

Gerald rummaging through the debris and finally found what he was looking for, Gerald's previous bag. He tried to retrieve it but squeezed by the wooden foundation of the ruined inn.

'Hmm, it seems like it takes some time to pick up the bag, well I still have enough time before the afternoon'

When he wants to take a tool to retrieve the bag. Instinctively he ducked and rolled to his right. Looking behind, he saw a demonic beast originating from a wolf.

'If I do not smell blood coming closer and have my fighting instinct from my previous life, I must be dead by now'

Ordinary people may panic in fear and can not move in this same situation. A two-meter-high gray wolf, even taller than Gerald's, he saw the wolf open its mouth with a sharp fang and saliva dripping at its end.

But Gerald remains calm thanks to his previous life experiences, he often fights demonic wolf and some other demonic beasts. In his previous life, he was an experienced swordsman and the only prince of his generation who was honed by the real battlefield.

Gerald watched the demonic wolf to determine the next step, fight or run. He sees one of the demonic wolf's legs bleeding and limping, look like his leg bone is broken. In the surface body of the demonic wolf, there also are many injuries from a collapsing building.

He then assessed the state of his body, the wound was perfectly closed. Gerald's strength and stamina of a quarter of his previous body, more or less, it was actually quite high considering that Gerald had previously been a fairly well-trained man. He currently has his sword, also the village is surrounded by trees and other obstacles that benefit him.

'The chances of winning are seventy percent and the possibility to escape over ninety percent, fight'

Gerald's eyes glinted showed he gets serious, he holds his sword and forms a fighting position, demonic wolf grinning when seeing this little guy dare to fight him.

Gerald ran toward the demonic wolf at full speed while avoiding the claws from the demonic wolf. As he drew closer, he steps to his right and slashed the back foot of the wolf which already wounded, making sure one of the wolf's legs could no longer be used.

Demonic beast originating from a wolf is known for his drastic increase in speed, in a single slash, Gerald eliminated the advantage of his enemy and make their battle condition favorable towards him.

But without a sign, the wolf's tail swung and attacked Gerald, he was forced to withstand all impact with his sword and make him thrown backward.


Unlucky for him, he fell on a mixture of stones and sharp wooden from building material causing deep cuts on his back, he almost spews out the meat he'd eaten this morning.

'What? when I fought demonic wolf in my next life, I never faced a demonic wolf who used a tail as a weapon'

Demonic wolf angry howl sounded beyond the woods, feeling tremendous pain in his feet. His eyes flushed to see where Gerald threw, the wolf ran toward Gerald wanted to tear him apart.

Seeing demonic wolf running with a limp at him, Gerald got up and walked up to a pile of rubble high enough while grabbing some dust and gravel in his left hand,

When he feels the demonic wolf is close enough, he throws dust and gravel towards the wolf's eyes.

Reflexively, the wolf stopped when his eyes hit with pebbles and dust, Gerald, who saw this opening, immediately picked up a piece of wood and jumped toward his enemy.

He slashed the wolf right in his nose and thrust the piece of wood into one wolf's eyes. Gerald betting he can land on the demonic wolf back, and it pays.

Without wasting this opportunity, he stabbed the demonic wolf's neck many times ignoring furious demonic wolf howls.

The demonic wolf who was already weak with blood loss and could not breathe finally fell to death with Gerald still on his back covered by blood. Finally, Gerald could breathe a sigh of relief until he realized the wound was quite severe on his back.

Without looking for shelter he meditated on the wolf's body after cleansing the wound from pebbles and wood chips. He felt the speed of healing faster than usual, about an hour he meditated and his wound becomes quite harmless for him to move.

When he wanted to move to retrieve Gerald's previous bag,

he felt pain all over his muscles. He felt like all his organs were entered by water and could not breathe. But after a while, the feeling subsided.

'This is impossible, I'm sure before this body has not reached the limit'

He was very familiar with the feeling in his previous life. This is what he feels when he succeeds in breaking the body limit and strengthening the body's ability by force using magical power. Though this feeling is less painful than it was before it is still an improvement.

'But how is this possible?'

Gerald racked his brain, not long after he had suspicions, he stood up and tried to punch, run, swing his sword and some other things.

'I guessed right, that breakthrough just increased my speed'

Gerald smiled for a moment, then he could not help but laugh with the blood covered his body. Like a super-villain who managed to implement his master plan.

"Hahahahaha ..."

Aware of his inappropriate behavior, Gerald falls silent and only grinned. Feeling happy mixed with shame.

'Luckily there is no one around me'

With a happy mood, Gerald took the bag back between the ruins while humming,

How could he not be happy, the feeling is only a few times he experienced in his previous life. But if his assumption is true then in the future, he will often feel it, breaking through his body boundaries continuously like drinking water. Which swordsman does not like to see the possibility of being stronger than ever?

When he finished removing the ruins of the building, he managed to retrieve Gerald's bag.

He opened and looked at the contents, it containing several notebooks, scrap paper, navigation tools, medicine, spices, self-defense weapons, a bag of money and a map.

He remembers a part of Alice's story yesterday, when Alice asks him to see what her brother writes at his notes at night, her brother says this book contains adult affairs and he will only show the contents of the book when he feels Alice is big enough.

Gerald opened the sheets one by one, each sheet he read making his face even more serious. Then he opened the map and noticed that the map was marked at several points and linked with some line, there were several notes at each point referring to his notebook.

Gerald was convinced that this was the most serious face he had ever had in his life. Which is only three days, does not sound convincing, but still.

Gerald took a deep breath, closed the book and put it all in the bag. After collecting all the items he got from scratching the ruins, he prepared to go back to Alice's place.

Today Gerald has an emotional roller coaster, it's time to end the day and return to his sister.

'Seriously Gerald, who in the actual hell are you'