
Either that or ...

"Alice, I put the things I found in the village, can you organize it?"

"Oh welcome brother, waaaaaaa,"

Alice who was trying to learn to make a stone knife and a simple trap run out of the cave once she heard Gerald's voice coming. She was surprised to see Gerald's covered in red and smell faint blood odor.

"What happened brother, why there is blood all over your body, why there is a new injury in your back. Are you fine, brother? wait for a minute, I will find a bandage,"

Alice's voice came out like an automatic rifle, she was anxious something happens to Gerald and wanted to take good care of him. Gerald just chuckled at her behavior, he had not been worried or get this much attention by his sister for a long time.

"Stay calm Alice, I'm just fighting demonic wolf who has been wounded, and this is all his blood, besides the wound on my back is not that bad. Look, I bring the wolf meat that can be eaten,"

After patting his back, Gerald showed the demonic wolf meat he had killed.


Alice watched Gerald's face carefully as she made a strange sound from her mouth, not seeing a lie in Gerald's face. She does not know how to deal with this brother, usually she needs to pester her brother constantly until he tells the truth then she just scolds while nursing him.

"It's enough excuse, you need to bathe in the river, bloody smelly brother, hmph"

"Aye aye, captain,"

Gerald nodded and immediately ran to the river, he also felt uncomfortable with his body felt sticky with demonic wolf blood. Before heading back he had tried to wipe the blood with a piece of cloth he found but the blood cannot disappear completely.

Gerald soaked in the river while washing his body several times, almost all the sticky blood in his body was already carried by the current but still a faint smell of blood.

"Well, it looks like tomorrow morning I have to find some plants to get rid of this odor'

Gerald closed his eyes and thought about what had happened today that affected their future. The first is Alice's desire to teach her about the necessary skills in life, the contents of Gerald's previous notebook, and then about the breakthrough he experienced after fighting the demonic wolf.

For the first one, it was clear he would teach Alice as best as he could. Perhaps the previous Gerald wanted to protect from this world ugly face, bearing all their problems and he respected his perseverance in protecting Alice, but Alice herself wished to see it, the world her brother had seen before.

Gerald himself agrees with it, a bad truth still better than a wonderful lie, if only he learned faster about Timothy's actions and plans, he might somehow fix it.

For the second matter, about the notebook. He better talking about it with Alice, he thought Alice also preferred to learn about it. He does not want to hide things from Alice, it's enough to lie between siblings in his past life.

As for the last problem. Well, this can not be said as a problem, it is more accurately described as a blessing rather than an issue. His speed increase after he defeated a demonic wolf.

If sorted by timeline, then it is more or less like this, he fights against a demonic wolf who left alone by his pack, fights with him and suffers major injuries, to heal himself he immediately performs his meditation, he experiences breakthrough and his speed increased.

As known, this meditation technique is passed down through generations to the eldest child of the Wimbledon family. So he often sees reports of the experience of meditation and improvement by each Generation of previous generations eldest son of Wimbledon family.

Why only passed to the oldest child? many generations before has tried to teach talented younger prince and also the most loyal and talented knights, but nobody has improved except the Wimbledon family's oldest son.

Every generation has a unique way of using that meditation and improving its effectiveness, meditation under the full moonlight can slightly strengthen the fighting instinct, meditation under the waterfall can slightly strengthen the skin and many other notes by previous generations there is even one generation note that report he can use meditation while fighting which he is still not up to that level.

But from that many notes, he learned no generation report the same experience he had at this time. The difference he can find with all the records is that most of the previous generations were just fighting against other humans and the one fighting against the demonic beast no one immediately performed meditation after successfully killing the demonic beast.

It is quite a natural mindset if they know that usually the demonic beast moves in a horde, and the blood of the demonic beast they kill has the possibility of attracting other demonic beasts. After winning they simply take the necessary part of the demonic beast and leave immediately.

Even if they get hurt, with their position as the first prince there is always a knight around him that will take him to a safe place to be treated.

Gerald temporarily hypothesized that the breakthrough he experienced was due to his meditation near the demonic beast after successfully killing him.

Generally, the demonic beast is a mutation of the common animal, the animal absorbs the magical power of nature and converts it into a new type of energy that enhances their ability, each demonic beast has a different specialty.

Some demonic beasts have been studied by the Graycastle kingdom biologist and have been confirmed what kind of specialty demonic beast got as stronger, more resistant, faster attacks, increased bone strength, and several other variations.

Some studies have also shown that a few minutes after their death, the demonic beast body weakened gradually several minutes after their death, presumably due to a partial discharge of energy in the demonic beast.

The research poorly got attention by politicians because it was useless in the face of demonic beast attacks.

But if all the facts combined, he can safely assume that when he meditated above demonic wolf, other than the magical power he also absorbs the energy seepage of demonic wolf specialization and increasing his speed.

'Well, either that or Gerald's body has a special body constitution'


Gerald, who had finished bathing in the river, returned and watched Alice in the front of cave still organizing the things he got in the village, he also saw wolves meat being dried in the sun with a thin cut.

'Oh, she already tried to preserve meat from the lesson this morning'

Gerald saw Alice's pace of learning, feeling proud of himself. Like a father saw his son walk the first time.

After helping and teaching Alice how to organize things, they ate together again, this time Alice talk quite a lot, telling him about her failures while trying to make tools and traps angrily.

Gerald listened with a chuckle, listening to some of Alice's stupid behavior while trying to catch an animal.

The more Gerald chuckles the more Alice tells angrily as when she tells how a squirrel troop is chasing her.

Hours passed and the sun already set, they just spent with small talk together after they finished eating.

They put inside the washed equipment and also the wolf meat slices that had been dried into the cave.

As the sun sets they prepare to sleep in the cave. Before they slept Gerald opened his mouth talking

"Alice, tomorrow we need to talk about Gerald's notes."