even tilting his head innocently as if trying to say he does not understand what Zenitsu means.

Well, inside Tiandi was ranting and wanting to kick Zenitu's ass for trying to ruin his reputation, but that is beside the point.

"That is enough Zenitsu, you already are in the tournament and you will fight to win." The old man said.

"But grandpa, you are the one who put me in and I didn't want it at all. You just forced me into this, you are trying to get me killed!" Zenitsu wined.

The old man just sighed a bit before leaving Zenitsu there as the speaker said to get ready. Inosuke, entered a position to dash while Zenitsu looked panic-stricken and ready to bolt away.

"BEGIN!" The speaker announced and Inosuke dashed at Zenitsu who jumped to the side desperately while Inosuke passed by the place he just was, a veritable hurricane of swords as he passed by. Zenitsu got terrified, especially when Inosuke turned and glared at him.

"GHE!" Zenitsu said and passed out cold despite the situation, Inosuke looked at him and asked if the fight should even continue and the speaker said that he must make the opponent go out of bounds or pass out but that this situation still doesn't count. The speaker had been informed of Zenitsu's 'condition' so he had to let the fight continue.

Inosuke clearly didn't know of the actual situation and proceeded to kick Zenitsu out of the arena. When he was about to do that, however, a shiver went down his spine and he jumped back in weariness. A moment later Zenitsu jumped up from the ground, his eyes closed and he set himself in position for a strike.

"Thunder Style first technique: Thunderclap and Flash." As he said that current of electricity appeared around him as he flashed before Inosuke, almost cutting him in half. Inosuke avoided by just a little and retaliated with a strike of his own only for the blade to miss as Zenitsu kept dashing and changed directions in the last second, returning to attack Inosuke again. Inosuke, refusing to even think he might lose, dashed at Zenitsu advance with his swords poised to strike at Zenitsu in a trade of attacks.


Both hit one another and both were pushed back by the impact, Zenitsu woke up as he was injured with a large wound in his two shoulders while Inosuke received a single wound that was larger and more dangerous. He wanted to continue but the judge stopped him.

"Victory, Zenitsu!" The judge said loudly while sending doctors for both Zenitsu and Inosuke. He decided as such because Zenitsu's injuries, while serious, could be fought through without risk of immediate death. Inosuke's single cut, however, was deeper and longer. He could fight this way, sure enough, but the risk of him being crippled if he forced his energy around in this state was too big and depending on the movements even death might occur, thus he called off the match and gave the victory to Zenitsu.

Not that it seemed that Zenitsu has won as he whined about the pain and cried out for help and that he is 'dying' while Inosuke didn't give a flying fuck about the injury, claiming that it is just a small injury and that he only needs to spit in it and it should be fine, telling the judge to not get in his way to face strong enemies and that he wants to fight.

The crowd honestly didn't know what exactly to say as this happened and could only stare as the two were taken out of the ring.

Tiandi, by his part, was actually interested in both Zenitsu and Inosuke. Zenitsu's speed was highly interesting and he seemed funny to be around, having someone so 'excitable' to make squirm would be fun. As for Inosuke, he could well imagine how being around him would be interesting if only because of how he would be extremely likely to be endearing in his own way and his desire for strength could definetly help in finding some interesting places to visit and go.



I was way too inspired for my own good.

About the fights, I hope they are good and, in case of doubt, Tiandi is 13 years older than Yun Che. The escape of the Yun family back to their continent and the killing of Xiao Ying will happen soon. I hope it isn't too much of a shock, physical appearance wise Tiandi will not look much older than Yun Che at all, like if he is a 20 years old talking with someone of 18, there is a difference but it is minimal at best.

Also, there is something I must say. Don't expect there to be way too many characters from Fate in this fic, to summon someone from Fate it is necessary for Tiandi to not get an inheritance from the 'system' or completing special 'missions', one example would be passing the Phoenix trial perfectly and becoming it's successor and as bonus getting to summon someone like Karna or Arjuna for instance. Or killing someone on the Divine realm while not being in the Divine realm himself, and thus gaining someone like Scáthach as she is a God Slayer.

Those, however, are merely examples of possibilities and not sure things to happen.