
Against The Devil

"If you were the devil... What would you do?" "If... If I were the prince of darkness, I would..." ---- This is the story of two boys from two different families- A Wayne and A Morningstar. Born in two different worlds that are at war with each other, the two boys, Andrew Wayne and Silver Morningstar, are born in rich and powerful families. Born in a rich and powerful family should only be filled with a life full of comfort and riches. But what if the devil sets his eyes on these two families? What if the prince of darkness decides to use these two families as chess pieces? What would become of the Waynes and the Morningstars? And what of the fates of Andrew and Silver? Can they overcome the devil? Or would both or one of them become the devil? ----- P.S: I got the cover art from Pinterest

Anon22 · Fantasy
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60 Chs

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[Ten Minutes Ago]

While Gabriel, Nathaniel, and Sebastian were having their conversation, others also had their conversations. For example, the four wives of the crown prince, Silas Morningstar.

"It's really surprising and shocking that you would allow your only son to undergo his rite of passage at such a young age. Have you finally decided to get rid of your embarrassment?"

Isabella Morningstar, a woman of striking beauty with long, flowing chestnut hair and hazel eyes remarked with a tone filled with immense sarcasm and scorn as she glanced at Silver with a disgusted expression.

Her gaze shifted, and in her eyes was the reflection of Eleanor Morningstar, Silver's mother.

Eleanor was an extremely beautiful and stunning woman with long, flowing silver hair and amethyst eyes. If one compared Eleanor and Isabella's beauty, most if not all would definitely agree that Eleanor was more beautiful than Isabella.

Isabella knew this, and it was one of the reasons she disliked Eleanor, with the main reason being that Eleanor was not a Spartan.

"If you really love your son, shouldn't you stop your son from attempting his rite of passage? I heard that he said he was going to bring a savage beast from his rite of passage in front of the nine family heads."

Isabella grinned maliciously, and with a derisive chuckle, she continued her words,

"Not only is your son a pathetic trash, he's also a fool. If he fails to bring back a savage beast after declaring it in front of the nine family heads, you should know that he would lose most if not all of their respect."

"And that would damage his chances of getting the throne in the future… Not like he had any chance to get the throne anyway."

Isabella chuckled maliciously, but in the next moment, a calm voice flowed into her ears and also the ears of the remaining women.

"I heard that you failed to breakthrough despite having gotten all the ingredients for your next ascension. Who knows if you'll live long enough to see your son become king…"

Eleanor turned towards Isabella and smiled warmly with a concerned gaze.

"... Though, that is if your son has the chance of becoming king."

Isabella's gaze became cold the instant she heard Eleanor's seemingly harmless words.

"I could have your head for your words outsider." Isabella coldy said, and Eleanor smiled brightly.

"Are you sure you have such authority? Last I remember, it has been a while since Silas made love to you. As for me…"

Eleanor giggled, and Isabella's eyes were immediately filled with rage and killing intent.


Just as Isabella was about to lash out, two hands separated the two women, and a chuckle flowed into their ears as an extremely beautiful woman with sapphire blue eyes, and flowing blonde hair appeared in between them with a smile.

"Why are you guys always fighting? This is a special occasion for Sparta, you guys should at least behave like your ages and not like kids."

Eleanor and Isabella turned to look at Sophia with different gazes. Eleanor flashed a harmless smile at Sophia, meanwhile, Isabella had a threatening glare.

As for Sophia, her 

"Sophia is right. You're all just embarrassing yourselves as future queens of Sparta. What do you think the nobles and commoners would think of us if they see behaving as children?"

A different voice, containing pride, indifference, and even a tinge of contempt flowed into the ears of Eleanor, Isabella, and Sophia. They all turned to look at her.

"You rarely speak Helena. This is a surprise." 

Isabella said, and Helena who had spoken without giving the three women a glance, glanced at Isabella with her emerald green eyes containing complete indifference. She looked away without saying a word.

Isabella's eyes narrowed with a cold smile.

"I'm curious Helena. What do you think of Silver? Do you think he should be taking his rite of passage at such a young age?"

Isabella asked while giving Eleanor a smile. Eleanor returned a harmless smile.

"...Since Silas recommend it, then that means he has a chance of succeeding his rite of passage."

Isabella raised her brows in contempt. That was the type of answer she expected of Helena.

'Silas number one dog. No matter what Silas does, she'll always approve of it.' Isabella thought with a disdainful gaze.

"But what of his absurd vow to bring back a savage beast from his rite of passage? What do you think of it?"

Isabella said, and a chuckle instantly flowed into all their ears.

"My dear Isabella, my son did not make a vow. Didn't you go to school? You should know what a vow is."

Isabella froze, and a second later, she turned to look at Eleanor with a stunned expression.

Just when it seemed like all hell was going to break loose, Sophia quickly exclaimed,

"Ah. Silver is already going to meet the king."

Isabella subsconsciously turned, and Eleanor was the same.

"Useless and talentless trash." Isabella muttered loudly, and then she gave Eleanor a gaze filled with hidden contempt and malicious intent.

Eleanor glanced at her with a harmless smile, and then shifted her gaze to her son with a loving smile.

"I believe in you son." She muttered underneath her breath.

Helena glanced at her for a second, and then she shifted her attention towards Silver.

"Eleanor." Sophia called out, and Eleanor looked at her.


"Silver is going to choose the second rite of passage right?" Sophia asked while looking at Silver with a light smile.

"Isn't it obvious? That talentless trash would definitely not choose to take the third rite of passage. If he had the Scironides bloodline in him then it would be a different case."

Isabella scoffed while giving Sophia a gaze filled with contempt.

"Well, like our uneducated sister said, Silver is going to choose the second rite of passage."


Just as Isabella was about to lose control of herself and attack Eleanor once and for all, the king, Abel Morningstar spoke.

"Silver Morningstar, what rite of passage do you wish to undergo?"

"I choose to undergo all three rite of passages."

Eleanor's smile slowly vanished, and her eyes widened to the extreme.

Unedited chapter.

Sorry for the really late chapter. There was no light at my place for the past two days and some other things happened, so it was not easy for me to write.

Also, I've decided not to write the a chapter about the third group I was planning on writing before. I was planning on making the next chapter about the reactions of the nine family heads.

But, since I've introduced them before, and we know a little bit about some of their characters. I've decided not to write about it now and write about it later so that the story can move forward.

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