
Against the Gods with the power of heroes on my back

Reincarnated on the world of ATG with the inheritance of Heroic Spirits I will show everyone not to underestimate me. Well, as long as the Origin God doesn't screw with my life any more and, wait why I am the adopted son of this b*stard? Fuck, I hate this shit. A mix of Against the Gods with the Heroic Spirits of Nasuverse, there will also be characters from Kimetsu no Yaiba, it will be harem and the update schedule is unknown but I will try at least one for week

kingCH · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Junior Tournament (1)

The next day I went my way to the tournament grounds. I had finished a full night of comprehension based on the sword moves of the previous day and had managed to have some understandings on the way the sword can incorporate the laws of water, earth, thunder, and other elements based on the previous day. It was nothing that amazing, but the fact I can understand how to mix the laws of nature into my swordplay is worth mentioning either way.

I still have a long way to go if I want to reach them, but it was a start nonetheless.

As I moved to the tournament grounds I noticed many of the disciples giving me a wide space, no one wanting to stay in my path. Fucking cowards who are afraid of either my backing or my talent. When I made my inscrition I noticed that there were only about eight names in the tournament lists.

"Excuse me, but why are there so few people in this tournament this time around?" I asked, there were tournaments like this every six months or so and they were normally quite lively with at least 60 or so people each time. For this time to have only 8 is surprising for sure.

"Isn't it because this time around there are some weirdos like you and that other weird guy in the tournament?" A loud voice said and I turned to see who just spoke.

The person was a bit older than me at 16 years old and was already a peak sky profound realm.

"If you ask me there aren't enough flamboyant people to flamboyantly face a good challenge. If they are to die at least this would be a good chance to do it in a flamboyant fashion! They are some drab-willed weakling, huh?" The person said before extending his hand to me. "My name is Tengen Usui, the most flamboyantly awesome guy of this place. Come see the 16 to 20 years old Tournament later if you can, I will show you a flamboyant and great show."

I take one good look at him before feeling an eyebrow twitch. The guy was huge in comparison to me. He is a tall muscular young man with white hairwearing a headwrap featuring a plate covered with jewels of various sizes. He wears a sleeveless version of the standard disciples uniform. He held a pair of connected swords on his back and his entire person seems to drag the attention of others to him.

Honestly speaking, I recognize the man. How not when he is clearly Tenden Uzui from Kimetsu no Yaiba. The Sound Pillar and a heck of a cool guy.

He is the type that put the lives of others above him, a nice guy through and through.

I guess I will go take a look at the senior division later today.

I then take a look at the prize for the competition and my first match as I was the last one to enter the tournament and the brackets were already out.

Prize: ownership of an elf female with the Congenital Poison Spiritual Body

First round:

Tiandi X Kanao

Tokita X Chu Seng

Inosuke X Zenitsu

Tanjiro X Chloe

As I look at the brackets my eyebrows twitch since I easily recognize at least 6 of the other names and two of them especially worried me. First was Tokita, if this is anything like Kimetsu no Yaiba in terms of talent and power then he would definitely not be ab easy fight, but still plenty interesting to me regardless. The greater problem was on the other one that worries me.

Kanao, she is a pretty one for sure and she is very cool as well but her personality, at least on the start, is absolutely obedient and that just knows how to follow instructions, not making any decision for herself. And she is talented, very much so. If she gets to be my fiancee instead of Chloe it would be MUCH more difficult for me. Chloe has a rebellious string that would definitely make sure that she would not necessarily spy on me and would not take most of the crap in this place lying down and would not denounce me when I start making my moves for revenge. Kanao, however, is the exact opposite.

Well, here is for hoping she will not be the one chosen for me. I really don't want to be screwed over like this.


Time passed, and the match between me and Kanao arrived at long last... at least to everyone else, me I just dreaded it for the reasons I've mentioned above. Even so, I do have to admit that fighting her will definitely help my sword skills improve, since she's been liable to have been one of the Demon Slaying Corps pillars back in Yaiba, and with the abundance of knowledge I got from Okada Izou I will certainly be able to analyze her style to see if she's any different from her original counterpart.

Right now, the two of us stood on opposite sides of a rectangular platform, and for reference think of the one used for the tournament in My Hero Academia, eyeing each other intently. I myself already had a grip on my sword, ready to draw it the exact millisecond that my future opponent shows any signs of aggression. Meanwhile, Kanao on the opposite side just stood there as still as a doll, which did NOT help my internal fears for her future. Just her standing there threatened to prove them true and f she did turn out to be my fiance, then I'll be in big trouble.

Soon, however, the voice of the announcer who stood FAR from the main stage, a smart move, in my opinion, resonated through the area which silenced the massive crowd. "Ladies and gentlemen. the first round of Kanao and Tiandi will now commence! I'm expecting an exciting match between these two prodigies, aren't the rest of you all feeling the same?!" Mad cheers erupted from the crowds, each of them eagerly awaiting the potential show which could lay itself out before them. I don't blame them, considering who this was I doubt that this show will be anything related to boring for them.

Well, the most obvious thing about her that I need to watch out for is her superhuman eyesight, as in Kanao possessed extremely sharp eyesight in the series which resulted in her being able to accurately predict her opponent's next attack and movements by simply observing the subtle shifts of their muscles, joints and the slight movements of their eyes. This allowed her to make effective counterattacks and dodges and stay ahead of her opponents. The Upper Moon Two, Doma, comments on this feat and remarks that due to this skill, Kanao may be more skilled than Shinobu.

Her breathe style, as I recall, was called 'breath of the flower', a breath style derived from the 'Breath of Water', taught by Kanae Kocho, the former Flower Pillar of the Demon Slayer Corps. Her sword skills were then further developed by Shinobu Kocho, the current Insect Pillar of the Demon Slayer Corps. She had a series of moves which had been documented on the wiki for viewers, but as of the Manga from where I remember it being at, not all of them were known, which is a big minus for me bud.


As soon as I hear that I'm in my fighting stance, with Kanao monotonously doing the same. For a moment, neither of us makes a move, with our eyes never breaking away from one another, all the while we are anticipating when each other is going to strike, analyzing even the most minute differences in our posture and movements.

Now, if I were to describe the way of the sword as I understand it right now, then I'd like to think of fighting as a certain form of conversation. The quiver of a sword tip, the direction of the eyes, the positioning of the feet; every tiny detail has meaning, and to read that meaning and respond appropriately is what fighting with the sword is about, that is what purely sword fighting is all about. The power to read meaning from the smallest of actions, and the power to provide a better response. It would not be an exaggeration to say that these two are the biggest strengths when it comes to fighting normally.

Beyond them is the intent of the sword. I haven't really advanced much on that, but what little I could grasp is still intoxicating. Intent is similar to the capacity of imposing your desire on your surroundings and in yourself. For instance, if I swing my sword with the intent of cutting a steel plate and my visualization of it is strong enough than the steel plate should be cut, and if my intent is to not be able to cut a sheet of paper than even if my sword is the sharpest in the universe then it would not be able to cut a simple sheet of paper. My swordsmanship is focused on intent, the more I increase in ranks of the Origin Sword Technique the stronger it should get until there is literally nothing I cannot cut with it. In later stages, I will be able to use my intent to control the laws of nature itself and perhaps even be able to cut the karmic bonds between people and destiny.

And that's why fighting is the purest of conversations for me. By fighting you can understand the opponent fully. The higher one understanding is, the further they can read and respond, and then read the other's response and respond to that, continuing the conversation in that manner.

And, as I look at Kanao, it pisses me off. It really, really pisses me off.

From what little I can understand of her before we fight I can tell, she really is similar to a broken doll. She doesn't have a single iota of her own intent, she is merely copying the intent of others. Putting the desire and thoughts of others before her own, seeing someone this empty fighting with a sword pisses me off. And, at the same time, saddens me. If I could I would rather not fight her now, I would rather just talk to her and see if I can help her recover at least a tiny bit of her own persona.

Fuck this, I can't talk to her normally right now, but let's see if I can at least try and force out some of her own freaking intent, her heart, to the forefront properly.


Hearing the announcer, neither of us paid any attention to him. For a while, we converse while simply looking at each other. In that way, we gradually get to know the other. She is the type to fight from a distance, and I'm the type who changes fighting style according to my opponent. I am definitely not the type to only go with overwhelming the opponent every time.

Even though it is fun.

And so I wait, wait for her.

I offer her the first move.

The next instant, I jerk my foot back.

To follow up that instant, Kanao's sword instantly shot forwards, her form appearing before him as if she were a mirage. It may have looked like there was a thrust going to my throat, however, I refuse to let that illusion fool me, and as a result, I pivot around a horizontal slash from my right side to end up behind her. I quickly go for a beheading, allowing me to get the win early, only for her sword to be moved so it pointed down over her back in a diagonal angle, blocking my strike as she twisted around, throwing both out swords to the side and then bringing it up for a diagonal slash. However, I had already anticipated something like this and quickly made an overhead swinging motion similar to a swashbuckling, sending up parrying her strike and launching a side kick towards her stomach to try and knock her out of the ring. Just like me though, Kanao seems to have seen this with her broken as fuck eyesight and vanishes, letting me kick air only.

'Oh no, you don't!'

Not letting her get the first blow on me, I pull my leg back in time to see her sword just barely miss it, the damn girl having nearly bisected it with a downward horizontal slash. Placing my foot behind my other one, I jump forwards after putting pressure on my opposite one, going for a slash towards her upper arm in an attempt to try and pay her back for almost cutting my leg off. Unfortunately, her reflexes did not get neglected in this world as she raised her sword for a reverse upward slash, our two blades ending up colliding like two heavy boulders slamming into one another.

This remains so for a few seconds, before I slam both feet into the ground and use the resulting impact force to push Kanao back, and whilst she is temporary off-balance I quickly jump towards her. At this point, I'm facing her back as she falls towards the ground face first, so I try to cut her in half at the waist via a cross slash, two slashes at the same time with one being vertical and the other being horizontal. Before my strikes connect though, Kanao flips herself so she lands in a crouch position facing me, using the bottom of her sword to block one slash whilst the crossguard of her Kanata blocks the second, completely nullifying my attack.

'Shit, she's good!'

"... Fourth Form..."


In that one moment, it feels like all time has halted, as for the first time in this whole battle I hear her voice. The moment I did, I got a quick understanding of how someone like Tanjiro would have fallen for her, since her voice felt practically bewitching to me. Once she grew into an adult woman, I don't doubt she'll be pursued by whole HORDES of men wanting her hand in marriage. or a dual cultivation partner. Not that it works on me, those who practice the Origin Sword Style have stronger willpower and Dao hearts than others by many levels over. However, those unnecessary thoughts and considerations only existed in my mind for a brief second, before they vanished as I try to get away from Kanao's blade...



… Sadly, I don't get out unscathed, as the technique she launches, the fourth form of her flower style, strikes at me much faster than I had expected, allowing her to get the first blow against me in the form of a twisting slash over my right shoulder. Fortunately, I'd been able to jump back so the wound wasn't that deep, but the first blow officially went to her in this fight. Sliding across the ground after clearing a good amount of distance between them, I quickly gauge the severity of my wound, finding it to not impair my sword swinging very much, to my relief, before I grip my Sword once more.

I must force out her own intent, put her in pressure, and for that, I need to take some risks. Fuck, I would rather not go like that but I can't really do much else. Intent is not something infinite and I would rather keep as much energy in store for the later to fights, but beggars can't be choosers.

Darting towards her faster than before I begin using my profound strength, I use short bursts of profound energy in my feet to accelerate, my body like a sword drawn. I move towards her and my sword this time is covered with the intent to cut her sword, she tries to avoid it but even when our two blades merely glaze at one another the impact is transmitted to her. This way I start to pressure her more and more, strike at her more and more, as I pressure her I continue to try and force her to wake the fuck up and put her own heart into countering me or at least defending herself.

We keep this up, my strikes covering more and more ground while she could not counter me that well since she was being overwhelmed. Come on, show some sign that there is still something in there that can be called human.

"... kya..." She says a very weak war cry and her sword manages to counter mine and gives a cut to my face. The cut is very weak but I can sense some small intent to defeat me in it. I smile seeing this, she finally seems to have awoken at least a little bit. Let's see if I can do some mo-

"Fight ends, the winner is Wentian Chao Tiandi." The announcer says and it is only now that I noticed that she stepped out of the bunds of the ring.

Well, shit.

She notices this as well, puts on a fucking weak and fake as shit smile before giving me a slight bowl and turns to leave.


"Hey, Kanao, right?" I ask as I hold her hand as she was leaving. She turns and looks at me.

She doesn't say a thing.

"Well, I was wondering if we could do this again sometime? I would like to spar with you some more, what do you say?" I ask her, in part because I feel that someone like her needs to be pushed more before she can begin any degree of recovery, and in part because she really is amazing. Her swordsmanship is extremely delicate but strong and I would love to fight with her more, I feel that we can help one another improve.

She takes out a coin and flips it. I can only look at it as it falls and she looks at the result.

"... No." She says and a twitch appears in my eye.

"Then try again." I said and she shakes her head before pulling away and leaving.

Sigh, I guess I can just go and see her again anyway, if I keep making her flip the coin a lot more at some point she will have to spar with me again eventually.

... Since when do I care so much about helping others? Freaking hell this is my Amakusa showing up, isn't it? Fucking brilliant, and now what? I will be compelled to help others or some shit? Well, at least I would be better than those pieces of piss shit abortion failures with faces that a mother must have left fall face first in the crib and got brain damage to be that stupid I have to call elders I suppose. Still sucks though.


3° Person P.O.V.

"Big sister Kanae, is this why you wanted to put Kanao into the tournament?" Shinobu asked her sister as the two had just finished watching the disciple of their division being defeated in this junior tournament. Shinobu wasn't really pleased, their division was female only and was on the weaker side amongst all the divisions in the Mightly Heavenly Sword Region, Kanae and Shinobu were the only elders they had and most other divisions looked down on their's flower division. Kanao was the biggest genius they had managed to develop after a lot of time, but her lack of personality was a problem.

Kanae looked at the stage with a gentle smile before speaking.

"Not at all, I just thought 'maybe something like a fated meeting can work, or something'. Who knows really?" Kanae spoke.

"Big sister, can you try and not play around like that? This tournament can kill someone, you shouldn't act so carefree like that with Kanao." Shinobu said.

"Don't worry, don't worry. If I had felt this would become that dangerous I would have stopped it, besides." Kanae looked at Tiandi moving back to the waiting area, she had understood everything that went through the head of Tiandi and Kanao thanks to her eyesight that was the strongest in the sect. Kanae gave a small smile at what she saw before speaking up, especially at the tiny and very weak pink color that appeared for a second in Kanao's face. "Wouldn't you say this is a good thing for Kanao too? A chance for making a true friend I mean."



Chapter length of 3,5K. It is freaking long.

Yes, I used characters from Kimetsu no Yaiba. Now, before anyone gets irritated with me, I need to explain somethings. First, there are, like, just a very small handful of people in this sect we know off and most of them are elders or too strong. I wanted Tiandi to make at least a few friendships and create his own group, but making them only of Fate characters would cut too much on the inheritances he can obtain.

Besides, this tournament would have only Chloe as an actual enemy if I did that and that would really just make this whole tournament useless since everyone else would just be extras.

I am also thinking of some other interesting things I can use these characters from Kimetsu for, it should be quite good overall. I won't say much, just that there are the king Realms of the Star Gods and Moon Gods and that they exist because of an inheritance. Also, what was the name for the original breath in Kimetsu again?

... If you can connect the dots, good for you. If not, then just keep reading and hopefully enjoying the show.

I don't think I will write all fights, but I hope you all will like what I did for this chapter and tell me if I should explore this possibility more or just make this something of a cameo chapter.

Oh, and should I add Kanao to the harem, yes or no?

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